Pembicaraan:Radar surveilans utama


1 . According to the WHO : A process of collecting , processing , analysis and interpretation of health data in a systematic , continuous and dissemination of information to the relevant parties to take action .

2 . According to the CDC ( Center of Disease Control ) : collection , analysis and interpretation of health data systematically and continuously , which is necessary for the planning , implementation and evaluation of public health efforts , combined with data dissemination in a timely manner to those who need to know


1 . Predicting and detecting early epidemics ( outbreaks ) 2 . Monitor , evaluate , and improve disease prevention and control programs , 3 . For information supply priority setting, policy -making , planning , implementation and allocation of health resources . 4 . Monitoring trend ( trend ) and estimating the impact of endemic diseases in the future . 5 . Identify needs further research and investigation . C. SCOPE 1 . epidemic 2 . Infectious disease ( Infectious Diseases ) 3 . Non-Communicable Diseases 4 . Health Services Problem . 5 . Population Problem . 6 . Environment Problem


Collection of data / information data processing Analysis and interpretation of data Results of analysis can be used to : - Perenmcanaan - Monitoring and - Evaluation Dissemination of data that are geared to : - Higher administrative levels - All agencies reporting - Disseminated to the user community


1 . Studying patterns of disease occurrence and potential disease in populations that may be effective in the investigation , control, and prevention of diseases in populations . 2 . Studying the natural history of the disease , and the clinical spectrum of disease epidemiology ( who, when , and where they , as well as exposure to risk factors ) 3 . Provide a data base that can be used to estimate the prevention and control measures in the development and implementation .


1 . data collection • Processing and presentation • Analysis and interpretation • Dissemination of information and recommendation The purpose of data collection : 1 . Determine which group / class population at risk ( age , sex , race , occupation , etc. ) 2 . Determine the type of agent and its characteristics 3 . Determine the reservoir of infection 4 . Ascertain the cause of transmission 5 . Noted the incidence of disease


• Report of illness • Registration of death • Report of an outbreak • Laboratory tests • Investigations disease events • outbreak investigation • Survey / Epidemiological Studies • Investigation vector and reservoir distribution • The use of drugs , serums , vaccines • Reports of population and environment • Report of nutritional status and food conditions


1 . Data mortality ( death ) 2 . Morbidity data ( Soreness ) 3 . Data epidemic 4 . Report the use of the laboratory ( lab test results . ) 5 . Investigation of individual case reports 6 . Epidemic investigation report ( investigation of outbreaks ) 7 . Special survey ( disease registers , serological surveys ) 8 . Information as reservoir animals and vectors . 9 . demographic data 10 . Environmental data .


a) Active surveillance • Observations case made ​​directly to the field . • complete and the results obtained are much better • Needed funds and specialized personnel . b ) passive surveillance • Observation of the case is done indirectly , ie through the report . • The results are less complete . J. REASON EXECUTED SURVEILLANCE Surveillance is reasonable to do if backed conditions : 1 . Disease burden ( burden of disease) high , so it is an important public health problem . 2 . There is a public health measure that can be done to resolve the issue . 3 . Relevant data is easily obtained 4 . The results commensurate with the effort made ( considered efficient )

case examples :

During the monthly municipality council meeting, the mayor discussed the local parliament’s concern over substance abuse problems. He looked a bit tense after leaving the hearing, as the municipality government’s response to drugs problems had been criticized, especially since media stories pointed out the government’s failure. The local parliament was willing to increase the government budget for fighting drug problems, especially for prevention and rehabilitation programs. In order to re-allocate the annual municipal budget, the local parliament asked the mayor to give them data and indicators that showed the burden of the problems on the society. In response to the parliamentary request, the mayor asked dr. Andre, as the head of disease control and prevention department, to set up a new community drug surveillance system. This system would measure and provide updated data of drug problems in the community.

question : 1. how the decision makers identify the health problems in their community ?

2. what evidence would you present to the decision-makers for an action against a disease in the community to be taken ?

3. how can we describe the decision making process in health sector ?

4. who are the action involved in the decision making process ?

5. why local parliament is interested in the health issues ?

6. what are their rulers in decision making process ?

7. how would the disease occurrence in the community affects your plan of work ?

8. how can the information from surveillance system help municipality health office in planning and implementing health intervention ?

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