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Happy Independent Day
Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan d.l.l., diselenggarakan
dengan tjara saksama dan dalam tempo jang sesingkat-singkatnja.Djakarta, hari 17 boelan 8 tahoen 05
Atas nama bangsa Indonesia.
Soekarno / Hatta.
Djakarta, 17 - 8 - '05
Wakil2 bangsa Indonesia.
<img src="" width="200px" height="200px">
- Ketuhanan yang maha esa
- Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
- Persatuan Indonesia
- Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksaan perwalikan
- PKeadilan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
<div style="text-shadow: 3px 4px 5px white;"> <font color="whitesmoke" size="5px" face="Orbitron"> Shoot :</div></font></div> <marquee scrollamount="150" direction="left" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FF0000" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee><marquee scrollamount="150" direction="Right" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee> <div style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px gold;"> <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="aqua">SultanClay778 - Sir. Kz0L - TU4N BADUT - Pku.#LNX <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="Tosca"> L3T3Rzcy - AnamtaKun - Z3X ID - AfumuFuma <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="lime">HezllnuT - N0T 4L0N3 - IRS - Mister XID <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="green">BabyRaa - FellaChan - Tata - Mr. TnT404</div> <marquee scrollamount="150" direction="left" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee><marquee scrollamount="150" direction="Right" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FF0000" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee> <div style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px gold;"> <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="aqua">XnotFound - Mr. B4nc3t - Zamalud1n - Mr. DEX857 <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="Tosca">White Hardware - AMR - Mr. Xphanthom - Zrs <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="lime">Snopnks - Sir. Neptune -Delon - HuNT3rs <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="green">Wannabe ID - Hacen09 - Crusher - CTR</div> <marquee scrollamount="150" direction="left" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"> <font color="#FF0000" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee><marquee scrollamount="150" direction="Right" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee> <div style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px gold;"> <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="aqua">Scriptkiddie - Zero Knight - ONESTREE - AnonMost <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="Tosca">Irsyad778 - Mr. AsYn - MEX|OS - SkyBird27 <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="lime">InXed - InYour Nexon - InYour G00D - InYour S!T3 <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="green">Mr. S_D - Mr. China - Silver Sector - Next Jack</div> <marquee scrollamount="150" direction="left" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee><marquee scrollamount="150" direction="Right" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FF0000" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee><div style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px gold;"> <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="aqua">Next Ara24 - Next Funnyman - KILLERROOT - Mr. TnT404 <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="Tosca">Mr. H4z - Tn. KOTO - Snep - Mr. Fish <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="lime">Rijal Julianto - Eka X - AnonMost - Bintang Tamu <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="green">#007 - WingkyArt7 - Erick - VIKNES</div> <marquee scrollamount="150" direction="left" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FF0000" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee><marquee scrollamount="150" direction="Right" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee> <div style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px gold;"> <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="aqua">ATCK1ONE - InYour xDream - Mr. 3L3PH4NT - Kandol <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="Tosca">NO7 ROS - HiraruKun - FazXploit - InYour Funtastik <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="lime">Wicked - Knock62 - Mr. C0uNtRay - Tn. Anthony's72 <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="green">Znine - CgGaruda - Mr. pokemon - InYour Nanda</div> <marquee scrollamount="150" direction="left" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FFFFF" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee><marquee scrollamount="150" direction="Right" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FF0000" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee> <div style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px gold;"> <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="aqua">MiCiN - Satiya24 - Aps Cyber Tech - CrazyPeople <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="Tosca">Rhm7z - TheLastKey - GoPoGo - t3ge cyber <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="lime">XIENAN - MarsHall - Busted - M481 BREAK <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="green">MBTNX - Lazyman ID - Mr.Astra - DENIIGANZ-X666X</div> <marquee scrollamount="150" direction="left" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FF0000" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee><marquee scrollamount="150" direction="Right" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee> <div style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px gold;"> <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="aqua">./Twin-404 - Killer Defence- Tn.15531 - EREN <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="blue">Mr. Zoid - CHips L - N0LIMIT ERROR - Atip <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="lime">Tuan Crow - Tuan Swam - HiraruKun - Mr. FISH <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="green">Snep - Izakar - 703L - Mr. Trojan404Cyber</div> <marquee scrollamount="150" direction="left" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee><marquee scrollamount="150" direction="Right" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FF0000" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee> <div style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px gold;"> <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="aqua"> SASAK1 - Faiz - Xone7 - Next BanG_G <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="Tosca"> Cino - LoliChan - Angely - Gibran <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="lime">R41Ns - #IOS - Cream7 - DrtQuent <br><font face="Allan" size="3px" color="green">El Diablo - Erza - Pseucode - VipSword</div> <marquee scrollamount="150" direction="left" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FF0000" size="20px" face="Monospace">__________________________________</font></marquee><marquee scrollamount="150" direction="Right" width="45%" style="width: 45%;"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="20px" face="Monospace">____________________________________</font></marquee>
<img width="70px" height="70px" alt="Biang Ulah Fake Tante" src="">
<img width="70px" height="70px" alt="Laugh 4 Ever For You" src=""/>
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<marquee scrollamount="10" style="width: 70%;"> Locked Security ID || Man Of Black Mask || Next Cyber Team || Semarang Crew || X-Skat Security Team || Java Cyber Team || IndoJect Squad || Penggila Internet Teknologi || BeatDown System || Destroy Squad || Cyber Lizard Squad || Clay White Dark || AnonExpl0iter45 || And All Indonesian Hacktivist </marquee>]||> © 2019 [ Look-t-Was-Here ]
Ha Ha In Your System
Definisi dan penggunaan
Anime adalah salah satu format seni, namun disalahartikan sebagai genre.[1] Dalam bahasa Jepang, kata anime merujuk pada format animasi dari seluruh dunia.[2][3] Sementara pada bahasa Inggris, anime (/ˈænəˌmeɪ/) berarti "animasi bergaya Jepang" atau "animasi yang diproduksi di Jepang".[4][5]
Kata anime tampil dalam bentuk tulisan dalam tiga karakter katakana a, ni, me (アニメ) yang merupakan bahasa serapan dari bahasa Inggris "Animation" dan diucapkan sebagai "Anime-shon".[6]
Lihat pula
- Daftar istilah anime dan manga
- Ikonografi manga – Cara penggambaran dan lambang-lambang dalam manga
- Daftar anime
- Omake
- Manga
- Cosplay
- Hentai
- Ecchi
- Otaku
- Dorama
- J-Music
- Tokusatsu
- Galge
- Kartun
- ^ Poitras 2000, hlm. 7.
- ^ "What is Anime?". Lesley Aeschliman. Bellaonline. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 7 November 2007. Diakses tanggal 28 Oktober 2007.
- ^ "Tezuka: The Marvel of Manga - Education Kit" (PDF). Art Gallery New South Wales. 2007. Diarsipkan (PDF) dari versi asli tanggal 30 Agustus 2007. Diakses tanggal 28 Oktober 2007.
- ^ "Anime". Merriam-Webster. 2011. Diakses tanggal 9 Maret 2012.
- ^ "Anime". Oxford English Dictionary. Diakses tanggal 17 Februari 2016.
- ^ "Anime News Network Lexicon - Anime". Diakses tanggal 22 April 2013.
Bacaan terkait
- Poitras, Gilles (2000). Anime Essentials: Every Thing a Fan Needs to Know. Stone Bridge Press. ISBN 978-1-880656-53-2.
- Ruh, Brian (2014). Stray Dog of Anime. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-137-35567-6.