Piala FA Korea tookterjadi placesetelah afterakhir the end of the regularmusim [[K-League]] seasonreguler, anddan wasbiasanya usuallyselesai completeddalam overwaktu ayang short periodsingkat. GamesPertandingan weredimainkan playeddalam informat aeliminasi single-elimination formattunggal, withdengan extrawaktu timetambahan anddan penaltiespenalti ifjika requireddiperlukan. Sisi [[K-League]] sidesdiunggulkan weredi seededputaran inpertama the 1st round of the tournament properturnamen, buttetapi allsemua matchespertandingan weredimainkan playeddi attempat neutral venuesnetral, such asseperti [[Gimcheon]] anddan [[Namhae]].
ToUntuk elevate themeningkatkan status of the tournamentturnamen, matchespertandingan weredisebar spreadsepanjang throughout the yeartahun. TheEdisi 2006 edition, for examplemisalnya, starteddimulai inpada earlyawal MarchMaret, withdengan roundsputaran alsojuga helddiadakan inpada bulan April, JulyJuli, AugustAgustus anddan November. The finalFinal wasdimainkan playedpada inbulan DecemberDesember.
Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, kompetisi ini diperebutkan dalam format KO lurus.
As in previous years, the competition was contested in a straight knockout format.