
protosains yang menggabungkan unsur-unsur kimia, fisika, astrologi, dll.
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Alkimia adalah protosains yang menggabungkan unsur-unsur kimia, fisika, astrologi, seni, semiotika, metalurgi, kedokteran, mistisisme, dan agama. Dua tujuan yang saling berkaitan yang diupayakan oleh banyak ahli alkimia adalah batu filosof, sebuah zat mitos yang memungkinkan terjadinya transmutasi logam biasa menjadi emas; dan panacea universal, obat yang dapat menyembuhkan segala penyakit dan memperpanjang usia. Alkimia dapat dipandang sebagai cikal-bakal ilmu kimia modern sebelum dirumuskannya metode ilmiah.

Kata alkimia berasal dari Bahasa Arab al-kimiya atau al-khimiya (الكيمياء atau الخيمياء), yang mungkin dibentuk dari partikel al- dan kata (Bahasa) Yunani khumeia (χυμεία) yang berarti "mencetak bersama", "menuangkan bersama", "mengelas", "aloy", dan lain-lain (dari khumatos, "yang dituangkan, batang logam"). Etimologi lain mengaitkan kata ini dengan kata "Al Kemi", yang berarti "Seni Mesir", karena bangsa Mesir Kuno menyebut negerinya "Kemi" dan dipandang sebagai penyihir sakti di seluruh dunia kuno.

Tinjauan umum

Anggapan umum tentang ahli alkimia adalah bahwa mereka adalah ahli pseudosains yang berupaya mengubah timah menjadi emas, meyakini bahwa semua materi tersusun atas empat unsur tanah, udara, api, dan air, dan mengulik pingiran mistisisme dan Sihir. Dari sudut pandang masa kini, upaya dan keyakinan mereka dianggap memiliki keabsahan terbatas, tetapi kalau mau objektif, kita harus menilai mereka dalam konteks zaman mereka. Mereka mencoba menjelajahi dan menyelidiki alam sebelum tersedianya sebagian besar alat dan praktik ilmiah dasar, relying instead on rules of thumb, tradisi, pengamatan dasar, dan mistisisme untuk mengisi lobang-lobang ini.

Untuk memahami para ahli alkimia, it is helpful to consider how wonderfully magical the conversion of one substance into another, which had formed the basis of metallurgy since its inception at the end of the Neolitikum, would seem in a culture with no formal understanding of fisika atau kimia. Bagi ahli alkimia, there was no compelling reason to separate the chemical (material) dimension from the interpretive, symbolic or philosophical one. In those times a physics devoid of metaphysical insight would have been as partial and incomplete as a metaphysics devoid of physical manifestation. So the alchemical symbols and processes often had both an inner meaning referring to the spiritual development of the practitioner as well as a material meaning connected to physical transformation of matter.

Transmutasi logam biasa menjadi emas symbolized an endeavour toward perfection or the highest heights of actual existence. The alchemists believed that the whole universe was tending towards a state of perfection; and gold, due to its immunity to decay, was considered to be the most perfect of substances. By attempting to transmute base metals into gold, they were, in effect, trying to give the universe a helping hand. It was also logical to think that understanding the secret of gold's immutability might provide the key to ward off disease and organic decay; hence the intertwining of chemical, spiritual and astrological themes that was characteristic of medieval alchemy.

Thus, the naïve interpretations of some alchemists, or the fraudulent hopes fostered by others should not diminish the undertakings of the more sincere practitioners. Further, the field of alchemy evolved greatly over time, beginning as a metallurgical/medicinal arm of religion, maturing into a rich field of study in its own right, devolving into mysticism and outright charlatanism, and in the end providing some of the fundamental empirical knowledge of the fields of chemistry and modern medicine.

Up to the 18th century, alchemy was considered serious science in Europe; for instance, Isaac Newton devoted a great deal of time to the Art (see Isaac Newton's occult studies). Other eminent alchemists of the Western world are Roger Bacon, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Tycho Brahe, Thomas Browne, and Parmigianino. The decline of alchemy began in the 18th century with the birth of modern chemistry, which provided a more precise and reliable framework for matter transmutations and medicine, within a new grand design of the universe based on rational materialism.

The old matter transmutation ideal of alchemy enjoyed a moment in the sun in the 20th century when physicists were able to convert lead atoms into gold atoms via a nuclear reaction. However, the new gold atoms, being unstable isotopes, lasted for under five seconds before they broke apart. More recently, reports of table-top element transmutation — by means of electrolysis or sonic cavitation — were the pivot of the fusi dingin (cold fusion) controversy of 1989. None of those claims could be reliably duplicated. In either case, the required conditions were well beyond the reach of the old alchemists.

Alchemical symbolism has been occasionally used in the 20th century by psychologists and philosophers. Carl Jung reexamined alchemical symbolism and theory and began to show the inner meaning of alchemical work as a spiritual path. Alchemical philosophy, symbols and methods have enjoyed something of a renaissance in post-modern contexts, such as the New Age movement. Even some physicists have played with alchemical ideas in books such as The Tao of Physics and The Dancing Wu Li Masters.

Sejarah alkmia has become a vigorous academic field. As the obscure — hermetic, of course — language of the alchemists is gradually being "deciphered", historians are becoming more aware of the intellectual connections between that discipline and other facets of Western cultural history, such as the Rosicrucian society and other mystic societies, witchcraft, and of course the evolution of science and philosophy.


Alkimia mencakup beberapa tradisi filsafat yang tersebar slama empat ribu tahun dan tiga benua, dan ketertarikan umum merekatheir general penchant for cryptic and symbolic language makes it hard to trace their mutual influences and "genetic" relationships.

One can distinguish at least two major strands, which appear to be largely independent, at least in their earlier stages: alkimia Cina, berpusat di Cina dan wilayah pengaruh budayanya; dan alkimia Barat, yang pusatnya berpindah-pindah antara Mesir, Yunani dan Roma, dunia Islam, dan akhirnya kembali ke Eropa. Alkmia Cina berkaitan erat dengan Taoisme, sementara alkimia Barat mengembangkan sistem filsafatnya sendiri, yang hanya sedikit berkaitan dengan agama-agama besar Barat. It is still an open question whether these two strands share a common origin, or to what extent they influenced each other.

Alkimia dan Astrologi

Alchemy in the Western world and other locations where it was widely practiced was (and in many cases still is) closely allied and intertwined with traditional Babylonian-Greek style astrology; in numerous ways they were built to complement each other in the search for hidden knowledge. Traditionally, each of the seven planets in the solar system as known to the ancients was associated with, held dominion over, and ruled a certain metal.

As Isaac Newton was (indisputably) a well known alchemist of his time period, and astrology and alchemy were (and in some cases still are) so closely linked, it is very plausible that Newton had a very good working knowledge of astrology, or at the very least a basic understanding of astrological methodology as it was related to alchemy. Logically then, one would certainly have to know a good bit about astrology in order to use alchemy effectively, and Newton along with other prominent alchemists definitely knew this. For more informations see Isaac Newton's occult studies.

Alkimia Cina

Whereas Western alchemy eventually centered on the transmutation of base metals into noble ones, Chinese alchemy had a more obvious connection to medicine. The philosopher's stone of European alchemists can be compared to the Grand Elixir of Immortality sought by Chinese alchemists. However, in the hermetic view, these two goals were not unconnected, and the philosopher's stone was often equated with the universal panacea; therefore, the two traditions may have had more in common than it initially appears.

Black powder may have been the most important invention of Chinese alchemists. Described in 9th century texts and used in fireworks by the 10th Century, it was used in cannons by 1290. From China, the use of gunpowder spread to Japan, the Mongols, the Arab world and Europe. Gunpowder was used by the Mongols against the Hungarians in 1241, and in Europe starting with the 14th century.

Chinese alchemy was closely connected to Taoist forms of medicine, such as Acupuncture and Moxibustion, and to martial arts such as Tai Chi Chuan and Kung Fu (although some Tai Chi schools believe that their art derives from the Hygienic or Philosophical branches of Taoism, not the Alchemical).

Alkimia India

Hanya sedikit yais known in the West about the character and history of indian alchemy. An eleventh century Iranian alchemist named al-Biruni reported that they "have a science similar to alchemy which is quite peculiar to them, which is called Rasavātam. It means the art which is restricted to certain operations, drugs, compounds, and medicines, most of which are taken from plants. Its principles restored the health of those who were ill beyond hope and gave back youth to fading old age." The best example of a text based on this science is The Vaishashik Darshana of Kanad (fl. 600 BCE), who described an atomic theory over a century before Democritus.

Alkimia di Mesir Kuno

Ahli kimia Barat umumnya generally traced the origin of their art to Ancient (Pharaonic) Egypt. Metalurgi and mysticism were inexorably tied together in the ancient world, as the transformation of drab ore into shining metal must have seemed to be an act of magic governed by mysterious rules. It is claimed therefore that Alchemy in Ancient Egypt was the domain of the priestly class.

The city of Alexandria in Egypt was a center of alchemical knowledge, and retained its preeminence even after the decline of ancient Egyptian culture, through most of the Greek and Roman periods. Unfortunately, practically no original Egyptian documents on alchemy have survived. Those writings, if they existed, were likely lost when the emperor Diocletian ordered the burning of alchemical books after suppressing a revolt in Alexandria (296), which had been a center of Egyptian alchemy. Egyptian alchemy is known mostly through the writings of ancient (Hellenic) Greek philosophers, which in turn have often survived only in Islamic translations.

Legend has it that the founder of Egyptian alchemy was the god Thoth, called Hermes-Thoth or Thrice-Great Hermes (Hermes Trismegistus) by the Greek. According to legend, he wrote what were called the forty-two Books of Knowledge, covering all fields of knowledge — including alchemy. Hermes's symbol was the caduceus or serpent-staff, which became one of many of alchemy's principal symbols. The "Emerald Tablet" or Hermetica of Thrice-Greatest Hermes, which is known only through Greek and Arabic translations, is generally understood to form the basis for Western alchemical philosophy and practice, called the hermetic philosophy by its early practitioners.

The first point of the "Emerald Tablet" tells the purpose of hermetical science: "in truth certainly and without doubt, whatever is below is like that which is above, and whatever is above is like that which is below, to accomplish the miracles of one thing." (Burckhardt, p. 196-7). This is the macrocosm-microcosm belief central to the hermetic philosophy. In other words, the human body (the microcosm) is affected by the exterior world (the macrocosm), which includes the heavens through astrology, and the earth through the elements. (Burckhardt,p. 34-42)

Following this, the Greek-speaking Macedonians conquered Egypt and founded the city of Alexandria in 331. This brought them into contact with Egyptian ideas.

Alkimia di dunia Yunani

The Greeks appropriated the hermetical beliefs of the Egyptians and melded with them the philosophies of Pythagoreanisme, ionianisme, and gnostisisme. Pada intinya, Filosofi Pythagorean adalah keyakinan bahwa bilangan mengatur alam semesta, keyakinan yang berasal dari pengamatan bunyi, bntang, bentuk geometris seperti segitiga, atau apa pun yang perhitungannya dapat menghasilkan angka rasio. Ionian thought was based on the belief that the universe could be explained through concentration on natural phenomena; this philosophy is believed to have originated with Thales and his pupil Anaximander, and later developed by Plato and Aristotle, whose works came to be an integral part of alchemy. According to this belief, the universe can be described by a few unified natural laws that can be determined only through careful, thorough, and exacting philosophical explorations. The third component introduced to hermetical philosophy by the Greeks was gnosticism, a belief prevalent in the Christian and early post-Christian Roman empire, that the world is imperfect because it was created in a flawed manner, and that learning about the nature of spiritual matter would lead to salvation. They further believed that God did not "create" the universe in the classic sense, but that the universe was created "from" him, but was corrupted in the process (rather than becoming corrupted by the transgressions of Adam and Eve, i.e. original sin). According to Gnostic belief, by worshipping the cosmos, nature, or the creatures of the world, one worships the True God. Gnostics do not seek salvation from sin, but instead seek to escape ignorance, believing that sin is merely a consequence of ignorance. Platonic and neo-Platonic theories about universals and the omnipotence of God were also absorbed.

One very important concept introduced at this time, originated by Empedocles and developed by Aristotle, was that all things in the universe were formed from only four elements: earth, air, water, and fire. According to Aristotle, each element had a sphere to which it belonged and to which it would return if left undisturbed. (Lindsay, p. 16)

The four elements of the Greek were mostly qualitative aspects of matter, not quantitative, as our modern elements are. "...True alchemy never regarded earth, air, water, and fire as corporeal or chemical substances in the present-day sense of the word. The four elements are simply the primary, and most general, qualities by means of which the amorphous and purely quantitative substance of all bodies first reveals itself in differentiated form." (Hitchcock, p. 66) Later alchemists (if Plato and Aristotle can be called alchemists) extensively developed the mystical aspects of this concept.

Alkimia di Kekaisaran Romawi

The Romans adopted Greek alchemy and metaphysics, just as they adopted much of Greek knowledge and philosophy. By the end of the Roman empire the Greek alchemical philosophy had been joined to the philosophies of the Egyptians to create the cult of Hermeticism. (Lindsay)

However, the development of Christianity in the Empire brought a contrary line of thinking, stemming from Augustine (354-430 CE), an early Christian philosopher who wrote of his beliefs shortly before the fall of the Roman Empire. In essence, he felt that reason and faith could be used to understand God, but experimental philosophy was evil: "There is also present in the soul, by means of these same bodily sense, a kind of empty longing and curiosity which aims not at taking pleasure in the flesh but at acquiring experience through the flesh, and this empty curiosity is dignified by the names of learning and science." (Augustine, p. 245)

Augustinian ideas were decidedly anti-experimental, yet when Aristotelian experimental techniques were made available to the West they were not shunned. Still, Augustinian thought was well ingrained in medieval society and was used to show alchemy as being un-Godly. Ultimately, by the high middle ages, this line of thought created a permanent rift separating alchemy from the very religion that had fostered its birth.

Much of the Roman knowledge of Alchemy, like that of the Greeks and Egyptians, is now lost. In Alexandria, the centre of alchemical studies in the Roman Empire, the art was mainly oral and in the interests of secrecy little was committed to paper. (Whence the use of "hermetic" to mean "secretive".) (Lindsay, p. 155) It is possible that some writing was done in Alexandria, and that it was subsequently lost or destroyed in fires and the turbulent periods that followed.

Alkimia di dunia Islam

Setelah runtuhnya Kekaisaran Romawi, fokus perkembangan alkimia berpindah ke Timur Tengah. Yang diketahui tentang alkimia Islam jauh lebih banyak karena dokumentasinya lebih baik: malah, sebagian besar tulisan yang diturunkan selama bertahun-tahun diabadikan dalam bentuk terjemahan Islam. (Burckhardt p. 46)

Dunia Islam merupakan tempa peleburan untuk alkmia. Pemikiran Platonis danAristotelian, yang sudah sedikit-banyak disisihkan menjadi ilmu hermetis, terus diasimilasi. Ahli kimia Islam seperti Abu Bakr Mohammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi (Rasis atau Rhazes dalam Bahasa Latin) juga menyumbangkan temuan-temuan kimiawi penting, seperti teknik penyulingan (kata alembic]] dan alkohol juga berhasal dari Bahasa Arab, asam klorida, asam sulfat, dan asam nitrat, natrium (al-natrun) dan kalium (alkali)), dan banyak lagi. Penemuan bahwa air raja aqua regia, camburan asam nitrat dan asam klorida, dapat melarutkan logam termulia — emas — adalah penemuan yang mengompori imajinasi para ahli alkimia selama seribu tahun berikutnya.

Para filosof Islam juga memberikan sumbangan besar untuk hermetisisme alkimia. Penulis yang paling berpengaruh dalam hal ini adalah Jabir Ibn Hayyan (Arabic جابر إبن حيان, Latin Geberus; biasanya dalam Bahasa Inggris menjadi Geber). Tujuan utama Jabir adalah takwin, penciptaan buatan makhluk hidup dalam laboratorium alkimia, hingga dan termasuk manusia. Ia menganalisis setiap unsur Aristotelian, panas, dingin, kering, dan lembap. (Burkhardt, p. 29) Menurut Jabir, dalam setiap logam, dua sifat ini berada di dalam dan dua berada di luar. Misalnya, timah itu dingin dan kering di luar, sedangkan emas itu panas dan lembap. Maka, Jabir berteori, dengan mengatur ulang sifat-sifat sebuah logam, bisa dihasilkan logam lain. (Burckhardt, p. 29) Dengan penalaran ini, pencarian batu filosof diperkenalkan dalam alkimia Barat. Jabir mengembangkan numerologi yang rumit, yakni huruf-akar dari nama sebuah zat dalam Bahasa Arab, jika ditransformasi, akan berkaitan dengan sifat fisika unsur tersebut.

Sekarang sudah umum diterima bahwa alkimia Cina memengaruhi ahli kimia Arab (Edwards hh. 33-59; Burckhardt, h. 10-22), meskipun sejauh apa pengaruh itu masih diperdebatkan. Demikian pula, ilmu Hindu diasimilasi ke dalam alkimia Islam, tetapi, sekali lagi, besarnya dan pengaruhnya tidak banyak diketahui.

Alkimia di Eropa Zaman Pertengahan

Because of its strong connections to the Greek and Roman cultures, alchemy was easily accepted into Christian philosophy, and Medieval European alchemists extensively absorbed Islamic alchemical knowledge. Gerbert of Aurillac, who was later to become Pope Silvester II, (d. 1003) was among the first to bring Islamic science to Europe from Spain. Later men such as Adelard of Bath, who lived in the 12th century, brought additional learning. But until the thirteenth century the moves were mainly assimilative. (Hollister p. 124, 294)

In this period there appeared some deviations from the Augustinian principles of earlier Christian thinkers. Saint Anselm (10331109) was an Augustinian who believed faith must precede rationalism, as Augustine and most theologians prior to Anselm had believed, but Anselm put forth the opinion that faith and rationalism were compatible and encouraged rationalism in a Christian context. His views set the stage for the philosophical explosion to occur. Saint Abelard followed Anselm's work, laying the foundation for acceptance of Aristotelian thought before the first works of Aristotle reached the West. His major influence on alchemy was his belief that Platonic universals did not have a separate existence outside of man's consciousness. Abelard also systematized the analysis of philosophical contradictions. (Hollister, p. 287-8)

Robert Grosseteste (11701253) was a pioneer of the scientific theory that would later be used and refined by the alchemists. he took Abelard's methods of analysis and added the use of observations, experimentation, and conclusions in making scientific evaluations. Grosseteste also did much work to bridge Platonic and Aristotelian thinking. (Hollister pp. 294-5)

Albertus Magnus (11931280) and Thomas Aquinas (12251274) were both Dominicans who studied Aristotle and worked at reconciling the differences between philosophy and Christianity. Aquinas also did a great deal of work in developing the scientific method. He even went as far as claiming that universals could be discovered only through logical reasoning: this ran contrary to the commonly held Platonic belief that universals were found through divine illumination alone. Magnus and Aquinas were among the first to take up the examination of alchemical theory, and could be considered to be alchemists themselves, except that these two did little in the way of experimentation. One major contribution of Aquinas was the belief that since reason could not run in opposition to God, reason must be compatible with theology. (Hollister p. 290-4, 355)

The first true alchemist in Eropa Zaman Pertengahan adalah Roger Bacon. His work did as much for alchemy as Robert Boyle's was to do for chemistry and Galileo Galilei untuk astronomi dan fisika. Bacon (12141294) adalah Franciscan Oxford yang mengulik optik dan bahasa selain alkimia. The Franciscan ideals of taking on the world rather than rejecting the world led to his conviction that experimentation was more important than reasoning: "Of the three ways in which men think that they acquire knowledge of things: authority, reasoning, and experience; only the last is effective and able to bring peace to the intellect." (Bacon p. 367) "Experimental Science controls the conclusions of all other sciences. It reveals truths which reasoning from general principles would never have discovered." (Hollister p. 294-5) Roger Bacon has also been attributed with originating the search for the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life: "That medicine which will remove all impurities and corruptibilities from the lesser metals will also, in the opinion of the wise, take off so much of the corruptibility of the body that human life may be prolonged for many centuries." The idea of immortality was replaced with the notion of long life; after all, man's time on Earth was simply to wait and prepare for immortality in the world of God. Immortality on Earth did not mesh with Christian theology. (Edwards p. 37-8)

Bacon was not the only alchemist of the high middle ages, but he was the most significant. His works were used by countless alchemists of the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries. Other alchemists of Bacon's time shared several traits. First, and most obviously, nearly all were members of the clergy. This was simply because few people outside the parochial schools had the education to examine the Arabic-derived works. Also, alchemy at this time was sanctioned by the church as a good method of exploring and developing theology. Alchemy was interesting to the wide variety of churchmen because it offered a rationalistic view of the universe when men were just beginning to learn about rationalism. (Edwards p. 24-7)

So by the end of the thirteenth century, alchemy had developed into a fairly structured system of belief. Most importantly, the alchemists were all true Christians. They believed in the macrocosm-microcosm theories of Hermes, that is to say, they believed that processes that affect minerals and other substances could have an effect on the human body (e.g., if one could learn the secret of purifying gold, one could use the technique to purify the human soul.) These men believed the philosophers' stone was a substance that was capable of purifying base metals (and thereby transmuting them to gold) as well as purifying the soul. They believed in the four elements and the four qualities as described above, and they had a strong tradition of cloaking their written ideas in a labyrinth of coded jargon set with traps to mislead the uninitiated. Finally, the alchemists practiced their art: they actively experimented with chemicals and made observations and theories about how the universe operated. Their entire philosophy revolved around their belief that man's soul was divided within himself after the fall of Adam. By purifying the two parts of man's soul, man could be reunited with God. (Burckhardt p. 149)

In the fourteenth century, these views underwent a major change. William of Ockham, an Oxford Franciscan who died in 1349, attacked the Thomist view of compatibility between faith and reason. His view, widely accepted today, was that God must be accepted on faith alone; He could not be limited by human reason. Of course this view was not incorrect if one accepted the postulate of a limitless God versus limited human reasoning capability, but it virtually erased alchemy from practice in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. (Hollister p. 335) Paus Yohanes XXII in the early 1300s issued an edict against alchemy, which effectively removed all church personnel from the practice of the Art. (Edwards, p.49) The climate changes, Black plague, and increase in warfare and famine that characterized this century no doubt also served to hamper philosophical pursuits in general.

Nicholas Flamel had these mysterious alchemical symbols carved on his tomb in the Church of the Holy Innocents in Paris.

Alchemy was kept alive by men such as Nicolas Flamel, who was noteworthy only because he was one of the few alchemists writing in those troubled times. Flamel lived from 1330 to 1417 and would serve as the archetype for the next phase of alchemy. He was not a religious scholar as were many of his predecessors, and his entire interest in the subject revolved around the pursuit of the philosopher's stone, which he is reputed to have found; his work spends a great deal of time describing the processes and reactions, but never actually gives the formula for carrying out the transmutations. Most of his work was aimed at gathering alchemical knowledge that had existed before him, especially as regarded the philosophers' stone. (Burckhardt pp.170-181)

Through the high middle ages (1300-1500) alchemists were much like Flamel: they concentrated on looking for the philosophers' stone and the elixir of youth, now believed to be separate things. Their cryptic allusions and symbolism led to wide variations in interpretation of the art. For example, many alchemists during this period interpreted the purification of the soul to mean the transmutation of lead into gold (in which they believed elemental mercury, or 'quicksilver', played a crucial role). These men were viewed as magicians and sorcerers by many, and were often persecuted for their practices. (Edwards pp. 50-75; Norton pp lxiii-lxvii)

Tycho Brahe, better known for his astronomical and astrological investigations, was also an alchemist. He had a laboratory built for that purpose at his Uraniborg observatory/research institute.

One of these men who emerged at the beginning of the sixteenth century was named Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. This alchemist believed himself to be a wizard and actually thought himself capable of summoning spirits. His influence was negligible, but like Flamel, he produced writings which were referred to by alchemists of later years. Again like Flamel, he did much to change alchemy from a mystical philosophy to an occultist magic. He did keep alive the philosophies of the earlier alchemists, including experimental science, numerology, etc., but he added magic theory, which reinforced the idea of alchemy as an occultist belief. In spite of all this, Agrippa was still a Christian, though his views often came into conflict with the church. Edwardes p56-9; Wilson p.23-9)

Alchemy di Zaman Modern dan Renaisans

European alchemy continued in this way through the dawning of the Renaissance. The era also saw a flourishing of con artists who would use chemical tricks and sleight of hand to "demonstrate" the transmutation of common metals into gold, or claim to possess secret knowledge that — with a "small" initial investment — would surely lead to that goal.

The most important name in this period is Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus, (Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, 14931541) who cast alchemy into a new form, rejecting some of the occultism that had accumulated over the years and promoting the use of observations and experiments to learn about the human body. He rejected Gnostic traditions, but kept much of the Hermetical, neo-Platonic, and Pythagorean philosophies; however, Hermetical science had so much Aristotelian theory that his rejection of Gnosticism was practically meaningless. In particular, Paracelsus rejected the magic theories of Agrippa and Flamel. He did not think of himself as a magician, and scorned those who did. (Williams p.239-45)

Paracelsus pioneered the use of chemicals and minerals in medicine, and wrote "Many have said of Alchemy, that it is for the making of gold and silver. For me such is not the aim, but to consider only what virtue and power may lie in medicines." (Edwardes, p.47) His hermetical views were that sickness and health in the body relied on the harmony of man the microcosm and Nature the macrocosm. He took an approach different from those before him, using this analogy not in the manner of soul-purification but in the manner that humans must have certain balances of minerals in their bodies, and that certain illnesses of the body had chemical remedies that could cure them. (Debus & Multhauf, p.6-12) While his attempts of treating diseases with such remedies as Mercury might seem ill-advised from a modern point of view, his basic idea of chemically produced medicines has stood time surprisingly well.

In England, the topic of alchemy in that time frame is often associated with Doctor John Dee (13 July 1527December, 1608), better known for his role as astrologer, cryptographer, and general "scientific consultant" to Queen Elizabeth I. Dee was considered an authority on the works of Roger Bacon, and was interested enough in alchemy to write a book on that subject (Monas Hieroglyphica, 1564) influenced by the Kabbala. Dee's associate Edward Kelley — who claimed to converse with angels through a crystal ball and to own a powder that would turn mercury into gold — may have been the source of the popular image of the alchemist-charlatan.

Among other alchemist of this time, worthy of note is Michał Sędziwój (Michael Sendivogius) (1566 - 1636), a Polish alchemist, philosopher and medical doctor, pioneer of chemistry. He assumed that air contains oxygen, 170 years before Scheele and Priestley, by warming nitre (saltpetre). He thought of the gas given off as "the elixir of life".

Keruntuhan Alkimia Barat

Berakhirnya alkimia Barat disebabkan oleh bangkitnya sains modern, yang menekankan eksperimen with its emphasis on rigorous quantitative experimentation and its disdain for "kebijaksanaan kuno". Meskipun benih peristiwa-peristiewa ini ditanam seawal abad ke-17, alkimia masih flourished selama dua ratusan tahun, and in fact may have reached its apogee in the 18th century.

Robert Boyle (16271691), better known for his studies of gases (cf. Boyles law) pioneered the scientific method in chemical investigations. He assumed nothing in his experiments and compiled every piece of relevant data; in a typical experiment, Boyle would note the place in which the experiment was carried out, the wind characteristics, the position of the sun and moon, and the barometer reading, all just in case they proved to be relevant. (Pilkington p.11) This approach eventually led to the founding of modern chemistry in the 18th and 19th centuries, based on revolutionary discoveries of Lavoisier and John Dalton — which finally provided a logical, quantitative and reliable framework for understanding matter transmutations, and revealed the futility of longstanding alchemical goals such as the philospher's stone.

Meanwhile, Paracelsian alchemy led to the development of modern medicine. Experimentalists gradually uncovered the workings of the human body, such as blood circulation (Harvey, 1616), and eventually traced many diseases to infections with germs (Koch and Pasteur, 19th century) or lack of natural nutrients and vitamins (Lind, Eijkman, Funk, et al.). Supported by parallel developments in organic chemistry, the new science easily displaced alchemy from its medical roles, interpretive and prescriptive, while deflating its hopes of miraculous elixirs and exposing the ineffectiveness or even toxicity of its remedies.

Thus, as science steadily continued to uncover and rationalize the clockwork of the universe, founded on its own materialistic metaphysics, Alchemy was left deprived of its chemical and medical connections — but still incurably burdened by them. Reduced to an arcane philosophical system, poorly connected to the material world, it suffered the common fate of other esoteric disciplines such as Astrology and Kabbalah: excluded from university curricula, shunned by its former patrons, ostracized by scientists, and commonly viewed as the epitome of charlatanism and superstition.

These developments could be interpreted as part of a broader reaction in European intellectualism against the Romantic movement of the preceding century. Be as it may, it is sobering to observe how a discipline that held so much intellectual and material prestige, for more than two thousand years, could disappear so easily from the universe of Western thought.

Alkimia dalam sastra

Many authors lampooned alchemists and used them as the butt of satirical attacks. The most famous of these is the play The Alchemist by Ben Johnson.

Dalam buku anak Harry Potter, "Batu Filosof" disebut-sebut. This stone was created by alchemists within the world created by J.K. Rowling. This stone could turn any metal into pure gold, and created an "Elixir of Life" that enabled the drinker to live forever.

In the second part of Faust, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe portrays Faust's servant Wagner using alchemy to create a homunculus.

The term 'alchemical' is sometimes used to refer to a study that is stumbling toward becoming science but has not reached that state yet. For instance, Larry Niven in his Known Space stories describes twentieth century psychology as being 'in its alchemical stages', before it is perfected by later generations into a true science.


  • Augustine (1963). The Confessions. Trans. Rex Warner. New York: Mentor Books.
  • Burckhardt, Titus (1967). Alchemy: Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul. Trans. William Stoddart. Baltimore: Penguin.
  • Debus, Allen G. and Multhauf, Robert P. (1966). Alchemy and Chemistry in the Seventeenth Century. Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California.
  • Edwardes, Michael (1977). The Dark Side of History. New York: Stein and Day.
  • Gettings, Fred (1986). Encyclopedia of the Occult. London: Rider.
  • Hitchcock, Ethan Allen (1857). Remarks Upon Alchemy and the Alchemists. Boston: Crosby, Nichols.
  • Hollister, C. Warren (1990). Medieval Europe: A Short History. 6th ed. Blacklick, Ohio: McGraw-Hill College.
  • Lindsay, Jack (1970). The Origins of Alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt. London: Muller.
  • Marius (1976). On the Elements. Trans. Richard Dales. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Norton, Thomas (Ed. John Reidy) (1975). Ordinal of Alchemy. London: Early English Text Society.
  • Pilkington, Roger (1959). Robert Boyle: Father of Chemistry. London: John Murray.
  • Weaver, Jefferson Hane (1987). The World of Physics New York: Simon & Schuster.
  • Wilson, Colin (1971). The Occult: A History. New York: Random House.
  • Zumdahl, Steven S. (1989). Chemistry. 2nd ed. Lexington, Maryland: D. C. Heath and Co.

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