Penyerbuan Gedung Kapitol 2021

Revisi sejak 9 Januari 2021 09.01 oleh Hanamanteo (bicara | kontrib) (+)

Pada 6 Januari 2021, pendukung Presiden Amerika Serikat Donald Trump menyerbu Gedung Kapitol. Peristiwa ini mengganggu sesi bersama Kongres ketika suara dari Lembaga Pemilihan Umum akan disahkan dengan menegaskan kemenangan Joe Biden dalam pemilihan umum presiden 2020. Peristiwa ini meneruskan banyak upaya gagal oleh Donald dan pendukungnya untuk membatalkan hasil pemilihan umum.

Penyerbuan Gedung Kapitol 2021
Bagian dari Unjuk rasa pemilihan umum Amerika Serikat 2020–2021 dan upaya membatalkan pemilihan umum Presiden Amerika Serikat 2020
Atas ke bawah, kiri ke kanan: Bendera pendukung Donald melambai di depan Gedung Kapitol, Presiden Donald Trump berpidato kepada kerumunan orang di unjuk rasa "Save America", pengunjuk rasa berkumpul di Black Lives Matter Plaza
Tanggal6 Januari 2021 (2021-01-06)
LokasiGedung Kapitol, Washington, D.C.
38°53′23.3″N 77°00′32.6″W / 38.889806°N 77.009056°W / 38.889806; -77.009056
SebabPenentangan terhadap penghitungan suara pemilihan umum Presiden Amerika Serikat 2020 oleh Lembaga Pemilihan Umum
Jumlah korban
  • 4 tewas[3][4][5]
  • Tidak diketahui jumlah terluka
  • 80+ ditangkap[6]
  • 1 tewas[7]
  • 61 petugas terluka (56 polisi, 5 bukan polisi)[8][9]

Pada 5 dan 6 Januari, ribuan pendukung Donald berkumpul di Washington, D.C. untuk memprotes hasil pemilihan umum, yang salah diklaim Donald sebagai sasaran kecurangan pemilihan umum. Donald, pendukungnya, dan sekutunya menuntut Wakil Presiden Mike Pence dan Kongres menolak kemenangan Joe.[10][11][12] Pada pagi 6 Januari, pengunjuk rasa berkumpul di unjuk rasa "Save America"[13][14] di The Ellipse, tempat Presiden Donald berikut anaknya Donald Trump Jr. dan Rudy Giuliani berpidato. Donald mendorong pendukungnya untuk berjuang sekuat tenaga untuk Partai Republik untuk merebut kembali negara dan meminta pendukungnya untuk mengadakan pawai ke Gedung Kapitol.[15][16] Rudy meminta mereka untuk terlibat dalam "pengadilan lewat pertarungan",[17] dan Trump Jr. menggunakan bahasa serupa untuk menganjurkan "pengadilan lewat pertarungan" setelah ayahnya kalah dalam pemilihan.[18]

Unjuk rasa berujung kepada kerusuhan, ketika Gedung Kapitol diserbu oleh pendukung Donald.[19] Kongres sedang mengadakan sesi pada saat itu, yaitu melanjutkan penghitungan suara oleh Lembaga Pemilihan Umum dan memperdebatkan hasil undi. Ketika para pengunjuk rasa tiba, petugas keamanan Gedung Kapitol mengevakuasi ruang Senat dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat serta mengunci beberapa bangunan lain di kampus Gedung Kapitol. Para pengunjuk rasa menerobos keamanan untuk memasuki Gedung Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, menempati ruang Senat yang dievakuasi sementara penjaga mengeluarkan pistol untuk mencegah masuk ke lantai Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat yang dievakuasi.[20][21][22][23][24] Beberapa bangunan Kompleks Gedung Kapitol dievakuasi dan semua bangunan di kompleks kemudian ditutup.[25]

Seorang penyusup bernama Ashli Babbitt ditembak oloeh petugas keamanan semasa kebuntuan di luar ruangan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dan kemudian tewas karena luka-luka,[26][27][28] sementara tiga orang lainnya meninggal akibat keadaan darurat medis sepanjang hari.[29][30] Tiga alat peledak rakitan dilaporkan telah ditemukan, masing-masing di halaman Gedung Kapitol, kantor Komite Nasional Partai Republik dan Komite Nasional Partai Demokrat.[31][29]

Donald yang lambat menanggapi penyerangan itu akhirnya meminta pengunjuk rasa pulang ke rumah dengan damai, ia juga menggambarkan pengunjuk rasa sebagai patriot yang hebat dan sangat istimewa, menyatakan cinta kepada mereka, dan mengaitkan penyerbuan itu dengan pemilihan umum yang dicuri.[32][33] Akibatnya, Twitter mengunci sementara akun Donald dan menghapus tiga cuitannya karena melanggar perpaduan masyarakat, manakala Facebook melarangnya tanpa batas waktu setelah awalnya mengambil tindakan sementara yang serupa.[34][35][36] Massa dibubarkan dari Gedung Kapitol malam itu. Proses pengesahan hasil pengitungan Lembaga Pemilihan Umum dilanjutkan segera setelah jam 20.00 dan dilanjutkan keesokan paginya.

Kerusuhan dan penyerangan Gedung Kapitol digambarkan sebagai pemberontakan, hasutan, dan terorisme dalam negeri.[37][38][39][40][41][42] Beberapa media menyebut tindakan tersebut sebagai percobaan kudeta oleh Donald.[43][44][45][46][47] Peristiwa ini adalah kali pertama Gedung Kapitol diserbu sejak Pembakaran Washington oleh Britania semasa Perang 1812.[48][49]

Latar belakang

Presiden Donald Trump semasa kampanye pada tahun 2020.

Pada 3 November 2020, calon dari Partai Demokrat Joe Biden memenangi pemilihan umum Presiden Amerika Serikat 2020, mengalahkan petahana dari Partai Republik Donald Trump. Berkali-kali Donald dan anggota Partai Republik lainnya mencoba membatalkan pemilihan umum dengan tuduhan palsu berupa penipuan pemilih yang meluas.[50]

Dengan Kongres dijadwalkan bertemu pada 6 Januari 2021 untuk menghitung hasil suara Lembaga Pemilihan Umum, Donald mengumumkan rencana unjuk rasa menjelang penghitungan untuk melanjutkan protesnya terhadap keabsahan hasil pemilihan umum di beberapa negara bagian. Pada 18 Desember, Donald mengumumkan, "Protes besar di [Washington,] D.C. pada 6 Januari. Hadirilah, jadilah liar!"[51] Pada 31 Desember, Walikota Washington, D.C. Muriel Bowser meminta agar pasukan Garda Nasional Distrik Columbia dikerahkan untuk menyokong polisi setempat semasa unjuk rasa yang telah diantisipasi. Ia menulis dalam permintaannya bahwa para garda tidak akan dipersenjatai serta bahwa mereka akan bertanggung jawab utamanya atas "manajemen massa" dan pengarahan lalu lintas, sehingga polisi dapat berfokus terhadap masalah keamanan. Pelaksana Tugas Menteri Pertahanan Christopher C. Miller menyetujui permintaan tersebut pada 4 Januari 2021. Persetujuan itu mempekerjakan 340 pasukan, dengan tidak lebih dari 114 pasukan yang akan dikerahkan pada waktu tertentu.[52] Tiga hari sebelum kerusuhan, Pentagon menawarkan untuk mengirim Garda Nasional sebanyak dua kali, tetapi diberi tahu oleh Kepolisian Gedung Kapitol bahwa penawaran itu tidak perlu.[53]

Donald telah menghabiskan hari-hari sebelumnya untuk menyarankan agar Mike menolak kemenangan Joe, sebuah tindakan yang tidak termasuk dalam kekuasaan konstitusional Mike sebagai wakil presiden, dan Donald mengulangi seruan ini dalam pidatonya pada pagi 6 Januari.[54] Sore hari yang sama, Mike menerbitkan surat kepada Kongres yang ia katakan tidak akan menantang kemenangan Joe.[54][55]

Perencanaan penyerbuan

Banyak situs web yang digunakan untuk merencanakan peristiwa di Gedung Kapitol dianggap sebagai platform alt-tech, berbeda dari platform media sosial yang lebih besar seperti Reddit, Twitter, dan situs web lain yang telah menerapkan larangan untuk menyensor bahasa atau gambar yang ganas. Situs web seperti, didirikan setelah pendahulunya dilarang oleh Reddit; layanan jejaring sosial Parler; aplikasi obrolan Telegram; dan lainnya digunakan untuk membahas unjuk rasa Donald sebelumnya dan membuat rencana untuk menyerbu Gedung Kapitol.[56] Setidaknya sebuah grup, Stop the Steal, diunggah pada 23 Desember 2020, memaparkan rencana mereka untuk menduduki Gedung Kapitol dengan janji untuk "meningkat" jika mereka mendapat tentangan dari penegak hukum.[57] Banyak dari poster yang direncanakan mungkin untuk kekerasan sebelum peristiwa, dengan beberapa orang membicarakan cara menghindari polisi di jalan dan alat apa yang harus dibawa untuk membantu membuka pintu.[58]

Peristiwa di Distrik Columbia

Ribuan peserta berkumpul di Freedom Plaza pada 5 Januari 2021 sebelum protes yang direncanakan untuk minggu itu.[59] Pada malam 5 Januari dan pagi 6 Januari, sedikitnya sepuluh orang ditangkap, dengan beberapa di antaranya ditangkap dengan tuduhan kepemilikan senjata.[22]

"Save America March" di Washington, D.C.

Pengunjuk rasa di Union Station pada pagi 6 Januari.

Pada pagi 6 Januari, pengunjuk rasa memadati Monumen Washington untuk melakukan unjuk rasa. Beberapa orang menyampaikan pidato di The Ellipse, termasuk Donald sendiri berikut penasihatnya Rudy Giuliani. Rudy berpidato di hadapan massa, mengulangi teori konspirasi bahwa mesin pemungutan suara yang digunakan dalam pemilihan umum itu curang dan menyerukan pengadilan lewat pertarungan.[60] Anggota Kongres Mo Brooks mengatakan kepada ramai orang bahwa hari itu adalah hari para patriot Amerika Serikat mulai mengalahkan seseorang dengan tegas dan anggota Kongres Madison Cawthorn berkata massa memiliki beberapa pertengkaran.[61][62]

Donald menyampaikan pidato dari balik penghalang kaca, menyatakan dia tidak akan pernah mengakui pemilihan umum, mengkritik media, dan menyerukan Mike untuk membatalkan hasil pemilihan umum, sesuatu yang tidak ada dalam kekuasaan konstitusional Mike.[54][63]

Donald menggesa para pendukungnya untuk berpawai di Gedung Kapitol tempat Kongres bertemu:

Anda tidak akan pernah mengambil kembali negara kita dengan kelemahan. Anda harus menunjukkan kekuatan dan Anda harus kuat. Kita datang untuk menuntut Kongres melakukan hal yang benar dan hanya menghitung pemilih yang telah dijadwalkan secara sah. Saya tahu bahwa setiap orang di sini akan segera berpawai ke Gedung Kapitol untuk membuat suara Anda didengar dengan damai dan patriotik hari ini.[64]

Donald juga berkata kepada para pendukungnya untuk bertarung dengan sekuat tenaga. Ia menyatakan mereka akan pergi ke Gedung Kapitol dan memberikan kebanggaan dan keberanian yang mereka butuhkan kepada Partai Republik untuk merebut kembali negara.[16] Pidato Donald yang penuh dengan kekeliruan dan kebohongan menyulut massa.[65]

Donald Trump Jr. dan Eric Trump juga berbicara, secara lisan menyerang anggota kongres dan senator Partai Republik yang tidak mendukung upaya menantang pemungutan suara Lembaga Pemilihan Umum sertaberjanji untuk berkampanye melawan mereka dalam pemilihan pendahuluan di masa mendatang.[66]

Kerusuhan di Gedung Kapitol

Police release tear gas outside the United States Capitol

Sekitar pukul 13.00, ratusan pengunjuk rasa yang terdorong oleh pidato Donald meninggal unjuk rasa dan bergerak ke Gedung Kapitol.[67] Beberapa pengunjuk rasa tiba di Gedung Kapitol sebagai tanggapan atas situs web media sosial kanan jauh pendukung Donald, termasuk Gab dan Parler, yang menampilkan seruan untuk melakukan kekerasan terhadap Kongres, dan termasuk penganut kelompok-kelompok seperti QAnon, Groyper Army, dan Proud Boys, berikut lainnya.[68][69]

Berkas:Video shot by Congressman Dan Kildee D-Flint - via Michael Moore on Facebook Watch.webm
Video shot inside the House of Representatives chamber with armed security blocking the doors
Berkas:Persons of interest Washington DC 6 January 2021.pdf
Photographs released by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department of events inside the Capitol

Massa menjadi beringas setelah pukul 14.00.[70] Saat peserta unjuk rasa tiba di Gedung kapitol untuk bertemu dengan pengunjuk rasa lain yang sudah berkumpul di sana, sekitar pukul 14.15 barikade di sekeliling halaman Gedung Kapitol yang diisi oleh polisi dilanggar, dan petugas keamanan Gedung kapitol menasihati anggota Kongres untuk berlindung.[71][72] Ketika perusuh mulai menyerbu Gedung Kapitol dan bangunan lain di dekat gedung, beberapa bangunan di kompleks dievakuasi, dan perusuh menerobos keamanan untuk memasuki Gedung Kapitol itu sendiri, termasuk National Statuary Hall.[22][23] Pada saat itu, sidang gabungan Kongres yang telah memberikan suara untuk menerima sembilan suara Lembaga Pemilihan Umum dari Alabama dan tiga which had already voted to accept the nine electoral votes from Alabama and three from Alaska without objection — was split so that each chamber could separately debate and then vote on an objection to accepting the certified results of the slate of electors from Arizona that was raised by Representative Paul Gosar from Arizona and signed on by Senator Ted Cruz from Texas. Both chambers were roughly halfway through their two-hour debate on the motion.[73][74]

After breaching the security perimeter,[75][76] most rioters simply walked into the Capitol on foot; others used ropes and makeshift ladders, and some broke windows to get in.[77] The crowd of pro-Trump extremists swept past barriers and officers, with some members of the mob spraying officers with chemical agents.[70] Some of the rioters carried Confederate flags,[70][78] Nazi emblems,[79] and wore riot gear, including helmets and military-style vests.[70] Outside the building, the mob put up a gallows, punctured a police vehicle's tires, and left a note saying "PELOSI IS SATAN" on the windshield.[70] Several rioters carried zip ties, possibly with the intention of using them to take hostages.[80][81][82]

People inside the Capitol being evacuated. Staff and reporters inside the building were taken by secure elevators to the basement, and then to an underground bunker constructed following the 2001 attempted attack on the Capitol. Evacuees were redirected after the bunker was also infiltrated by the pro-Trump mob.[83]

All buildings in the complex were subsequently locked down, with no entry or exit from the buildings allowed. Those within the building were asked to move into offices and lock their doors and windows; those outside were advised to "seek cover".[25] About 2:15 p.m., an armed police officer entered the Senate chamber, positioned facing the back entrance of the chamber, while debate over the Arizona electoral college votes continued. Moments later, Pence was escorted out by members of the Secret Service, and banging could be heard from outside as people attempted to breach the doors. After Pence left, Arizona's senior senator, Kyrsten Sinema, finished her defense before the Senate was recessed at 2:20 p.m., and the chamber was then locked down.[83][84] At 2:24 p.m., Trump tweeted that Pence "didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done". Afterwards, Trump followers on far-right social media called for the vice president to be hunted down, and the mob began chanting, "Where is Pence?"[85][86] Outside, the mob chanted, "Hang Mike Pence!"[87] At 2:30 p.m., the Senate chamber was evacuated.[83][84] After evacuation, the mob briefly took control of the chamber, with some posing with raised fists on the Senate dais that Pence had left minutes earlier.[70]

Members of Congress inside the House chamber were told to put on gas masks after law enforcement began using tear gas within the building.[88] Staff members removed boxes of sealed electoral vote certificates to prevent them from being damaged by rioters.[89][90][72] ABC News reported that shots were fired within the Capitol building.[88][91] After rioters broke into the Capitol, there was an armed standoff at the front door of the House chamber; as the mob attempted to break in, security personnel drew their guns inside the House of Representatives chamber[70] and pointed them towards the doors to the chamber, which were barricaded with furniture.[92] In a stairway, one officer fired a shot at a man coming toward him.[26]

The rioters caused extensive physical damage.[70] Social media photos shared by protesters showed criminal activities such as theft and vandalism.[93] Multiple protesters also documented themselves occupying the Capitol and the offices of various representatives.[94][95][96] Rioters stormed the offices of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, flipping tables and ripping photos from walls,[97][98] the office of the Senate Parliamentarian was ransacked,[99] art was looted,[70] and Capitol Police officers reported that the building had been "trashed".[100] Glass windows were smashed throughout the building, leaving the floor littered with glass and debris.[70] Rioters destroyed Associated Press recording and broadcasting equipment outside the Capitol after chasing away reporters,[101] and officers were injured in the violence at the Capitol.[102]

At least six Republican state legislators, including West Virginia Delegate Derrick Evans, Tennessee Representative Terri Lynn Weaver, Virginia State Senator Amanda Chase, Missouri State Representative Justin Hill, Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano, and Michigan State Representative Matt Maddock, were present at the event. Representative Weaver claimed to have been "in the thick of it," while Delegate Evans filmed himself entering the Capitol Building alongside rioters. All denied participating in acts of violence.[103]

Law enforcement response

About 2:31 p.m. on January 6, Washington, D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser ordered a 6:00 p.m. curfew to go into effect that night.[104] Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia also issued a curfew for nearby Alexandria and Arlington County in Northern Virginia.[105][106]

Armed guards walking through the halls of Congress after they were ransacked

Northam sent members of the Virginia National Guard and 200 Virginia State Troopers to support Washington, D.C. law enforcement.[107] Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland also announced that he would send the Maryland State Police and Maryland National Guard;[108][109] however, Hogan's requests for authorization to send National Guard troops to the Capitol were initially denied multiple times.[110] Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Acting Defense Secretary Christopher C. Miller decided to deploy the entire 1,100-strong force of D.C. National Guard to quell violence.[111]

About 3:45 p.m., Miller spoke with Pence, Pelosi, McConnell and Schumer, and directed the National Guard and other "additional support" to respond to the riot.[112][113] The order to send in the National Guard, which Trump initially resisted, was approved by Vice President Pence.[114][115] This bypassing of the chain of command has not been explained.[116]

It took more than three hours for police to retake control of the Capitol, using riot gear, shields, and batons.[70] Capitol Police were assisted by the local D.C. Metropolitan Police Department.[70] Smoke grenades were deployed on the Senate side of the Capitol by Capitol Police working to clear rioters from the building.[100] Capitol Police chief Steven Sund said his officers' slow response to the rioting was due to their being preoccupied by the improvised explosive devices found near the Capitol.[117] FBI and Department of Homeland Security agents wearing riot gear entered the Dirksen Senate Office Building around 4:30 p.m.[118]

Governor of New Jersey Phil Murphy announced at 4:57 p.m. that elements of the New Jersey State Police were being deployed to the District of Columbia at the request of D.C. officials, and that the New Jersey National Guard was prepared for deployment if necessary.[119] Shortly before 5:00 p.m., congressional leaders were reportedly being evacuated from the Capitol complex to Fort McNair, a nearby Army base.[120] At around 5:40 p.m., the Sergeant at Arms announced that the Capitol had been secured.[121]

As police continued to try to push rioters away from the Capitol, protests continued, some moving out of the Capitol Hill area. Some verbal and physical attacks on reporters were reported, with attackers denigrating media outlets as providing "fake news".[89]

Riot police and protesters outside the United States Capitol in the evening

By 6:08 p.m., police had arrested at least thirteen people and seized five firearms during the day's events.[122] Although Mayor Bowser had ordered a 6:00 p.m. curfew, it went largely ignored, and hundreds of pro-Trump demonstrators remained in the Capitol Hill area.[123]

It was reported that 2,700 troops of the Washington, D.C., National Guard and 650 troops of the Virginia National Guard would be sent to the city on the night of January 6.[124] Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo pledged to deploy a thousand members of the New York National Guard to D.C., in addition to the resources promised by other states.[125] On the night of January 6, Mayor Bowser issued an order extending the public emergency in Washington, D.C., for 15 days, writing in the order that she expected some people would "continue their violent protests through the inauguration".[126][127] The following day, Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy announced that a fence would be built around the Capitol building, and remain in place for at least 30 days; construction of the fence began that same day. McCarthy also stated that New Jersey National Guard troops would be mobilized, as would as troops from the Delaware, New York, and Pennsylvania National Guards.[2]

Giuliani voicemail

Congressional staffers removed the Electoral College certificates from the Capitol as it was evacuated.

Shortly after the Capitol was secured, Giuliani continued efforts on Trump's behalf to block the certification of electoral votes for Biden.[128] Giuliani left a voicemail message around 7:00 p.m. that was intended for Senator Tommy Tuberville, but was mistakenly left for a different senator after Giuliani called the wrong number. He urged Tuberville to further delay the certification process. The unnamed Senator passed the message to the Trump-critical[129] center-right online magazine, The Dispatch, who broke the story.[130][131] TheWrap wrote that Giuliani "it seemed, tried to call one of Trump's Senate allies to beg for more help pulling off what amounts to a coup".[132]

In the call, Giuliani said:[132]

I'm calling you because I want to discuss with you how they're trying to rush this hearing, and how we need you, our Republican friends, to try to just slow it down so we can get these legislatures to get more information to you. And I know they're reconvening at 8:00 [p.m.] tonight, but it ... the only strategy we can follow is to object to numerous states and raise issues so that we get ourselves into tomorrow—ideally until the end of tomorrow.

Giuliani also shared displeasure with the decisions of Mitch McConnell, saying: "McConnell is doing everything he can to rush it, which is kind of a kick in the head because it's one thing to oppose us, it's another thing not to give us a fair opportunity to contest it" and asking Tuberville to "object to every state and, along with a congressman, get a hearing for every state, I know we would delay you a lot, but it would give us the opportunity to get the legislators who are very, very close to pulling their vote, particularly after what McConnell did today".[132]

Completion of electoral vote count

Congress reconvened after the Capitol was cleared of trespassers, with the Senate resuming its session at around 8:00 p.m. on January 6 to finish debating the objection to the Arizona electors. At 9:58 p.m., the Senate rejected the objection 93–6, with only six Republicans voting in favor: Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Cindy Hyde-Smith, John Neely Kennedy, Roger Marshall and Tommy Tuberville.[133] At 11:08 p.m., the House of Representatives also rejected the motion by a margin of 303–121. All of the "yeas" came from Republicans while the "nays" were from 83 Republicans and 220 Democrats.[134]

Another objection was raised by Republican Representative Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri to the Pennsylvania slate of electors, triggering another two-hour split in the joint session to debate the objection.[135] At 12:30 a.m. on January 7, the Senate rejected this objection as well by a 92–7 vote, with the same people voting the same way as before with the exceptions of Senators Cynthia Lummis and Rick Scott voting in favor and John Kennedy voting against.[136] At 3:08 a.m., the House of Representatives similarly rejected the motion to sustain the objection by a margin of 282–138. Again, all of the votes in favor were Republican, while this time, only 64 Republicans voted against and 218 Democrats voted against.[137]

At 3:41 a.m., Congress confirmed the outcome of the Electoral College vote, Biden's 306 votes to Trump's 232, with Pence declaring that Biden and Harris would take office on January 20.[138][139][140][141]

Improvised explosive devices

Improvised explosive devices were found in several locations in Washington, D.C. A device suspected to be a pipe bomb was discovered adjacent to a building containing Republican National Committee (RNC) offices. A search of the nearby area found another suspected pipe bomb under a bush at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters.[142] These devices were believed to have been planted prior to the riots.[143] Another suspected pipe bomb was also found on the grounds of the Capitol complex.[144] Both the RNC building and the DNC headquarters are a few blocks from the Capitol.[145] The RNC and DNC devices were safely detonated by bomb squads, and police later said they were "hazardous" and could have caused "great harm".[142] The FBI distributed a photo of the person who they believe planted the devices and issued a reward of up to $50,000 for information.[143]

A vehicle containing a semi-automatic rifle and a cooler full of eleven Molotov cocktails was also found nearby.[146][147] The man who brought the rifle and Molotov cocktails has since been arrested.[148]-->

Lihat pula



  1. ^ a b "What happened in Washington DC yesterday? A timeline of insurrection". The Independent (dalam bahasa Inggris). 2021-01-07. Diakses tanggal 2021-01-08. 
  2. ^ a b Katkov, Mark (January 7, 2021). "Army Sec. Says A 'Non-Scalable' 7-Foot Fence Is Going Up Around U.S. Capitol". NPR. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 8, 2021. Diakses tanggal January 7, 2021. 
  3. ^ CNN, Eric Levenson, Amir Vera and Mallika Kallingal. "What we know about the 5 deaths in the pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol". CNN. 
  4. ^ McEvoy, Jemima. "These Are The Four People Who Died Amid The Capitol Riot". Forbes (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal January 7, 2021. 
  5. ^ Terruso, Julia. "He organized a bus of Trump supporters from Pa. for 'the first day of the rest of our lives.' He died in D.C." Philadelphia Inquirer (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal January 7, 2021. 
  6. ^ Perez, Evan; Herb, Jeremy; Polantz, Katelyn; Scannell, Kara; Carrega, Christina (January 7, 2021). "Prosecutors 'looking at all actors,' including Trump, as charges are filed against Capitol rioters". CNN. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 8, 2021. Diakses tanggal January 8, 2021. 
  7. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama PGDED
  8. ^ Raju, Manu; Barrett, Ted (January 7, 2021). "Facing criticism, US Capitol Police details response to violent mob, 14 suspects arrested and 50 officers injured". CNN. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 8, 2021. Diakses tanggal January 7, 2021. 
  9. ^ Thrush, Glenn; Dewan, Shaila; Eligon, John; MacFarquhar, Neil (January 7, 2020). "Questions mount over law enforcement's failure to protect the Capitol". The New York Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 8, 2021. Mr. Sund said more than 50 Capitol Police and Washington Metro Police officers had been injured, and several Capitol Police officers were hospitalized with serious injuries. 
  10. ^ Peñaloza, Marisa (January 6, 2021). "Trump Supporters Clash With Capitol Police At Protest". National Public Radio (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 6, 2021. Diakses tanggal January 6, 2021. 
  11. ^ Amenabar, Teddy; Zauzmer, Julie; Davies, Emily; Brice-Saddler, Michael; Ruane, Michael E.; et al. (January 6, 2021). "Live updates: Hundreds storm Capitol barricades; two nearby buildings briefly evacuated; Trump falsely tells thousands he won". The Washington Post (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 6, 2021. Diakses tanggal January 6, 2021. 
  12. ^ Hooks, Scott Rodd, Kris. "Trump Supporters, Proud Boys Converge On California's Capitol To Protest Electoral College Count". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 6, 2021. Diakses tanggal January 6, 2021. 
  13. ^ "As he seeks to prevent certification of election, Trump plans to attend DC rally". Katherine Faulders andJohn Santucci. ABA News. 5 January 2020. Diakses tanggal 7 January 2021. 
  14. ^ "Trump Supporters Gather, President Incites Chaos in DC". Anisa Holmes. NBC. 6 January 2020. Diakses tanggal 7 January 2021. 
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  145. ^ Benner, Katie; Haberman, Maggie; Schmidt, Michael S. (January 6, 2021). "An explosive device is found at the R.N.C., and the D.N.C. is evacuated." New York Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 6, 2021. Diakses tanggal January 6, 2021. 
  146. ^ "DC Police Chief: Two pipe bombs, cooler with Molotov cocktails found on Capitol grounds". KMGH (dalam bahasa Inggris). Scripps National and Associated Press. January 6, 2021. Diakses tanggal January 8, 2021. 
  147. ^ Diaz, Jaclyn; Chappell, Bill; Moore, Elena (January 7, 2021). "Police Confirm Death Of Officer Injured During Attack On Capitol". (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal January 8, 2021. 
  148. ^ Porter, Tom (January 8, 2020). "Trump supporter arrested at Capitol had 11 Molotov cocktails: Feds - Business Insider". Diakses tanggal January 8, 2020. 

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Templat:Kepresidenan Donald Trump