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  1. ^ "????? [Sensen no shosho, Imperial Rescript on Declaration of War] Kanpo, Extra ed., Aug. 23, 1914" (PDF) (dalam bahasa Japanese). 23 August 1914. 
  2. ^ Martin 2007, hlm. 15.
  3. ^ Fox, Sir Frank (1914). The Agony of Belgium The Invasion of Belgium in WWI August-December 1914. Beaumont Fox 2nd edition 2014. hlm. 19. 
  4. ^ Strachan 2003, hlm. 585.
  5. ^ Stiénon 1917, hlm. 135–137.
  6. ^ Musgrave 1918, hlm. 8.
  7. ^ "Awaiting a Crisis in Belgium" (PDF). New York Times. 13 September 1903. Diakses tanggal 16 November 2018. 
  8. ^ "Peace Treaty of Versailles Articles 31 - 117 and Annexes Political Clauses for Europe". net.lib.byu. 11 November 1998. Diakses tanggal 16 November 2018. 
  9. ^ Marques 1991, hlm. 343.

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