Ina-TEWS is a comprehensive tsunami early warning system , in which a new technology has been implemented known as the Decision Support System (DSS). DSS is a system that collects all information from the results of earthquake monitoring systems, tsunami simulations, tsunami monitoring and earth crust deformation after an earthquake occurs. This collection of information is a supporting factor for broadcasting tsunami early warnings and evaluating tsunami early warnings. From the monitoring system, DSS will issue several types of news or early warnings that must be taken by the operator at the time specified through the GUI (Graphic User Interface).

Ina- TEWS is able to provide tsunami early warning within five minutes of an earthquake that has the potential to generate a tsunami. Ina-TEWS was built by the Government of Indonesia by involving 18 Government institutions, and supported financially and technology from 5 donor countries, namely Germany, China, Japan, the United States and France and was inaugurated in November 2008 by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono .



Indonesia is a country with a high level of earthquake activity , as a result of the meeting of three tectonic plates, namely the Indian Plate (Indian Ocean - Australia in the south), Pacific Plate in the east and Eurasian Plate in the north. From 1991 to 2008, there were 25 earthquakes and 9 tsunamisto ruin. On December 12, 1991, a tsunami occurred in Flores, followed by the 1994 East Java tsunami, the 1996 Biak tsunami, the 1998 Sulawesi tsunami, the North Maluku tsunami 2000, and the December 2004 Aceh tsunami, Nias 2005, West Java 2006 and Bengkulu 2007. Seeing the data can it was concluded that on average, almost every two years the tsunami hit the coast of the Indonesian archipelago. The peak of the tsunami in Indonesia occurred in Aceh at the end of 2004 which claimed the lives of more than 160,000 people and other property victims with a large social impact. These events encourage the Indonesian Government to establish an early warning system (early warning system) earthquake and tsunami called the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (Ina-TEWS).

Ina-TEWS is a national project involving various institutions under the State Ministry of Research and Technology (RISTEK) including:

  1. Technical institutions conducting operational monitoring of earthquake elements, earth crust movements and sea level changes, namely: the Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare (Kemkokesra) , Meteorological Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) , Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT) , Science Institute Knowledge Indonesia (LIPI) , National Survey and Mapping Coordinating Board (BAKOSURTANAL) , Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) , National Planning and Development Agency (BAPPENAS) , Ministry of Communication and Information (KEMKOMINFO) ,Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) , Indonesian National Police (POLRI) , Ministry of Home Affairs (KEMDAGRI) , Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KEMLU) , Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries , Ministry of Environment (KLH) , National Aviation and Space Agency (LAPAN) , and and support from experts from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), BMKG, BAKOSURTANAL and BPPT
  2. Institutions that play a role in implementing increased awareness and preparedness of the community are: the State Ministry of Research and Technology, LIPI, DEPDAGRI, Ministry of Communication and Information and BNPB.

Purpose of theEdit


Ina-TEWS functions to:

  1. Detect natural symptoms that could potentially cause a tsunami
  2. Look for the location of the epicenter of the tsunami
  3. Predict the possible damage
  4. Determine the area that will be affected by the tsunami
  5. Minimize the number of fatalities

Main componentsEdit


First is the structural component (tsunami detector sensors). Examples are seismometers, tidal stations and tsunami buoys. Seismometers are operated by BMKG, while tidal stations are used to measure the state of the sea level mounted on the beach or at the port. Tsunami buoy is a device that is installed in the deep sea. In Indonesia now uses 4 types of buoys that are operating in Indonesian waters, namely the Indonesian Tsunami Buoy, the American Deep Ocean Assessment and Reporting Tsunamis (DART), the German-Indonesian Tsunami Warning System (GITWS) and the Wavestan Buoy. In this buoy there is an OBU (Ocean Bottom Unit) where this tool will later detect waves that have the potential for a tsunami to pass over it. The second component is the cultural component.

The way the TWS works is fairly complicated, because it involves many parties such as regional, national, regional and international bodies. In the event of an earthquake, the seismograph will record and provide information about the location of the earthquake, the magnitude of the earthquake, until the time. Then the data will be integrated into the DSS (Device Support System) so that it can be seen that the earthquake will potentially become a tsunami or not. The data must also be equated with the data obtained from the buoy or OBU. If the data has the potential to cause a tsunami, BMKG will issue tsunami warning information to the public. Data is actively sent by OBU through an underwater acoustic modem which will eventually reach the tsunami buoy installed at sea level. Then, Data received by the buoy will be transmitted via satellite to the Tsunami Read Down Station (RDS) monitoring center at BPPT. This tool is used to record the arrival of tsunami waves. then forwarded to the Warning Center at BMKG.

Image Flow Chart of NOAA's Tsunami Warning SystemEdit


tsunami early warning flowchart system.

From the picture besides being the mechanism of work of the TWA NOAA system , we can see that every time an earthquake occurs under the sea, each associated instrument will send the result data to the Tsunami Warnings Center, from which data will produce a tsunami or not be permanent notified to authorized government agencies which will then be analyzed and notified to the general public through warning sirens or via Television and Radio .

Ina-TEWS Communication System.Edit


The Ina-TEWS system combines the two lines of communication : satellite and terrestrial communication networks to support real-time data communication between the control center and the warning siren . In an emergency, the control center sends activation commands both through the network in parallel to ensure fast and reliable activation of siren warnings. In addition to terrestrial networks, the Ina-TEWS system is also supported by the Asia Cellular network, which has proven that this satellite covers the Asian region. This system provides reliable and secure satellite communication via Garuda -1 satellite using the terminal, although it is small but still strong installed at each siren site. This tool (beamwidth antenna), small in size: 75 ', ensures that satellite communication is not interrupted despite significant antenna misalignments that can be caused by earthquakes or other disasters.

Communication systems in the tsunami early warning system include data communication (upstream) and information communication (downstream). The data communication (upstream) part is how this communication system can support so that information / data can quickly and accurately reach the data processing center, for example from monitoring equipment to a data processing center. In addition, also how between the existing centers can communicate with each other and share information quickly without obstacles. The information communication section (dowstream), how information about the earthquake and the likelihood of a tsunami can be quickly communicated to the relevant agencies that have an interest in handling disasters in the regions, as well as communicating directly to communities that are threatened by the danger.

The Indonesian government expectationEdit


The Ina-TEWS that was built at such a high cost would not be of much use if insight, awareness, attention, and the level of preparedness of the community and the government were still low. Efforts to increase public awareness and readiness must have been initiated including dissemination of information through print media, electronic media, brochures, posters and pamphlets, as well as making disaster maps, providing infrastructure for training, seminars, workshops, lectures, and evacuation drill (tsunami evacuation drill). In addition, among other things empowering communities to build their capacity to face disasters by exploring and exploring local wisdom, for example in the construction of earthquake-resistant traditional buildings, delivering warnings or danger of impending disaster in traditional ways.