Olimpiade Kuno
Olimpiade Kuno awalnya adalah sebuah perayaan atau selebrasi untuk Zeus. Kemudian, lomba-lomba seperti balap lari, lompat jauh, lempar lembing, dan adu gulat ditambahkan. Permainan Olimpiade (bahasa Yunani Kuno: Ὀλύμπια, Olympia,[1][2][3][4][5][6] "Olimpiade"; juga Ὀλυμπιάς, Olympias,[7][4][5][6] "Olimpiad") adalah serangkaian kompetisi atletik di antara para perwakilan kota-negara dan salah satu Permainan Panhallenik dari Yunani kuno. Acara tersebut diadakan untuk menghormati Zeus. Olimpiade pertama dikatakan diadakan pada 776 SM.[8] Acara tersebut masih diadakan saat Yunani berada di bawah kekuasaan Romawi, sampai kaisar Theodosius I menekan acara tersebut pada 393 M sebagai bagian kampanye pengangkatan Kristen sebagai agama negara Romawi. Pertandingan tersebut diadakan setiap empat tahun, atau olympiad, yang menjadi unit waktu dalam kronologi sejarah.

Olimpiade |
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Topik utama |
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sunting- ^ Ὀλύμπια. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert; An Intermediate Greek–English Lexicon at the Perseus Project.
- ^ "15-04-16 Χαιρετισμός των Υπουργών Ν.Φίλη και Α.Μπαλτά για την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Μνημείων και Τοποθεσιών". Greek ministry of Education Research and Religious affairs. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 24 September 2016.
Πανελλήνια συμμετοχή είχαν: τα Ολύμπια, που διεξάγονταν κάθε τέσσερα χρόνια στην Αρχαία Ολυμπία προς τιμήν του Διός
- ^ Francis Edward Jackson VALPY (1832). Second Greek Delectus; or, new Analecta Minora ... With English notes, and a copious Greek and English lexicon, etc. hlm. 1. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 15 November 2017.
- ^ a b Grieksch leesboek voor eerstbeginnenden: ingerigt ten dienste der Hollandsche jeugd. H.C.A. Thieme. 1811. hlm. 248. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 15 November 2017.
- ^ a b Henry Cary (1843). A Lexicon to Herodotus, Greek and English, Adapted to the Text of Grisford and Bachr. J. Vincent and. hlm. 279. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 15 November 2017.
- ^ a b Fridericus Gulielmus Sturz (1818). Etymologicum graciae linguae Gudianum et alia grammaticorum scripta e codicibus manuscriptis nunc primum edita Accedunt notae ad Aymologicion magnum ineditae E. H. Barkeri, Innr. Bekkeri, Lud. Kulencampii, Amad. Peyronialiorumque. Weigel. hlm. 371. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 23 December 2016.
- ^ Ὀλυμπιάς in Middle Liddell and Scott.
- ^ "History". Olympic Games. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 9 August 2016. Diakses tanggal 11 August 2016.
sunting- Gardiner, E. N. (1910). Greek athletic sports and festivals. London : Macmillan.
- Gardiner, E. Norman, Athletics of the Ancient World, 246 pages, 200+ illustrations, with new material, Oxford University Press, 1930
- Young, David C. (2004). A Brief History of the Olympic Games (PDF). Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4051-1130-0. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 2021-08-11. Diakses tanggal 2019-04-08.
- Miller, Stephen G. (2006). Ancient Greek Athletics. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-11529-1.
- Golden, Mark, Sport and Society in Ancient Greece, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
- Hansen, Mogens Herman (2006). Polis, an Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-920849-4. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2010.
- Hanson, Victor Davis; Strassler, Robert B. (1996). The Landmark Thucydides. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-1-4165-9087-3. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2010.
- Kotynski, Edward J. The Athletics of the Ancient Olympics: A Summary and Research Tool. 2006.( 2009-10-25); new link
- Kyle, Donald G. (2007). Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 978-0-631-22970-4. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2010.
- Mallowitz, Alfred. Cult and Competition Locations at Olympia. Raschke 79–109.
- Miller, Stephen. "The Date of Olympic Festivals". Mitteilungen: Des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung. Vol. 90 (1975): 215–237.
- Patay-Horváth, András (2015). The Origins of the Olympic Games. Budapest: Archaeolingua Foundation. ISBN 978-963-9911-72-7.
- Raschke, Wendy J. (1988). The Archaeology of the Olympics: the Olympics and Other Festivals in Antiquity. Madison, Wisconsin: Wisconsin University Press. ISBN 978-0-299-11334-6. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2010.
- Remijsen, Sofie. The End of Greek Athletics in Late Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Spivey, Nigel (2005). The Ancient Olympics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-280433-4. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2010.
- Stanton, Richard (2000). The Forgotten Olympic Art Competitions:The story of the Olympic art competitions of the 20th century. Victoria, Canada: Trafford. ISBN 978-1-55212-606-6. Diakses tanggal 23 February 2010.
- Swaddling, Judith (1999). The ancient Olympic Games. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. ISBN 978-0-292-77751-4. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2010.
- Tufts – "Women and the Games"
- Ancient Olympics. Research by K. U. Leuven and Peking University
Bacaan tambahan
sunting- Christesen, Paul. 2007. Olympic Victor Lists and Ancient Greek History. Cambridge, UK, and New York: Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Lee, Hugh M. 2001. The Program and Schedule of the Ancient Olympic Games. Nikephoros Beihefte 6. Hildesheim, Germany: Weidmann.
- Nielsen, Thomas Heine. 2007. Olympia and the Classical Hellenic City-State Culture. Historisk-filosofiske Meddeleser 96. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.
- Sinn, Ulrich. 2000. Olympia: Cult, Sport, and Ancient Festival. Princeton, NJ: M. Wiener.
- Valavanis, Panos. 2004. Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece: Olympia, Delphi, Isthmia, Nemea, Athens. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum.
Pranala luar
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- The Ancient Olympic Games virtual museum (requires registration)
- Olympiakoi Agones
- Ancient Olympics: General and detailed information
- The Ancient Olympics: A special exhibit
- The story of the Ancient Olympic Games Diarsipkan 2008-05-01 di Wayback Machine.
- The origin of the Olympics
- Olympia and Macedonia: Games, Gymnasia and Politics. Thomas F. Scanlon, professor of Classics, University of California
- List of Macedonian Olympic winners (in Greek)
- Webquest The ancient and modern Olympic Games
- Goddess Nike and the Olympic Games: Excellence, Glory and Strife