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Baris 3:
Tetapi, ilmu dapat pula bermakna jauh berbeda dari pengertian sains. Di masyarakat kita, biasa kita dengar istilah "ilmu hitam", yaitu ilmu yang berkonotasi buruk, misalnya bisa bermakna ilmu yang muncul dari kekuatan gaib yang ditujukan untuk melakukan perbuatan jahat.
<!---dalam proses penterjemahan!!!
[[Image:Bohratommodel.png|thumb|307px|[[Model atom Bohr]], sebagaimana banyak gagasan dalam sejarah ilmu, pada saat awal sangat didukung dan disetujui, namun kemudian, mengikuti perkembangan pengetahuan manusia, terbantah oleh [[percobaan]].]]
'''Ilmu''' adalah proses menguji [[pengetahuan]] [[empiris]] ([[metode ilmiah]]) dan pengetahuan yang teratur yang diperoleh dari proses ini.
Ilmu dapat digolongkan menurut cara berikut ini,
*[[Ilmu sosial]]
*[[Ilmu pasti]] (ilmu dalam arti yang lebih ketat)
**[[Ilmu terapan]] ([[rekayasa]])
**[[Ilmu alam]]
Haruslah dicatat bahwa pemisahan ini berdasarkan konsep [[filsafat]] [[Negara Barat]]. [[Teologi]], bagian lain dari pengetahuan manusia, tidak dianggap ilmiah sehingga dipisahkan.
Ilmu pasti mempelajari [[alam]], [[matematika]], dan [[teknologi]], sedangkan [[ilmu sosial]] mempelajari [[perilaku manusia]] dan [[masyarakat]].
Teori "ilmiah" bersifat objektif – dapat dibuktikan secara empiris – dan "prediktif" – menduga hasil empiris yang bisa diperiksa, dan tentu saja mungkin pula bertentangan.
Beberapa penemuan keilmuan bisa sangat ''counter-intuitive''. [[Teori atom]] misalnya, menunjukkan bahwa bongkahan granit yang tampak berat, keras, dan padat ternyata merupakan kombinasi subatomik berbagai [[fisika partikel|partikel]] yang satu pun tidak memiliki sifat-sifat tersebut, yang bergerak sangat cepat dalam suatu ruangan yang hampir kosong.
==Pemodelan, teori, dan hukum ilmiah==
''Artikel utama:'' [[metode ilmiah]]
Istilah "[[model]]", "[[hipotesis]]", "[[teori]]", dan "[[hukum fisika|hukum]]" mengandung arti yang berbeda dalam keilmuan dari pemahaman umum. Para ilmuwan menggunakan istilah ''model'' untuk menjelaskan sesuatu, secara khusus yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat dugaan yang bisa diuji oleh percobaan/eksperimen atau [[observasi|pengamatan]]. Suatu ''hipotesis'' adalah dugaan-dugaan yang belum didukung atau dibuktikan oleh percobaan, dan ''Hukum fisika'' atau ''hukum alam'' adalah generalisasi ilmiah berdasarkan pengamatan empiris.
Kata ''teori'' is misunderstood particularly often by laymen. The common usage of the word "theory" refers to ideas that have no firm proof or support; in contrast, scientists usually use this word to refer to bodies of ideas that make specific predictions. To say "the apple fell" is to state a fact, whereas [[gravity|Newton's theory of universal gravitation]] is a body of ideas that allows a scientist to explain why the apple fell and make predictions about other falling objects.
An especially fruitful theory that has withstood the test of time and has an overwhelming quantity of evidence supporting it is considered to be "proven" in the scientific sense. Some universally accepted models such as [[heliocentric theory]] and [[atomic theory]] are so well-established that it is impossible to imagine them ever being falsified. Others, such as [[relativity]], [[electromagnetism]] and [[evolution|biological evolution]] have survived rigorous empirical testing without being contradicted, but it is nevertheless conceivable that they will some day be supplanted. Younger theories such as [[string theory]] may provide promising ideas, but have yet to receive the same level of scrutiny.
Scientists never claim absolute knowledge. Unlike a [[mathematical proof]], a "proven" scientific theory is ''always'' open to [[falsifiability|falsification]] if new evidence is presented. Even the most basic and fundamental theories may turn out to be imperfect if new observations are inconsistent with them.
[[Isaac Newton|Newton]]'s [[Newtonian mechanics|law of gravitation]] is a famous example of a law which was found not to hold in experiments involving motion at speeds close to the speed of light or in close proximity to strong gravitational fields. Outside those conditions, Newton's Laws remain an excellent model of motion and gravity. Because [[general relativity]] accounts for all of the phenomena that Newton's Laws do, and more, general relativity is now regarded as a better theory.
==Filsafat ilmu==
''Artikel utama: [[Filsafat ilmu]]''
Science's effectiveness has made it a subject of much [[philosophy|philosophical]] speculation. The philosophy of science seeks to understand the nature and justification of scientific knowledge, and its ethical implications. It has proved remarkably difficult to provide an [[Scientific_method#Philosophical_issues |account of the scientific method]] that can serve to distinguish science from non-science.
== Matematika dan metode ilmiah ==
[[Mathematics]] is essential to science. The most important function of mathematics in science is the role it plays in the expression of scientific ''models''. Observing and collecting measurements, as well as hypothesizing and predicting, typically require mathematical models and extensive use of mathematics. Mathematical branches most often used in science include [[calculus]] and [[statistics]], although virtually every branch of mathematics has applications, even "pure" areas such as [[number theory]] and [[topology]].
Some thinkers see mathematicians as scientists, regarding physical experiments as inessential or mathematical proofs as equivalent to experiments. Others do not see mathematics as a science, since it does not require experimental test of its theories and hypotheses. In either case, the fact that mathematics is such a useful tool in describing the universe is a central issue in the [[philosophy of mathematics]].
See: [[Eugene Wigner]], [[The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences|The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics]].
[[Richard Feynman]] said "Mathematics is not real, but it ''feels'' real. Where is this place?", while
[[Bertrand Russell]]'s favourite definition of mathematics was "the subject in which we never know what we are talking about nor whether what we are saying is right."
== Tujuan ilmu ==
Despite popular impressions of science, it is not the goal of science to answer all questions, only those that pertain to physical reality (measurable empirical experience). Also, science cannot possibly address all possible questions, so the choice of which questions to answer becomes important. Science does not and can not produce absolute and unquestionable truth. Rather, science consistently tests the best hypothesis about some aspect of the physical world, and when necessary revises or replaces it in light of new observations or data.
Science does not make any statements about how nature actually "is"; science can only make conclusions about our ''observations'' of nature. The developments of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century showed that observations are not independent of interactions, and the implications of wave-particle duality have challenged the traditional notion of "objectivity" in science.
Science is not a source of subjective value judgements, though it can certainly speak to matters of ethics and public policy by pointing to the likely consequences of actions. However, science can't tell us which of those consequences to desire or which is 'best'. What one projects from the currently most reasonable scientific hypothesis onto other realms of interest is not a scientific issue, and the scientific method offers no assistance for those who wish to do so. Scientific justification (or refutation) for many things is, nevertheless, often claimed.
== Lokasi ilmu ==
Science is practiced in [[universities|university]] and other scientific institutes as well as in the field; as such it is a solid vocation in [[academia]], but has also been practiced by [[amateur]]s, who typically engage in the [[observation]]al part of science.
Some workers in corporate [[laboratory|research laboratories]] also practice the methods of science and eventually become renowned enough in their fields to also work in academia. Conversely, some academics become well-known enough to consult to industry by applying their findings in some [[technology]].
== Bidang-bidang keilmuan ==
=== Ilmu alam ===
* [[Fisika]]
** [[Akustik]]
** [[Astrodinamika]]
** [[Astronomi]]
** [[Astrofisika]]
** [[Fisika Atom, Molekul, dan Optik]]
** [[Biofisika]]
** [[Fisika komputasi]]
** [[Fisika bahan padat]]
** [[Cryogenics]]
** [[Dinamika]]
** [[Dinamika cairan]]
** [[Fisika bahan]]
** [[Fisika matematis]]
** [[Mechanika]]
** [[Fisika inti]]
** [[Optik]]
** [[Fisika partikel]] (atau fisika energi tinggi)
** [[Fisika plasma]]
** [[Fisika polimer]]
** [[Dinamika kendaraan]]
* [[Kimia]]
** [[Kimia analitik]]
** [[Biokimia]]
** [[Kimia komputasi]]
** [[Elektrokimia]]
** [[Kimia anorganik]]
** [[Ilmu bahan]]
** [[Kimia organik]]
** [[Kimia fisik]]
** [[Kimia kuantum]]
** [[Spektroskopi]]
** [[Stereokimia]]
** [[Termokimia]]
* [[Ilmu bumi]]
** [[Geodesi]]
** [[Geografi]]
** [[Geologi]]
** [[Meteorologi]]
** [[Oseanografi]]
** [[Paleontologi]]
** [[Limnologi]]
** [[Seismologi]]
* [[Biologi]]
** [[Anatomi]]
** [[Antropologi fisik]]
** [[Astrobiologi]]
** [[Biokimia]]
** [[Bioinformatika]]
** [[Biofisika]]
** [[Botani]]
** [[Biologi sel]]
** [[Kladistika]]
** [[Sitologi]]
** [[Biologi pertumbuhan]]
** [[Ekologi]]
** [[Entomologi]]
** [[Epidemiologi]]
** [[Evolusi]] (Biologi evolusioner)
** [[Biologi pertumbuhan evolutioner]] ("Evo-devo" atau Evolusi pertumbuhan)
** [[Biologi air tawar]]
** [[Genetika]] ([[Genetika populasi]], [[Genomika]], [[Proteomika]])
** [[Ilmu kesehatan]]
*** [[Kedokteran gigi]]
*** [[Kedokteran]]
*** [[Farmakologi]]
*** [[Toksikologi]]
*** [[Kedokteran hewan]]
*** [[Onkologi]] (ilmu kanker)
** [[Histologi]]
** [[Imunologi]]
** [[Biologi laut]]
** [[Mikrobiologi]]
** [[Biologi molekul]]
** [[Morfologi]]
** [[Ilmu saraf]]
** [[Ontogeni]]
** [[Patologi]]
** [[Fikologi]] (Algologi)
** [[Filogeni]]
** [[Fisiologi]]
** [[Biologi struktur]]
** [[Taksonomi]]
** [[Virologi]]
** [[Zoologi]]
=== Ilmu sosial ===
* [[Antropologi]]
** [[Arkeologi]]
* [[Ekonomi]]
* [[Linguistik]] (Ilmu bahasa)
* [[Ilmu politik]]
* [[Psikologi]]
** [[Analisis perilaku]]
** [[Biopsikologi]]
** [[Psikologi kognitif]]
** [[Psikologi klinis]]
** [[Psikologi pertumbuhan]]
** [[Psikologi pendidikan]]
** [[Psikologi eksperimen]]
** [[Psikologi forensik]]
** [[Psikologi kesehatan]]
** [[Psikologi humanis]]
** [[Psikologi industri dan organisasi]]
** [[Neuropsikologi]]
** [[Psikologi kepribadian]]
** [[Psikometri]]
** [[Psikofisika]]
** [[Psikologi sensasi dan persepsi]]
** [[Psikologi sosial]]
* [[Sosiologi]]
===Ilmu terapan===
*Ilmu komputer dan informatika
** [[Ilmu komputer]]
** [[Informatika]]
** [[Ilmu kognitif]]
** ''[[Cybernetics]]''
** ''[[Systemics]]''
**[[Rekayasa pertanian]]
**[[Ilmu pertanian]]
**[[ilmu biomedik]]
**[[Rekayasa listrik]]
== Etimologi ==
The word '''science''' comes from the [[Latin]] word, ''scientia'', which means [[knowledge]].
Until [[the Enlightenment]], the word "science" (or its Latin cognate) meant any systematic or exact, recorded knowledge. "Science" therefore had the same sort of very broad meaning that "[[philosophy]]" had at that time.
There was a distinction between, for example, "natural science" and "moral science," which later included what we now call philosophy, and this mirrored a distinction between "natural philosophy" and "moral philosophy." More recently, "science" has come to be restricted to what used to be called "[[natural science]]" or "natural philosophy." Natural science can be further broken down into [[physical science]] and [[biological science]]. [[Social science]] is often included in the field of science as well.
Fields of study are often distinguished in terms of "hard sciences" and "soft sciences," and these terms (at times considered derogatory) are often synonymous with the terms natural and social science (respectively). [[Physics]], [[chemistry]], [[biology]] and [[geology]] are all forms of "hard sciences". Studies of [[anthropology]], [[history]], [[psychology]], and [[sociology]] are sometimes called "soft sciences." Proponents of this division use the arguments that the "soft sciences" do not use the [[scientific method]], admit [[anecdotal evidence]], or are not mathematical, all adding up to a "lack of [[rigor]]" in their methods. Opponents of the division in the sciences counter that the "social sciences" often make systematic statistical studies in strictly controlled environments, or that these conditions are not adhered to by the natural sciences either (for example, [[behavioral biology]] relies upon [[fieldwork]] in uncontrolled environments, [[astronomy]] cannot design experiments, only observe limited conditions). Opponents of the division also point out that each of the current "hard sciences" suffered a similar "lack of rigor" in its own infancy.
The term "science" is sometimes pressed into service for new and [[interdisciplinarity|interdisciplinary]] fields that make use of scientific methods at least in part, and which in any case aspire to be systematic and careful explorations of their subjects, including [[computer science]], [[library and information science]], and [[environmental science]]. [[Mathematics]] and [[computer science]] reside under "Q" in the [[Library of Congress classification]], along with all else we now call science.
== Tema terkait ==
* Organisasi dan praktik ilmu: [[International Council of Science]] (ICSU).
* For an understanding of how these fields came to be: [[History of Science and Technology]].
* Lihat pula [[ilmuwan]] untuk katalog orang-orang yang berkecimpung dalam bidangnya.
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Teori dasar ilmu]]
* [[Sejarah ilmu]]
* ''[[Junk science]]''
* [[National Science Foundation]] ([[United States|USA]])
* [[Patafisika]]
* [[Ilmu patologik]]
* ''[[Protoscience]]''
* ''[[Pseudoscience]]''
* [[Big Science]]
* [[Science education]]
* [[Scientific enterprise]]
* [[Scientific misconduct]]
* [[Scientific materialism]]
* [[Scientific method]]
* [[Scientific revolution]]
* [[The relationship between religion and science]]
* [[List of publications in science]]
* [[List of scientific howlers in literature]]
== Pranala keluar ==
* [ ''Dictionary of the History of Ideas'':] Classification of the Sciences
* [ Wikibooks - GSCE science textbook]
* [ Daily Science News]
* [ Internet-Encyclopedia March 14, 2003], alphabetized and ordered list of sciences adapted from the Internet-Encyclopedia article, "Science"
=== Sumberdaya ===
* [ Ethics in Science]
* [ Current Events in Science Magazine]
* [ United States Science Initiative]
* [ Simple Introduction to Science]
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