Service page to run HsfBot with additional features.


  • For every new block you have to add:
<------- ------->

In this way the Bot can understand where the block start to take the right parameter.

  • Name= Set the name of the block
  • Find= Use it to define what search in the text of the image's description, while Findonly= search only if the exactly text that you give is in the image's description. NOTE: Put here a list of regex.
  • Imagechanges= whether the bot has to add the no license tag or just to tag the user without putting it in his talk page.
  • Summary= That's the summary that the bot will use when it will notify the problem.
  • Head= That's the incipit that the bot will use for the message.
  • Text= This is the template that the bot will use when it will report the image's problem.
  • Mex= This is the template that the bot will use when it will tag the image.


<------- ------->
*Name='a deprecated template'
*Find=['\{\{(?:template:|)(?:pd|public[ _]domain)\}\}', 
'\{\{(?:template:|)mill?itary[-_ ]insignia(?:\|[^}]*?|)\}\}', 
'\{\{(?:template:|)bad source\}\}', 
'\{\{(?:template:|)no ?rights ?reserved\}\}']
*Summary='Bot: Notifing the license as deprecated'
*Head='== Deprecated License =='