Mordechai Gazit
Mordechai Gazit (bahasa Ibrani: מרדכי גזית: 5 September 1922 – 29 Mei 2016) adalah seorang diplomat asal Israel. Ia menjabat sebagai penasehat untuk Perdana Menteri Israel Golda Meir, dubes untuk Prancis dan Dirjen Kemenlu Israel.[1]

sunting- ^ Mordechai Gazit Returns to Academe The Harvard Crimson, 28 October 1980
Bacaan tambahan
sunting- Israeli Diplomacy and the Quest for Peace (London: Frank Cass, 2002)
- “The Genesis of US-Israel Military – Strategic Relationship and the Dimona Issue,” Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 35, No. 3 (July 2000), pp. 413–422.
- The Peace Process 1969-1973: Efforts and Contacts (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1983)