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1"Mother and Children"Daisuke Hiramaki, Chao Nekotomi, Asami Nakatani, Ryōta Itō, Sung Min KimJin TanakaDaisuke Hiramaki, Chao Nekotomi, Asami Nakatani12 April 2023 (2023-04-12)

Dokter Gorou Amamiya merupakan fans berat dari Ai Hoshino, seorang idol. Gorou menjadi fans berat karena pasien dia, Sarina Tendouji yang meninggal di umur 12 tahun karena penyakit kronis, juga menyukai Ai Hoshino. Gorou terkejut ketika Ai menjadi pasiennya di rumah sakit pedesaan karena telah hamil anak kembar dengan umur kandungan 20 minggu, walau Ai enggan memberitahukan siapa ayah dari anak kembar tersebut. Ai bercerita pada Gorou bahwa dirinya anak yatim piatu, ia ingin merasakan kehabagiaan membesarkan keluarga, tetapi disisi lain tidak ingin meninggalkan kariernya sebagai idol, sehingga ia berniat untuk membesarkan anaknya diam-diam tanpa diketahui fansnya. Gorou bersumpah agar Ai dapat melahirkan anaknya dengan sehat. Gorou merawat Ai selama kehamilannya. Namun, menjelang persalinan Ai, Gorou berhadapan dengan fans fanatik yang menguntit Ai dan berakhir dengan menjerumuskan Gorou ke jurang dan akhirnya meninggal bertepatan saat Ai melahirkan. Gorou kemudian menyadari bahwa ia terlahir kembali sebagai anak Ai, Aquamarine, dan kemudian hidup bersama dengan Ai dan saudara kembarnya, Ruby. Ruby sendiri adalah reinkarnasi dari Sarina, tetapi Ruby tidak memberitahu pada Aqua mengenai identitas dia sebelumnya. Manajer Ai, Ichigo Saitou, mulai mempersiapkan kembalinya Ai ke panggung. Sementara itu, Ichigo meminta istrinya, Miyako, untuk merawat Aqua dan Ruby ketika Ai sedang pentas. Ketika Miyako mulai berpikir bahwa dirinya hanya menjadi pengasuh bayi dan tersingkir dari panggung, ia mulai mempertimbangkan membocorkan rahasia kehamilan Ai. Kemudian Aqua dan Ruby mengelabui Miyako dengan mengaku bahwa mereka adalah titisan dewa, sehingga akhirnya Miyako batal membocorkan rahasia tersebut dan tetap merawat mereka.

As time passes, the twins steadily learn more and more about the intricacies and realities of the idol and entertainment industries. One year later, Aqua becomes acquainted with a film director, who offers to secure Ai a role in one of his films if Aqua stars in it as well. During filming, Aqua meets child actress Kana Arima who is skeptical of Ai's acting ability. Aqua is able to play his part flawlessly, which frustrates Kana who forms a one sided rivalry. Two years later, the film ends up being a modest success which helps propel Ai's career upward. However, on the day of her first major Tokyo Dome performance, the same stalker who killed Gorou tracks down Ai and fatally stabs her before fleeing in regret. In her final moments, Ai comforts the twins, telling them that she loves them and is reassured that her love for them is genuine. Afterwards, the stalker is found to have committed suicide and a memorial is held for Ai, but she is quickly forgotten by the public. The twins are formally adopted by the Saitous. Ruby decides she wants to follow in Ai's footsteps and become an idol, while Aqua deduces that their biological father leaked Ai's address to the stalker with the intent of getting her killed. Aqua reasons that his father is also a figure in the entertainment industry and decides to train as an actor, finding a new purpose in life by tracking down his own father and killing him in revenge for Ai's death. Many years later, the twins head out to their first day of high school, and Aqua sets his revenge plan in motion.
2"Third Option"
Transkripsi: "Mittsume no Sentakushi" (Jepang: 三つ目の選択肢)
Sung Min KimJin TanakaKoji Masunari19 April 2023 (2023-04-19)
In the 10 years since Ai's death, Ichigo has fallen out of contact, Ai's idol group B Komachi was disbanded, and Miyako closed down Strawberry Production's idol unit to focus on internet personalities instead. Ruby meanwhile has been auditioning to become an idol, unaware that Aqua has been using his acting skills to secretly sabotage her applications and give her false rejection notices. However, he cannot stop Ruby from being scouted by an underground idol group. Not trusting the management of the underground idol group and wanting to support Ruby's wish to become an idol, Miyako decides to finally reopen Strawberry Production's idol unit with Ruby as its first member. Meanwhile, Aqua works as director Gotanda's apprentice, but has given up on trying to be an actor and is content working behind the scenes to find his father. Gotanda advises Aqua not to give up on his dreams so easily, causing him to recall Ai's last words to him. Aqua and Ruby are later admitted into the prestigious Youtou High School which has a performing arts department. While visiting the school, the twins encounter Kana again, who is glad to see Aqua again but is shocked that he is enrolled in the general education department instead of performing arts.
3"Manga-Based TV Drama"
Transkripsi: "Manga Gensaku Dorama" (Jepang: 漫画原作ドラマ)
Kōki UchinomiyaJin TanakaTakudai Kakuchi,
Kenta Ōnishi
26 April 2023 (2023-04-26)
Kana is eager to reconnect with Aqua and tries to talk him into getting back into acting, offering a role in a live action adaptation of the manga series Sweet Today. She mentions she has connections to famed producer Masaya Kaburagi, who Aqua recognizes as one of names on Ai's secret contact list he found on her personal phone. Aqua agrees to take a role as an excuse to get close to Kaburagi. Kana secures a role as the show's villain for Aqua, but he discovers the show is a very low quality production. Kana admits the show cast young male models and prioritized their looks over their acting ability, and she has been forced to hold back her own acting talent so as not to overshadow them. She further explains due to her spoiled behavior as a child, she quickly fell out favor in the acting industry after she grew older and she has been slowly working her way back up. During a break in filming, Aqua manages to collect some saliva samples from Kaburagi's discarded cigarettes and overhears that Kaburagi is only taking advantage of Kana with no intention of advancing her career. Despite having gotten what he came for, Aqua decides to stay and go all out on his acting.
Transkripsi: "Yakusha" (Jepang: 役者)
Kuniyasu NishinaJin TanakaRyōta Itō3 Mei 2023 (2023-05-03)
Aqua uses his skills to set the scene up for Kana’s performance by ad-libbing some of his performance, using the environment, and riling up the lead actor to make his actions look more genuine. This gives Kana the opportunity to show off her true acting skills, which earns the praise of the people still watching the show. At Sweet Today‘s wrap party, Aqua meets Kaburagi again, now knowing he is not his father thanks to a paternity test. Kaburagi mentions that he knows about someone Ai had been spending time with in secret, and offers to tell Aqua who it is in return for starring in a reality dating show. Some time later, Aqua and Ruby attend their first day at Youtou High School, where Ruby befriends fellow student and gravure model Minami Kotobuki. She introduces Minami to Aqua, and also mentions that the famous professional entertainer Frill Shiranui is also a member of her class, who she idolizes. Aqua introduces himself to Frill, and she recognizes both him and Minami from their respective works. This makes Ruby self conscious about the fact that she does not have an established place in the entertainment industry yet. She pesters Miyako about Strawberry Productions moving forward with forming their idol group, but Miyako points out that it is not easy for a small company like theirs to recruit idols. Aqua then suggests that they recruit Kana.
5"Reality Dating Show"
Transkripsi: "Ren'ai Riaritī Shō" (Jepang: 恋愛リアリティショー)
Sung Min KimJin TanakaSung Min Kim10 Mei 2023 (2023-05-10)
While reluctant to risk her acting career by becoming an idol, Kana decides to sign up with Strawberry Productions so she can work alongside Aqua. However, she is shocked that his next job is for a reality dating show called "My Love with a Star Begins Now", where he stars alongside fashion model Yuki Sumi, dancer Nobuyuki Kumano, actress Akane Kurokawa, internet personality MEM-cho, and musician Kengo Morimoto. Even though Aqua is putting on a act for the show, Kana feels jealous at how he is interacting with his female co-stars. Meanwhile, Miyako gets to work starting up Strawberry Productions' new idol unit. She decides to have Ruby and Kana make their debut online, and enlists the help of one of their veteran internet personalities, Pieyon, a masked physical training YouTuber. Pieyon determines that the quickest way for the girls to gain a following is to collaborate with his established channel. They perform a rigorous workout dance routine for an hour straight, with Ruby earning Kana's respect after seeing her last the entire hour. Pieyon then asks them what their group name will be, and Ruby decides to revive the name of B Komachi.
Transkripsi: "Ego Sāchi" (Jepang: エゴサーチ)
Kuniyasu NishinaJin TanakaKuniyasu Nishina17 Mei 2023 (2023-05-17)
As the season for Love Now continues, Aqua comes to learn that reality show stars are less scripted and more genuine than he had initially thought. Kana teaches Ruby about the importance and dangers of egosurfing, since idols need to carefully manage their appearance and reputation online. Soon, the show begins focusing on a love triangle between Yuki, Nobuyuki, and Kengo, with Aqua deciding to stay out of it to avoid drawing attention to himself. MEM-cho enjoys an increase in her subscriber numbers, but Akane struggles to stand out and gain attention, leaving her with the least screentime. Under pressure from her agency to get results, Akane briefly loses her composure and slaps Yuki on film, accidentally scratching her face. While Yuki forgives Akane and Akane herself posts a formal apology, Akane becomes the target of vicious cyberbullying by Yuki's fans. After being constantly bombarded with negative comments, learning how much her classmates dislike her, and losing what few fans she has, Akane falls into a state of depression and nearly leaps off a pedestrian overpass to commit suicide, only being saved by a last second intervention from Aqua.
Transkripsi: "Bazu" (Jepang: バズ)
Yasuhiro IrieJin TanakaYasuhiro Irie24 Mei 2023 (2023-05-24)
As Aqua narrowly saves Akane's life, Kana cautions Ruby that it is not uncommon for celebrities to commit suicide due to harassment. Meanwhile, Aqua and Akane are brought to the police station where the rest of the Love Now cast goes to meet them. Aqua advises Akane that she still has the option of dropping out of the show, but she decides to stay on, with the rest of the cast promising to support her. Angry at the show staff who edited the footage to cast Akane as a villain, Aqua concocts a plan. First, he leaks news about Akane's attempted suicide to the media in order to draw more attention to the situation. He then enlists the help of the cast members to create a video to rehabilitate Akane's image, which includes the cut footage showing Yuki forgiving Akane. The video proves to be a success, and most of the harassment against Akane dies down. MEM-cho and Yuki then suggest that Akane use her acting skills to adopt a persona that would appeal to Aqua's tastes. Aqua reveals his like for Ai, leading Akane to aggressively study her to emulate her behavior. At the next filming session, Akane officially returns to the show, and Aqua is shocked at how perfectly Akane is able to mimic Ai's personality.
8"First Time"
Transkripsi: "Hajimete" (Jepang: 初めて)
Daisuke HiramakiJin TanakaMoe Suzuki, Hiroaki Yoshikawa7 Juni 2023 (2023-06-07)
Aqua is caught off guard by Akane's performance, and is left to reflect on what exactly his feelings for her and Ai are, coming to the realization that he doesn't actually know all that much about his own mother. After having a short talk with Kana, he is able to sort out his feelings, realizing he has no particular attraction to Akane herself. However, upon learning that Akane is skilled at profiling which allows her to mimic not just Ai's personality, but thoughts as well, Aqua decides to manipulate her to make use of her skills. On the final episode of Love Now, he openly kisses Akane on camera, of which Kana feels jealous over. At the wrap party for the show, Aqua meets with Kaburagi, who agrees to hold up his end of the deal and arranges for a meeting next week. He then talks with Akane and admits he has no feelings for her as a girl, but greatly respects her as an actress, and they both agree to pretend dating to keep up appearances. Akane also points out that Yuki has started dating Nobuyuki for real, despite rejecting him on the show. After the party, MEM-cho teases Aqua about his feelings for Akane and reveals that she had originally wanted to become an idol but gave up on that dream after several setbacks. Aqua then offers her the opportunity to join the reformed B Komachi, which catches her off guard.
Transkripsi: "B-Komachi" (Jepang: B小町)
Kōki Uchinomiya, Sung Min Kim, Daisuke HiramakiJin TanakaHiroaki Yoshikawa14 Juni 2023 (2023-06-14)
Miyako interviews MEM-cho and correctly guesses that she is much older than she claims to be, with MEM-cho admitting she is actually 25. Mem-cho explains that due to her mother falling ill while she was in high school, she withdrew from idol auditions to focus on taking care of her family, but by the time all of her issues were resolved she was already past 20 years old, which is the maximum cutoff age for most idol agencies. Instead, MEM-cho decided to switch to streaming and unexpectedly became popular. Ruby and Kana overhear MEM-cho's story and accept her as part of B Komachi. Meanwhile, the popularity of the recent season of Love Now has put Aqua in the public spotlight, with many of female classmates, including Frill, showing an interest in him. MEM-cho's popularity also brings some attention to the new B Komachi, and she comes up with the idea of reusing the old B Komachi's songs while they wait for Miyako to produce new songs. However, Kana has difficulty keeping up with Ruby and MEM-cho during training, and she acts coldly towards Aqua out of jealousy due to his relationship with Akane. Aqua meets with Kaburagi again, who reveals Ai's secret lover is likely a member of Akane's theater group, Lalalie. He also shows an interest in the revived B Komachi and offers to secure them a spot in the upcoming Japan Idol Festival. Ruby and MEM-cho get into a competition over which one of them will be the group's center, but they both realize they are still amateur singers. However, when they research Kana's music career, they discover that she is actually a very talented singer despite her claims to the contrary.
  1. ^ a b c d "Sutōrī -Anime "Oshi no Ko" Kōshiki Saito-" STORY -アニメ『【推しの子】』公式サイト- [Story -Anime "Oshi no Ko" Official Website-]. (dalam bahasa Jepang). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 7, 2023. Diakses tanggal April 12, 2023. 
  2. ^ "Stream Oshi No Ko on HIDIVE". Hidive. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 25, 2023. Diakses tanggal April 26, 2023. 
  3. ^ "On'ea -Anime "Oshi no Ko" Kōshiki Saito-" ON AIR -アニメ『【推しの子】』公式サイト- [On Air -Anime "Oshi no Ko" Official Website-]. (dalam bahasa Jepang). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 7, 2023. Diakses tanggal April 12, 2023.