Pembicaraan Wikipedia:Usulan penghapusan

Komentar terbaru: 3 tahun yang lalu oleh Great achievement pada topik Hapus



Kebijakan teknis mengenai usulan penghapusan sepertinya tidak ada, jadi ada baiknya jika ditulis mulai dari sekarang suapaya ke depannya komunitas tidak akan bingung mengenai hal teknis tentang usulan penghapusan. ·· Kℇℵ℟ℑℭK 14:36, 29 November 2010 (UTC)

Ada 3 langkah:

  1. An article or disambiguation page is nominated when an editor carefully reviews the article and substitutes the {{proposed deletion}} tag ({{subst:proposed deletion}}).
  2. Jika ada pengguna yang menentang penghapusan (biasanya dengan menghapus tag {{proposed deletion}}), proposal batalkan dan tidak boleh dikembalikan.
  3. Artikel kemudian akan diperiksa dan dihapus oleh seorang pengurus 7 hari setelah pengusulan. Halaman itu dapat dikembalikan dengan sebuah evaluasi penghapusan.



Sebelum pengusulan:

  1. Consider your reasons for deletion and the alternatives to deletion, including whether or not merging the article elsewhere or making it a redirect are more appropriate than deletion.
  2. Review the article's history to confirm that it has not been recently vandalized.
  3. Confirm that the article is eligible for proposed deletion by checking that it has:
    • not previously been proposed for deletion.
    • not been undeleted.
    • not been and is not being discussed at AfD.
  4. Note that only articles, lists, and disambiguation pages may be deleted using the Proposed deletion process.[1]


  1. Add the {{subst:proposed deletion|concern= reason for proposed deletion}} to the top of the main article page to nominate the article, and provide a clear and non-generic reason. To aid deletion sorting, indicating the article's general subject area or what notability guidelines it falls under is considered good practice. Make sure to provide an edit summary that clearly indicates that the article has been proposed for deletion. Do not mark the edit as minor.
  2. Consider adding an {{Old prod full}} tag to the article's talk page.[2]
  3. Consider adding the article to your watchlist.
  4. The article's creator or other significant contributors should ideally be left a message at their talk page(s) informing them of the proposed article deletion, except for cases where contributors are no longer regarded as active editors on Wikipedia. This should be done by adding the {{subst:PRODWarning|Name of Article‎}} tag, or other appropriate text. Prodding an article via Twinkle will automatically inform the article's creator.

To second a proposed deletion:

  1. Consider adding a {{Prod-2}} tag to indicate your opinion.[3]
  2. Consider adding or modifying an {{Old prod full}} tag to the article's talk page.

Semua informasi sesuai dengan fakta. Dan dia adalah salah satu tokoh dalam memimpin organisasi kepemimpinan pemuda di Sulawesi selatan Fadhlanfurqani (bicara) 12 Januari 2020 16.30 (UTC)Balas



To object to and therefore permanently prevent a proposed deletion, remove the {{proposed deletion}} tag from the article. You are encouraged to also:

  1. Explain why you disagree with the proposed deletion, either in the edit summary or on the talk page.
  2. Consider notifying the editors involved in the PROD by placing a {{Deprod}} tag on their user talk page.
  3. Add or modify an {{Old prod full}} tag on the article's talk page, to prevent renomination under Proposed deletion. It will then be listed at Category:Past Proposed Deletion Candidates for easy tracking.
  4. Consider improving the article to address the concerns raised.

If anyone, including the article creator, removes a {{proposed deletion}} tag from an article, do not replace it, even if the tag was apparently removed in bad faith. This excludes removals that are clearly not an objection to deletion, such as page blanking or obvious vandalism. If you still believe that the article needs to be deleted, or that the article should be deleted but with discussion, list it on Wikipedia:Articles for deletion.[4]

If the article has already been deleted, please go to Requests for undeletion.



Before deletion, administrators should check the article, its history, and deletion log to confirm that:

  1. The {{proposed deletion}} tag has been in place continuously for at least 7 days
  2. No objections have been raised on the talk page.
  3. The article is eligible for proposed deletion: the page is not a redirect, never previously proposed for deletion, never undeleted, and never discussed at AfD.

If you decide to delete the article, provide an informative deletion reason, such as that given by the nominator or editor who clarified the nominator's reason – not just "expired prod". Once the article is deleted, the reason for the {{proposed deletion}} can only be seen by administrators. If you are using an automated script, make sure it leaves an adequate message. To ensure independent judgment, an article should not be deleted by the same person who added the {{proposed deletion}} tag.

If you decide not to delete the article, consider editing it to deal with the concerns raised, or nominating the article for deletion on AfD. You should document that it has been contested with an {{Old prod full}} on the article's Talk page.

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ Deletion of other pages, including redirects, should be proposed at the appropriate deletion page or tagged for speedy deletion, if applicable.
  2. ^ Category:Past Proposed Deletion Candidates lists articles that have previously been proposed for deletion.
  3. ^ Category:Proposed deletion-endorsed lists articles proposed for deletion by multiple editors.
  4. ^
    • The addition of an AfD tag is equivalent to contesting the proposed deletion. An article flagged for both proposed deletion and AfD should be dealt with at AfD, and the {{proposed deletion}} tag should be removed.
    • When tagging a proposed deletion candidate for speedy deletion, the proposed deletion tag should be left in place in case the speedy deletion is rejected. A rejected speedy candidate is still eligible for proposed deletion, but a rejected AfD candidate is not. The {{proposed deletion}} tag may be restored if replaced with a speedy deletion tag.
    • Any article deleted via this process and then recreated is not subject to speedy deletion under criterion G4, as recreation is a way of contesting the proposed deletion.



Halaman ini bukan halaman resmi

Selesai dengan parameter


Saya sering menutup diskusi usulan penghapusan untuk artikel-artikel. Menurut saya, kategori selesai dalam penutupan diskusi ini perlu ditambahkan beberapa parameter yang dapat diterapkan dalam templat yaitu:

  • Selesai diterima:
  1. Untuk artikel yang tidak jadi dihapus karena telah disempurnakan
  2. Untuk artikel yang dihapus atas usulan seseorang pengguna
  • Selesai ditolak
  1. Untuk artikel yang sudah dihapus atas keberatan yang disampaikan seorang pengguna

-- Igho (bicara) 18 November 2015 13.13 (UTC)Balas



Maaf ya tadi aku kira udah gak kepakai. Punten! (ngobrol?) 27 Februari 2021 08.40 (UTC)Balas

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