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Baris 5:
{{Demokrasi sosial sidebar}}
'''Demokrasi sosial''' adalah sebuah filsafat [[Filsafat politik|politik]], [[Filsafat sosial|sosial]], dan [[Filsafat ekonomi|ekonomi]] dalam sistem [[sosialisme]]{{sfnm|1a1=Eatwell|1a2=Wright|1y=1999|1pp=80–103|2a1=Newman|2y=2005|2p=5|3a1=Heywood|3y=2007|3pp=101, 134–136, 139|4a1=Ypi|4y=2018|5a1=Watson|5y=2019}} yang mendukung demokrasi politik dan demokrasi ekonomi.{{sfnm|1a1=Wintrop|1y=1983|1p=306|2a1=Archer|2y=1995|3a1=Jones|3y=2001|3p=737|4a1=Ritzer|4y=2004|4p=479}} Dalam praktiknya, [[Daftar partai sosial demokrat dan sosialis demokrat yang pernah memerintah|rezim-rezim pemerintahan demokrasi sosial]] menghasilkan suatu model [[kapitalisme kesejahteraan]] yang dikelola secara sosial (yang sangat berbeda dari [[Ekonomi liberal|kapitalisme liberal]] melalui [[Ekonomi campuran|kepemilikan publik parsial]]), kontrol ekonomi atas pasar, dan kebijakan yang mendorong [[kesetaraan sosial]]. Sarana utama yang digunakan adalah [[Intervensionisme ekonomi|kebijakan intervensionis dalam pengelolaan ekonomi]].
'''Demokrasi sosial''' adalah [[ideologi politik]], [[Ideologi sosial|sosial]], dan ekonomi yang mendukung [[Intervensionisme ekonomi|intervensi ekonomi]] dan [[Intervensionisme sosial|sosial]] untuk mendorong [[keadilan sosial]] dalam kerangka entitas politik [[demokrasi liberal]] dan [[ekonomi campuran]] kapitalis. Protokol dan norma yang digunakan untuk mencapainya melibatkan komitmen pada [[demokrasi perwakilan]] dan [[Demokrasi partisipatoris|partisipatoris]], kebijakan untuk me[[redistribusi pendapatan]] dan [[regulasi ekonomi]] untuk [[kepentingan umum]] dan penyediaan [[kesejahteraan sosial]].{{sfn|Heywood|2012|p=128|ps=: "Social democracy is an ideological stance that supports a broad balance between market capitalism, on the one hand, and state intervention, on the other hand. Being based on a compromise between the market and the state, social democracy lacks a systematic underlying theory and is, arguably, inherently vague. It is nevertheless associated with the following views: (1) capitalism is the only reliable means of generating wealth, but it is a morally defective means of distributing wealth because of its tendency towards poverty and inequality; (2) the defects of the capitalist system can be rectified through economic and social intervention, the state being the custodian of the public interest [...]"}}<ref>{{harvnb|Miller|1998|p=827}}: "The idea of social democracy is now used to describe a society the economy of which is predominantly capitalist, but where the state acts to regulate the economy in the general interest, provides welfare services outside of it and attempts to alter the distribution of income and wealth in the name of social justice."</ref>{{sfn|Badie|Berg-Schlosser|Morlino|2011|p=2423|ps=: "Social democracy refers to a political tendency resting on three fundamental features: (1) democracy (e.g., equal rights to vote and form parties), (2) an economy partly regulated by the state (e.g., through Keynesianism), and (3) a welfare state offering social support to those in need (e.g., equal rights to education, health service, employment and pensions)."}} Dengan cara ini, demokrasi sosial bertujuan untuk menciptakan kondisi bagi kapitalisme untuk mengarah pada hasil yang lebih demokratis, [[Egalitarianisme|egaliter]], dan [[Solidaritas|solidaristik]].{{sfn|Weisskopf|1992|p=10|ps=: "Thus social democrats do not try to do away with either the market or private property ownership; instead, they attempt to create conditions in which the operation of a capitalist market economy will lead to more egalitarian outcomes and encourage more democratic and more solidaristic practices than would a more conventional capitalist system."}} Akibat dari lamanya pemerintahan [[partai demokrat sosial]] dan pengaruhnya pada perkembangan kebijakan sosial ekonomi di [[negara Nordik]], dalam lingkup kebijakan, demokrasi sosial telah diasosiasikan dengan [[model Nordik]] dan [[Keynesianisme]] dalam lingkaran politik pada paruh kedua abad ke-20.{{sfnm|1a1=Gombert|1a2=Bläsius|1a3=Krell|1a4=Timpe|1y=2009|1p=8|2a1=Sejersted|2y=2011}}
<ref>{{Cite book|last=Lane|first=David|year=2023|title=Global Neoliberal Capitalism and the Alternatives: From Social Democracy to State Capitalisms|location=Bristol|publisher=Bristol University Press|isbn=978-1-5292-2093-3|pages=96–114|chapter=The Decay of Social Democracy}}</ref>
'''Demokrasi sosial''' adalah [[ideologi politik]], [[Ideologi sosial|sosial]], dan ekonomi yang mendukung [[Intervensionisme ekonomi|intervensi ekonomi]] dan [[Intervensionisme sosial|sosial]] untuk mendorong [[keadilan sosial]] dalam kerangka entitas politik [[demokrasi liberal]] dan [[ekonomi campuran]] kapitalis. Protokol dan norma yang digunakan untuk mencapainya melibatkan komitmen pada [[demokrasi perwakilan]] dan [[Demokrasi partisipatoris|partisipatoris]], kebijakan untuk me[[redistribusi pendapatan]] dan [[regulasi ekonomi]] untuk [[kepentingan umum]] dan penyediaan [[kesejahteraan sosial]].{{sfn|Heywood|2012|p=128|ps=: "Social democracy is an ideological stance that supports a broad balance between market capitalism, on the one hand, and state intervention, on the other hand. Being based on a compromise between the market and the state, social democracy lacks a systematic underlying theory and is, arguably, inherently vague. It is nevertheless associated with the following views: (1) capitalism is the only reliable means of generating wealth, but it is a morally defective means of distributing wealth because of its tendency towards poverty and inequality; (2) the defects of the capitalist system can be rectified through economic and social intervention, the state being the custodian of the public interest [...]"}}<ref>{{harvnb|Miller|1998|p=827}}: "The idea of social democracy is now used to describe a society the economy of which is predominantly capitalist, but where the state acts to regulate the economy in the general interest, provides welfare services outside of it and attempts to alter the distribution of income and wealth in the name of social justice."</ref>{{sfn|Badie|Berg-Schlosser|Morlino|2011|p=2423|ps=: "Social democracy refers to a political tendency resting on three fundamental features: (1) democracy (e.g., equal rights to vote and form parties), (2) an economy partly regulated by the state (e.g., through Keynesianism), and (3) a welfare state offering social support to those in need (e.g., equal rights to education, health service, employment and pensions)."}} Dengan cara ini, demokrasi sosial bertujuan untuk menciptakan kondisi bagi kapitalisme untuk mengarah pada hasil yang lebih demokratis, [[Egalitarianisme|egaliter]], dan [[Solidaritas|solidaristik]].{{sfn|Weisskopf|1992|p=10|ps=: "Thus social democrats do not try to do away with either the market or private property ownership; instead, they attempt to create conditions in which the operation of a capitalist market economy will lead to more egalitarian outcomes and encourage more democratic and more solidaristic practices than would a more conventional capitalist system."}} Akibat dari lamanya pemerintahan [[partai demokrat sosial]] dan pengaruhnya pada perkembangan kebijakan sosial ekonomi di [[negara Nordik]], dalam lingkup kebijakan, demokrasi sosial telah diasosiasikan dengan [[model Nordik]] dan [[Keynesianisme]] dalam lingkaran politik pada paruh kedua abad ke-20.{{sfnm|1a1=Gombert|1a2=Bläsius|1a3=Krell|1a4=Timpe|1y=2009|1p=8|2a1=Sejersted|2y=2011}}
Demokrasi sosial bermula dari ideologi politik yang menganjurkan transisi [[Reformisme|evolusioner]] dan damai dari kapitalisme menuju [[sosialisme]] melalui proses politik yang mapan, berkebalikan dengan transisi dengan [[Sosialisme revolusioner|pendekatan revolusioner]] yang diasosiasikan kepada [[Marxisme ortodoks]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Social democracy|publisher=''Encyclopædia Britannica''|accessdate=10 August 2015}}</ref> Di awal era pasca-Perang Dunia II di Eropa Barat, partai demokrat sosial menolak model politik dan ekonomi [[Stalinisme|Stalinis]] yang ada di [[Uni Soviet]]. Mereka lebih memilih jalan alternatif menuju sosialisme atau dengan berkompromi antara kapitalisme dan sosialisme.{{sfn|Adams|1993|pp=102-103|ps=: "The emergence of social democracy was partly a result of the Cold War. People argued that if the Stalinist Soviet empire, where the state controlled everything, showed socialism in action, then socialism was not worth having. [...] The consensus policies of a mixed and managed economy and the welfare state, developed by the post-war Labour government, seemed in themselves to provide a basis for a viable socialism that would combine prosperity and freedom with social justice and the possibility of a full life for everyone. They could be seen as a compromise between socialism and capitalism."}} Dalam periode ini, demokrat sosial menganut [[ekonomi campuran]] berdasarkan pada dominasi [[kepemilikan pribadi]], dengan hanya sedikit layanan publik dan utilitas penting yang [[kepemilikan publik|dimiliki publik]]. Hasilnya, demokrasi sosial diidentikan dengan [[ekonomi Keynesian]], intervensionisme negara, dan negara kesejahteraan, ketika mengabaikan tujuan sebelumnya untuk menggantikan sistem kapitalis (pasar faktor, kepemilikan pribadi, dan buruh upahan){{sfn|Weisskopf|1992|p=10|ps=: "Thus social democrats do not try to do away with either the market or private property ownership; instead, they attempt to create conditions in which the operation of a capitalist market economy will lead to more egalitarian outcomes and encourage more democratic and more solidaristic practices than would a more conventional capitalist system."}} dengan [[sistem ekonomi]] sosialis yang berbeda secara kualitatif.<ref>{{harvnb|Miller|1998|p=827}}: "In the second, mainly post-war, phase, social democrats came to believe that their ideals and values could be achieved by reforming capitalism rather than abolishing it. They favored a mixed economy in which most industries would be privately owned, with only a small number of utilities and other essential services in public ownership."</ref>{{sfn|Jones|2001|p=1410|ps=: "In addition, particularly since World War II, distinctions have sometimes been made between social democrats and socialists on the basis that the former have accepted the permanence of the mixed economy and have abandoned the idea of replacing the capitalist system with a qualitatively different socialist society."}}{{sfn|Heywood|2012|pp=125–128|ps=: "As an ideological stance, social democracy took shape around the mid-twentieth century, resulting from the tendency among western socialist parties not only to adopt parliamentary strategies, but also to revise their socialist goals. In particular, they abandoned the goal of abolishing capitalism and sought instead to reform or ‘humanize’ it. Social democracy therefore came to stand for a broad balance between the market economy, on the one hand, and state intervention, on the other."}} Dengan meningkatnya popularitas [[neoliberalisme]] dan [[Kanan Baru]] pada 1980-an,<ref name="Lewis&Surender">Lewis, Jane; Surender, Rebecca (2004). ''Welfare State Change: Towards a Third Way?''. Oxford University Press. pp. 3–4, 16.</ref> banyak partai demokrat sosial memasukkan ideologi [[Jalan Ketiga]],{{sfn|Whyman|2005|pp=1–5}} yang bertujuan untuk memadukan [[Liberalisme ekonomi|ekonomi liberal]] dengan kebijakan [[kesejahteraan]] demokrasi sosial.{{sfn|Whyman|2005|p=61}}{{sfn|Whyman|2005|p=215}} Pada 2010-an, Jalan Ketiga umumnya [[Demokrasi sosial#Penurunan di Eropa Barat (2010-sekarang)|tidak disukai]] dalam fenomena yang dikenal sebagai [[Pasokifikasi|PASOKifikasi]].<ref name="Barbieri">{{cite journal|url=|title=The Death and Life of Social Democracy|last=Barbieri|first=Pierpaolo|journal=Foreign Affairs|date=25 April 2017|accessdate=20 October 2017}}</ref>
Baris 30 ⟶ 35:
''[[Laporan Kebahagiaan Dunia]]'' [[Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa]] (PBB) menunjukkan bahwa negara-negara yang paling bahagia terkonsentrasi di negara demokrat sosial, khususnya Eropa Utara, di mana demokrasi sosial [[model Nordik]] diimplementasikan. Hal ini terkadang dikaitkan dengan keberhasilan model Nordik di kawasan tersebut, di mana partai-partai serupa seperti [[sosialis demokrat]], [[Gerakan buruh|buruh]], dan [[Partai demokrat sosial|demokrat sosial]] mendominasi panggung politik dan meletakan landasan bagi [[Negara kesejahteraan#Tiga dunia negara kesejahteraan|negara-negara kesejahteraan univeral]] pada abad ke-20. Negara-negara Nordik, termasuk di antaranya Denmark, Finlandia, Islandia, Norwegia, Swedia serta Greenland dan Kepulauan Faroe, juga menempati peringkat tertinggi berdasarkan metrik [[PDB per kapita|PDB riil per kapita]], [[kesetaraan ekonomi]], [[harapan hidup]] sehat, [[Solidaritas|memiliki seseorang yang dapat diandalkan]], persepsi [[Kebebasan memilih|kebebasan membuat pilihan hidup]], [[kemurahan hati]] dan [[pengembangan manusia (ekonomi)|pengembangan manusia]].<ref>Gregoire, Carolyn (10 September 2013). [ "The Happiest Countries In The World"]. ''[[The Huffington Post]].'' Retrieved 1 October 2013.</ref><ref>{{cite news|last=Conley|first=Julia|title=Social Democratic Nations Rank Happiest on Global Index (Again). US Ranking Falls (Again)|url=|work=[[Common Dreams]]|date=20 March 2019|accessdate=31 March 2019}}</ref> Laporan serupa juga telah menempatkan negara Skandinavia dan negara demokrat sosial lainnya di peringkat atas pada indikator seperti [[kebebasan sipil]],<ref>[ "Freedom in the World 2018"].</ref> [[demokrasi]],<ref>[ "Democracy Index 2018"]</ref> [[Kebebasan pers|pers]],<ref>[ "2019 World Press Freedom Index"].</ref> kebebasan [[Hak buruh|buruh]] dan [[Kebebasan ekonomi|ekonomi]],<ref>[ "2017 Index of Economic Freedom"].</ref> [[perdamaian]]<ref>[ "Global Peace Index 2018"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2019-04-29 }}.</ref> dan kebebasan dari [[korupsi]].<ref>[ "Corruption Perceptions Index 2018"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2019-01-30 }}.</ref>
Sejumlah penelitian dan survei menujukkan bahwa orang cenderung hidup lebih bahagia di masyarakat demokrat sosial dibandingkan yang neoliberal.<ref>Brown, Craig (11 May 2009). [ "World's Happiest Countries? Social Democracies"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2017-10-20 }}. [[Commondreams]]. Retrieved 20 October 2014.</ref><ref>Radcliff, Benjamin (25 September 2013). [ "Western nations with social safety net happier"]. [[CNN]]. Retrieved 20 October 2014.</ref><ref>Brown, Andrew (12 September 2014). [ "Who are Europe's happiest people – progressives or conservatives?"]. ''[[The Guardian]].'' Retrieved 20 October 2014.</ref><ref>Eskow, Richard (15 October 2014). [ "New Study Finds Big Government Makes People Happy, "Free Markets" Don't]". Our Future. Retrieved 20 October 2014.</ref>
== Kritik ==