Pembicaraan Pengguna:Hand15/Surat rujukan
San Francisco, September xx, 2010
To Whom It May Concern:
I am delighted to write this letter on behalf of Mr. Handoko, to outline his significant contribution as Deputy Jury for "Bebaskan Pengetahuan 2010" (Free Your Knowledge 2010), a writing competition for Indonesian language Wikipedia from April 1 to June 16, 2010.
The "Bebaskan Pengetahuan 2010" (BP2010) is a three month program developed by Wikimedia Indonesia to leverage public participation to improve Indonesian language Wikipedia articles. It is a pilot project to introduce the Wikimedia mission "Free Knowledge" worldwide. The ultimate goal is to provide an open source of information for everyone. The competition targets talented young writers from Universities and partners with mainstream media. By providing information and inspiring discourse, Wikimedia is hoping to promote a stronger demand for improved information and increased community participation from the local to national level.
According to the Project Director, Siska Doviana, Wikimedia Indonesia selected Mr. Handoko as Deputy Jury based on his track record and contributions in Indonesian language Wikipedia. His articles covering a wide range of science topic particularly on chemistry has been detailed, well written, and supported by comprehensive references. Mr. Handoko became one of the twelve juries representing Indonesian language Wikipedia community and participating universities. During the competition Mr. Handoko had given valuable inputs, guidance, and solution on how to make the competition better both for the committee and the participants. The competition itself contribute a total of 1,386 high quality long and short open source articles within 72 days of the competition.
We would like to thank Mr. Handoko for his tireless work supporting the mission of "Free Knowledge" as a worldwide movement. Wikimedia wishes his success in his future endeavors.
- Sincerely,
- Sue Gardner
- Executive Director Wikimedia Foundation
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