Montase foto
Montase foto atau rentetan foto (bahasa Inggris: photomontage) adalah proses dan hasil pembuatan foto komposit dengan memotong dan menggabungkan dua atau lebih foto menjadi ilusi subjek nyata. Kadang-kadang gambar komposit yang dihasilkan difoto sehingga gambar akhir mungkin muncul sebagai cetak foto mulus. Sebuah metode yang sama, meskipun satu yang tidak menggunakan film, direalisasikan hari ini melalui perangkat lunak editing gambar. Teknik yang terakhir ini disebut oleh para profesional sebagai "compositing", dan dalam penggunaan kasual sering disebut, "photoshopping", karena software tertentu sering digunakan.[1] Sebuah komposit foto terkait untuk memperluas pandangan adegan tunggal atau subjek tidak akan dicap sebagai montase.

sunting- ^ David Geelan (2006). Undead Theories: Constructivism, Eclecticism And Research in Education. Sense Publishers. ISBN 90-77874-31-3.
Pranala luar
sunting- "It's hard to tell where pixels end and reality begins," The San Francisco Chronicle; September 26, 2006.
- "Fantasy, fairy tale and myth collide in images: By digitally altering photos of landscapes, artist Anthony Goicolea creates an intriguing world," The Vancouver Sun (British Columbia); June 19, 2006.
- "Life through a lens: A different perspective," Ealing Times; January 3, 2006.
- Greek Olympics; Diarsipkan 2017-06-23 di Wayback Machine. Outdoor Advertising Association of America
- "HP Celebrates America's Inventiveness by Creating World's Largest Digital Image," HP website. See also Business Wire; June 12, 2002.
- "A Portrait of Goldwater Is a Computer-Aided Mosaic of His Own," The Chronicle of Higher Education; February 1, 2002.
- "Musings on Collage: The Photomontages of Romare Bearden". New York Times. May 11, 1997.
- Hans-Jürgen Tast (Hrsg.) "Eve of Destruction. Draußen ist Krieg, drinnen auch" (Schellerten 2005) (z.m.a.K.) ISBN 3-88842-029-6;
- Photomontage (World of Art series) by Dawn Ades. Thames & Hudson, 1989;
- Jürgen Holtfreter: Politische Fotomontage (Berlin/West: Elefanten Press Galerie 1975) ISBN 978-3-88520-016-1;
- Brigitte Tast, Hans-Jürgen Tast: Als Lena schlief (Düsseldorf 1980) ISBN 978-3-88842-201-0;
- Hans-Jürgen Tast (Hrsg.): Edith Lechtape. Gossenportraits (Schellerten 1996) ISBN 978-3-88842-202-7;
- Hans-Jürgen Tast (Hrsg.): Eve of Destruction. Draußen ist Krieg, drinnen auch (Schellerten 2005) ISBN 978-3-88842-029-0;
- Hans-Jürgen Tast (Hrsg.): Edith Lechtape. Schauspielerin – Photobildnerin. 1921–2001 (Schellerten 2007) ISBN 978-3-88842-032-0;
- Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion, MIT Press 2002; Cambridge, Mass. ISBN 0-262-57223-0;
- Adobe Master Class: Photoshop Compositing with John Lund, Adobe Press, 2003;
- Real World Compositing with Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Valentine, Moughamian 2009) Adobe Press, ISBN 978-0-321-60453-8;
Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Photomontages.
- Photomontage Artists
- A timeline of fantastic photomontage and its possible influences, 1857–2007
- Cut & Paste: a history of photomontage Diarsipkan 2008-10-22 di Wayback Machine.
- Composite Photographs Diarsipkan 2006-02-20 di Wayback Machine. Historical essay on William Notman, with video clips.
- Interactive Digital Photomontage – a technical paper on a semi-automated approach to photomontage, published at SIGGRAPH 2004.