Kerajaan Polandia (1385-1569): Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox former country
| native_name = ''Królestwo Polskie'' <small>([[Bahasa Polandia|pl]])</small><br />''Regnum Poloniae'' <small>([[Bahasa Latin|la]])
| conventional_long_name = Kerajaan Polandia
| common_name = Polandia
| continent = Eropa
|region region = Eropa Timur
| country = Polandia
| era = [[Abad pertengahan]]
|status status = [[Monarki herediter]]
| status_text = <!--- A free text to describe status the top of the infobox. Use sparingly. --->
|empire empire = <!--- The empire or country to which the entity was in a state of dependency --->
| government_type = <!--- To generate categories: "Monarchy", "Republic", etc. to generate categories --->
<!--- Rise and fall, events, years and dates --->
<!-- only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration"-->| year_start = 1385
|year_start year_end = 13851569
| year_exile_start = <!--- Year of start of exile (if dealing with exiled government - status="Exile") --->
|year_end = 1569
|year_exile_start year_exile_end = <!--- Year of startend of exile (ifleave dealingblank withif exiledstill governmentin - status="Exile"exile) --->
|religion event_start = [[KatolikUni RomaKrewo]]
|year_exile_end = <!--- Year of end of exile (leave blank if still in exile) --->
|event_start date_start = [[Uni14 Krewo]]Agustus
|date_start event_end = 14[[Uni Lublin|Bersatu dengan AgustusLithuania]]
|event_end date_end = [[Uni Lublin|Bersatu dengan= 1 Lithuania]]Juli
|date_end event1 = 1[[Nihil novi|Penggunaan Juliundang-undang]]
|event1 date_event1 = [[Nihil3 novi|PenggunaanMei undang-undang]]1505
|date_event1 event2 = 3 Mei 1505 =
|event2 date_event2 =
|date_event2 event3 =
|event3 date_event3 =
|date_event3 event4 =
|event4 date_event4 =
| event_pre = <!--- Optional: A crucial event that took place before before "event_start"--->
|date_event4 =
| date_pre =
|event_pre = <!--- Optional: A crucial event that took place before before "event_start"--->
| event_post = <!--- Optional: A crucial event that took place before after "event_end"--->
|date_pre =
|event_post date_post = <!--- OptionalFlag navigation: APreceding and succeeding entities crucialp1 eventto thatp5 tookand places1 beforeto afters5 "event_end"--->
|date_post p1 = Kerajaan Polandia (1025–1385)
| flag_p1 = Kingdom of Poland-flag.svg
<!--- Flag navigation: Preceding and succeeding entities p1 to p5 and s1 to s5 --->
|p1 image_p1 = <!--- Use: [[Image:Sin = Kerajaanescudo.svg|20px|Image Polandiamissing]] (1025–1385)--->
|flag_p1 p2 = Kingdom of Poland-flag.svg
|image_p1 flag_p2 = <!--- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]]= --->
|p2 p3 =
|flag_p2 flag_p3 =
|p3 p4 =
|flag_p3 flag_p4 =
|p4 p5 =
|flag_p4 flag_p5 =
|p5 s1 = Persemakmuran = Polandia-Lithuania
|flag_p5 flag_s1 = Chor%C4%85giew_kr%C3%B3lewska_kr%C3%B3la_Zygmunta_III_Wazy.svg
|s1 image_s1 = <!--- Use: [[Image:Sin =escudo.svg|20px|Image Persemakmuranmissing]] Polandia-Lithuania-->
|flag_s1 s2 = Chor%C4%85giew_kr%C3%B3lewska_kr%C3%B3la_Zygmunta_III_Wazy.svg
|image_s1 flag_s2 = <!--- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]]= --->
|s2 s3 =
|flag_s2 flag_s3 =
|s3 s4 =
|flag_s3 flag_s4 =
|s4 s5 =
|flag_s4 flag_s5 =
|s5 image_flag = Kingdom of = Poland-flag.svg
|flag_s5 flag_alt = <!--- Alt text for flag -->
|image_flag flag = Kingdom of Poland-flag.svg = Bendera Polandia
|flag_alt flag_type = <!--- Alt text for= flagBendera -->kerajaan
| image_coat = Reconstruction of the Grand Coat of Arms of the Crown of the Polish Kingdom.svg
|flag = Bendera Polandia
|flag_type coat_alt = Bendera<!--- Alt text for coat of arms kerajaan--->
|image_coat symbol = HerbLambang pol.svgPolandia
|coat_alt symbol_type = <!--- Alt text for coat of= armsLambang --->kerajaan
|symbol image_map = LambangPolska Polandia1386 - 1434.png
|symbol_type image_map_alt = Lambang kerajaan =
|image_map image_map_caption = PolskaKerajaan Polandia antara 1386 -dan 1434.png
| image_map2 = <!-- If second map is needed - does not appear by default -->
|image_map_alt =
|leader3 image_map2_alt =
|image_map_caption = Kerajaan Polandia antara 1386 dan 1434
| image_map2_caption =
|image_map2 = <!-- If second map is needed - does not appear by default -->
|image_map2_alt capital = [[Kraków]]
| capital_exile = <!-- If status="Exile" -->
|image_map2_caption =
|capital latd = [[Kraków]]
|capital_exile latm = <!-- If status="Exile" -->
|latd= |latm= |latNS= |longd= |longm= |longEW =
|year_end longd = 1569
|national_motto = ''[[Nihil novi|Nic o nas bez nas]]''<br /><small>"Tiada mengenai kita tanpa kita"</small>
|date_event4 longm =
|national_anthem = [[Bogurodzica]] [[File:Bogurodzica_-_Collegium_Vocale.ogg]]
|flag longEW = Bendera Polandia
|common_languages = [[Bahasa Polandia|Polandia]] dan [[Bahasa Latin|Latin]]
| national_motto = ''[[Nihil novi|Nic o nas bez nas]]''<br /><small>"Tiada mengenai kita tanpa kita"</small>
|religion = [[Katolik Roma]]
| national_anthem = [[Bogurodzica]] [[File:Bogurodzica_-_Collegium_Vocale.ogg]]
|currency = [[Dukat]], [[Gulden rhineland]]s<br/>[[Złoty]] <small>(dari 1496)</small><br/>[[Złoty merah]] <small>(dari 1526)</small>
| common_languages = [[Bahasa Polandia|Polandia]] dan [[Bahasa Latin|Latin]]
<!--- Titles and names of the first and last leaders and their deputies --->
|leader1 religion = [[JadwigaKatolik dari Polandia|JadwigaRoma]] <small>(pertama)</small>
|leader2 currency = [[SigismundDukat]], II[[Gulden Augustus|Sigismundrhineland]]s<br/>[[Złoty]] II<small>(dari 1496)</small><br/>[[Złoty merah]] <small>(terakhirdari 1526)</small>
<!--- Titles and names of the first and last leaders and their deputies --->| leader1 = [[Jadwiga dari Polandia|Jadwiga]] <small>(pertama)</small>
|leader3 =
|leader4 leader2 = [[Sigismund II Augustus|Sigismund II]] <small>(terakhir)</small>
|year_leader1 leader3 = 1385–1389
|year_leader2 leader4 = 1548–1569
|year_leader3 year_leader1 = 1385–1389
|year_leader4 year_leader2 = 1548–1569
|title_leader year_leader3 = [[Daftar Raja Polandia|Raja]] =
|image_map_alt year_leader4 =
|representative1 = <!--- Name of representative of head of state (eg. colonial governor) --->
| title_leader = [[Daftar Raja Polandia|Raja]]
|representative2 =
| representative1 = <!--- Name of representative of head of state (eg. colonial governor) --->
|representative3 =
|representative4 representative2 =
| representative3 =
|year_representative1 = <!--- Years served --->
| representative4 =
|year_representative2 =
| year_representative1 = <!--- Years served --->
|year_representative3 =
| year_representative2 =
|year_representative4 =
| year_representative3 =
|title_representative = <!--- Default: "Governor"--->
|deputy1 year_representative4 = <!--- Name of prime minister --->
|deputy2 title_representative = <!--- Default: "Governor"--->
|deputy3 deputy1 = <!--- Name of prime minister --->
|deputy4 deputy2 =
|year_deputy1 deputy3 = <!--- Years served ---> =
|year_deputy2 deputy4 =
|year_deputy3 year_deputy1 = <!--- Years served --->
|year_deputy4 year_deputy2 =
|title_deputy year_deputy3 = <!--- Default: "Prime minister" ---> =
| year_deputy4 =
<!--- Legislature --->
|legislature title_deputy = [[Sejmik]]<!--- Default: "Prime minister" --->
<!--- Legislature --->|house1 legislature = [[Senat Kerajaan Polandia|SenatSejmik]]
|type_house1 house1 = [[DewanSenat Kerajaan PribadiPolandia|Senat]]
|house2 type_house1 = <!---[[Dewan Name of second chamber --->Pribadi]]
|type_house2 house2 = <!--- Default:Name of second "Lowerchamber house"--->
|title_representative type_house2 = <!--- Default: "GovernorLower house"--->
<!--- Area and population of a given year --->
<!--- Area and population of a given year --->| stat_year1 = <!--- year of the statistic, specify either area, population or both --->
| stat_area1 = <!--- area in square kílometres (w/o commas or spaces), area in square miles is calculated --->
| stat_pop1 = <!--- population (w/o commas or spaces), population density is calculated if area is also given --->
| stat_year2 =
| stat_area2 =
| stat_pop2 =
| stat_year3 =
| stat_area3 =
| stat_pop3 =
| stat_year4 =
| stat_area4 =
| stat_pop4 =
| stat_year5 =
| stat_area5 =
| stat_pop5 =
| footnotes = <!--- Accepts wikilinks --->
| today = {{flag|Belarus}}<br/>{{flag|Moldova}}<br/>{{flag|Polandia}}<br/>{{flag|Romania}}<br/>{{flag|Transnistria}}<br/>{{flag|Ukraina}}