Yudea (provinsi Romawi)

provinsi di Romawi
Revisi sejak 24 Desember 2016 08.42 oleh (bicara) (perbaikilah dunia ini dengan tanpa peperangan, karena setiap perang tidak akan pernah berakhir jika dilakukan)

{Testimony A Jew, that the Koran The Only One Book That Awakened purity Al Qurtubi communicating with sanadnya up to Yahya bin Aktsam.

This story happened in the time of Caliph Abbasid Caliph al-Ma'mun.

One day he met the Jews at a majlis, nice clothes, nice face, fragrance, and if the speech is very beautiful to hear and nice expression. After the opening ceremony was over, Ma'mun summoned this person.

"Children of Israel?" Asked Ma'mun.

"True," replied the Jews.

"Please come in Islam, I promised you later ...... ... .." Al Ma'mun promised much.

"It's my religion and the religion of my father," replied the Jews, then she was gone.

After a year, the Israelites have come again in the majlis Caliph al Ma'mun, but this time it was converted to Islam. He can explain about fiqh and religious issues with the good.

After the opening ceremony, this man called al-Ma'mun.

"Are not you the person who came last year?" Tannya al-Ma'mun.

"Yes" he replied.

"What makes you convert to Islam?" Asked al-Ma'mun.

He started to tell me:

'After I left you, I did an experiment to three religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

People recognize good writing. I also wrote the Torah as much as three manuscripts. There I add and I subtract. Then I take it to the synagogue, writing three pieces and even then they buy.

Then I wrote the Bible as much as 3 script. I give my extra and subtract. Then I take it to the church, and they buy it from me.

Then I wrote the Qur'an as much as 3 script. I give my extra and subtract. Then I take it to the publisher of the Quran. They open open. When they saw that there was an extra and something is missing, they immediately throw it. And do not want to buy from me.

There I realized that this book Mahfudz [awake]. This is why I converted to Islam.

[Tafsir Qurtubi, 5/10]{Distinguish2|wilayah geografis Yudea}}

Provinsi Yudea atau Provinsi Iudaea (bahasa Ibrani: יהודה, Modern Yehuda Tiberias Yehûḏāh; bahasa Yunani: Ιουδαία; bahasa Latin: IVDÆA, Iudaea; bahasa Inggris: Judea) adalah provinsi Romawi yang meliputi daerah geografis Yudea, Samaria, dan Idumea, dan terbentang di wilayah yang dulunya dikuasai oleh kerajaan Hasmonean dan keluarga Herodes di Israel. Merupakan perluasan dari wilayah Tetrarkhi Yudea yang dipimpin oleh Herodes Arkhelaus sebelum diambil alih oleh Kekaisaran Romawi pada tahun 6 M, dan nama ini berasal dari Kerajaan Yehuda yang berdiri sampai akhir abad ke-6 SM.

Provinsi ini menjadi panggung bagi tiga pemberontakan besar, serta perkembangan gereja Kristen mula-mula setelah kematian dan kebangkitan Yesus Kristus.



Dalam Alkitab, istilah "prefek" maupun "prokurator" diterjemahkan sebagai "wali negeri"[1]





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