Utilitarianisme: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 50:
== Utilitarianisme klasik ==
=== Jeremy Bentham ===
[[Berkas:Jeremy_Bentham_by_Henry_William_Pickersgill_detail.jpg|pra=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/Jeremy_Bentham_by_Henry_William_Pickersgill_detail.jpg/220px-Jeremy_Bentham_by_Henry_William_Pickersgill_detail.jpg|ka|jmpl|[[Jeremy Bentham]]]]
Buku Bentham ''[[Pengantar Asas Moral dan Peraturan Perundang-undangan|An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation]]'' diterbitkan pada tahun 1789. Terdapat kemungkinan bahwa Bentham terdorong untuk menerbitkan karyanya setelah ia melihat kesuksesan karya Paley, ''Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy''. <ref name="Rosen, Frederick 2003, p. 132">Rosen, Frederick. 2003. ''Classical Utilitarianism from Hume to Mill''. Routledge. p. 132.</ref> Meskipun buku Bentham tidak langsung sukses, <ref>Schneewind, J. B. 1977. ''Sidgwick's Ethics and Victorian Moral Philosophy''. Oxford: [[Clarendon Press]]. p. 122.</ref> ide-idenya tersebar lebih jauh ketika [[Pierre tienne Louis Dumont]] menerjemahkan pilihan artikel-artikel yang diedit dari berbagai manuskrip Bentham ke dalam bahasa Prancis. ''Traité de législation civile et pénale'' diterbitkan pada tahun 1802 dan kemudian diterjemahkan kembali ke dalam bahasa Inggris oleh Hildreth sebagai ''The Theory of Legislation.''
==== Prinsip Utilitas ====
Karya Bentham dibuka dengan pernyataannya tentang prinsip utilitas:<ref>[[Jeremy Bentham|Bentham, Jeremy]]. 1780. "[http://www.koeblergerhard.de/Fontes/BenthamJeremyMoralsandLegislation1789.pdf#page=43 Of The Principle of Utility]." Pp. 1–6 in ''[[An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation]]''. London: T. Payne and Sons. (Also available as [https://www.utilitarianism.com/jeremy-bentham/#one eText], [[wikisource:An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation/Chapter I|Wikisoure]]). p. 1.</ref>
{{Blockquote|Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do.… By the principle of utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever according to the tendency it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question: or, what is the same thing in other words to promote or to oppose that happiness. I say of every action whatsoever, and therefore not only of every action of a private individual, but of every measure of government.}}
=== John Stuart Mill ===
=== Henry Sidgwick ===
== Perkembangan abad ke-20 ==