Daftar Kanselir Federal Swiss
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Berikut merupakan daftar Kanselir Federal Swiss:
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sunting- Hans-Urs Willi. "The Chancellor: a few historical highlights on the developement of ther person and the office from ancient times to the Middle Ages and the Zenden Republic of Valais Diarsipkan 2011-05-20 di Wayback Machine.". In Klaus, Michel (editor): Quelle chance pour nos institutions? Mélanges offerts à Monsieur François Couchepin, chancelier de la Confédération à l'occasion de son 60e anniversaire / Festschrift für Bundeskanzler François Couchepin zum 60. Geburtstag. Schlieren 1995. Translated by Paul Suffrin and Elsbeth Hagan.
Pranala luar
sunting- Official web site of the Federal Chancellery Diarsipkan 2015-09-06 di Wayback Machine.
- A Walk through the History of the Federal Chancellery, in German, French and Italian, on the web site of the Federal Chancellery