James Charles Stuart: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Adesio2010 (bicara | kontrib)
Adesio2010 (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 147:
=== Pohon keluarga ===
== Daftar tulisan ==
* ''[[Some Reulis and Cautelis to be observit and eschewit in Scottis poesie|The Essayes of a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poesie]]'', (juga disebut ''Some Reulis and Cautelis''), 1584
* [https://books.google.com/books?id=6oQ8AAAAcAAJ&source=gbs_navlinks_s ''His Majesties Poeticall Exercises at Vacant Houres'', 1591]
** ''Lepanto'', puisi
* ''[[Daemonologie]]'', 1597
** ''[[Newes from Scotland]]'', 1591
* ''[[The True Law of Free Monarchies]]'', 1598
* ''[[Basilikon Doron]]'', 1599
* ''[[A Counterblaste to Tobacco]]'', 1604
* ''An Apologie for the Oath of Allegiance'', 1608
* ''A Premonition to All Most Mightie Monarches'', 1609
== Lihat pula ==