Utilitarianisme: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 27:
Beberapa mengklaim bahwa [[Johanes Gay|John Gay]] mengembangkan teori sistematis pertama tentang etika utilitarian.<ref>Ashcraft, Richard (1991) John Locke: Critical Assessments (Critical assessments of leading political philosophers), Routledge, p. 691</ref> Dalam ''Concerning the Fundamental Principle of Virtue or Morality'' (1731), Gay berpendapat bahwa:<ref>{{Cite book|last=Gay|first=John|year=2002|title=Moral Philosophy from Montaigne to Kant|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-00304-9|editor-last=Schneewind|editor-first=J. B.|page=408|chapter=Concerning the Fundamental Principle of Virtue or Morality}}</ref>
{{Quote|happinesskebahagiaan, privatekebahagiaan happinesspribadi, isadalah thetujuan properakhir ordari ultimatesemua endtindakan of all our actionskita... eachsetiap particulartindakan actiontertentu maydapat bedikatakan saidmemiliki totujuan haveyang itsspesifik properdan and peculiar end…tertentu...(buttetapi)…they...tetapi stilltujuan-tujuan tenditu orseharusnya oughtcenderung toke tendsesuatu toyang somethinglebih fartherjauh; asseperti isyang evidentterbukti fromdari hencekarenanya, [[viz.]]yaitu thatseseorang adapat manbertanya maydan askmeminta andalasan expectmengapa asalah reasonsatu whydari eithertujuan-tujuan ofitu them are pursueddikejar: nowuntuk tomenanyakan askalasan thetindakan reasonatau oftujuan anyapa actionpun oradalah pursuit, is only to enquire into the enduntuk ofmenyelidiki itakhirnya: buttetapi tomengharapkan expectsuatu a reasonalasan, i.e.yaitu ansuatu end,tujuan tountuk beditetapkan assignedsebagai fortujuan anakhir ultimateadalah end,tidak ismasuk absurdakal. ToUntuk askbertanya whymengapa Isaya pursuemengejar happinesskebahagiaan, will admit of no othertidak answerakan thanmenerima anjawaban explanationlain ofselain thepenjelasan termsistilah.|title=}}Tujuan kebahagiaan ini mempunyai dasar [[Teologi|teologis]]:<ref>{{Cite book|last=Gay|first=John|year=2002|title=Moral Philosophy from Montaigne to Kant|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-00304-9|editor-last=Schneewind|editor-first=J. B.|pages=404–05|chapter=Concerning the Fundamental Principle of Virtue or Morality}}</ref>
{{blockquote|Now it is evident from the nature of God, viz. his being infinitely happy in himself from all eternity, and from his goodness manifested in his works, that he could have no other design in creating mankind than their happiness; and therefore he wills their happiness; therefore the means of their happiness: therefore that my behaviour, as far as it may be a means of the happiness of mankind, should be such...thus the will of God is the immediate criterion of Virtue, and the happiness of mankind the criterion of the will of God; and therefore the happiness of mankind may be said to be the criterion of virtue, but once removed…(and)…I am to do whatever lies in my power towards promoting the happiness of mankind.|author=|title=|source=}}