Daftar taman nasional di Amerika Serikat

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Amerika Serikat memiliki 63 taman nasional, yang merupakan kawasan lindung yang ditetapkan oleh Kongres yang dioperasikan oleh National Park Service, sebuah badan dari Departemen Dalam Negeri.[1] Taman nasional ditujukan untuk keindahan alamnya, fitur geologis yang unik, ekosistem yang beragam, dan peluang rekreasi. Sementara secara legislatif semua unit Sistem Taman Nasional dianggap sama dengan misi yang sama, taman nasional umumnya lebih besar dan lebih banyak tujuan, dan kegiatan berburu dan ekstraktif dilarang.[2] Monumen nasional, di sisi lain, juga sering dilindungi karena signifikansi historis atau arkeologisnya. Delapan taman nasional (termasuk enam di Alaska) dipasangkan dengan cagar alam nasional, kawasan dengan tingkat perlindungan berbeda yang dikelola bersama tetapi dianggap sebagai unit terpisah dan yang kawasannya tidak termasuk dalam gambar di bawah. 423 unit Sistem Taman Nasional dapat secara luas disebut sebagai taman nasional, tetapi sebagian besar memiliki sebutan formal lainnya.[3]

Poster tahun 1938 yang mempromosikan Taman Nasional Yellowstone, taman nasional pertama di dunia
Interactive map of the National Parks of the United States.

Sebuah rancangan undang-undang yang menciptakan taman nasional pertama, Yellowstone, ditandatangani menjadi undang-undang oleh Presiden Ulysses S. Grant pada tahun 1872, diikuti oleh Taman Nasional Mackinac pada tahun 1875 (dinonaktifkan pada tahun 1895), dan kemudian Taman Rock Creek (kemudian digabung menjadi Taman Ibu Kota Nasional), Sequoia dan Yosemite pada tahun 1890. Undang-Undang Organik tahun 1916 menciptakan National Park Service "untuk melestarikan pemandangan dan benda-benda alam dan bersejarah dan satwa liar di dalamnya, dan untuk menyediakan kesenangan yang sama dengan cara dan cara yang akan membiarkan mereka tidak terganggu untuk dinikmati generasi mendatang."[4] Banyak taman nasional saat ini yang sebelumnya dilindungi sebagai monumen nasional oleh presiden di bawah Undang-Undang Kepurbakalaan atau sebagai sebutan lain yang dibuat oleh Kongres sebelum didesain ulang oleh Kongres; taman nasional terbaru adalah New River George, yang sebelumnya merupakan Sungai Nasional, dan taman yang sepenuhnya baru adalah Taman Nasional Samoa Amerika. Beberapa bekas taman nasional tidak lagi ditetapkan demikian, atau telah dibubarkan. Empat belas taman nasional ditetapkan sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO (World Heritage Sites),[5] dan 21 taman nasional diberi nama Cagar Biosfer UNESCO (Biosphere Reserves),[6] dengan delapan taman nasional di kedua program.

Tiga puluh negara bagian memiliki taman nasional, seperti halnya wilayah Samoa Amerika dan Kepulauan Virgin AS. Negara bagian dengan taman nasional terbanyak adalah California dengan sembilan, diikuti oleh Alaska dengan delapan, Utah dengan lima, dan Colorado dengan empat. Taman nasional terbesar adalah Wrangell–St. Elias di Alaska: delngan lebih dari 8 juta hektar (32.375 km2), lebih besar dari masing-masing sembilan negara bagian terkecil. Tiga taman terbesar berikutnya juga ada di Alaska. Taman terkecil adalah Taman Nasional Gateway Arch, Missouri, seluas 192,83 acre (0,7804 km2). Total area yang dilindungi oleh taman nasional adalah sekitar 52,2 juta hektar (211.000 km2), dengan rata-rata 829 ribu hektar (3.350 km2) tetapi median hanya 208 ribu hektar (840 km2).[7]

Taman nasional mencatat rekor kunjungan pada tahun 2017, dengan lebih dari 84 juta pengunjung dan mencatat rekor lebih lanjut pada tahun 2018 dengan peningkatan 0,1%.[8][9] Taman Nasional Pegunungan Great Smoky di Carolina Utara dan Tennessee telah menjadi taman yang paling banyak dikunjungi sejak tahun 1944,[10] dan memiliki lebih dari 14 juta pengunjung pada tahun 2021.[11] Sebaliknya, hanya sekitar 7.000 orang yang mengunjungi Gerbang Taman Nasional dan Cagar Alam Arktik yang terpencil di Alaska pada tahun 2021.[11]

Taman Nasional

Peta koordinat semua menggunakan: OpenStreetMap 
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* Warna Hijau – Situs warisan dunia (WHS) yang ditunjuk oleh UNESCO
  Warna Biru – Biosfer Reserve yang ditetapkan UNESCO Cagar Biosfer (BR)
  Warna Ungu – taman yang ditunjuk dalam kedua program UNESCO
Nama Gambar Lokasi Tanggal ditetapkan sebagai Taman Nasional[7][12] Luas area (2021)[13] Pengunjung Rekreasi (2021)[14] Deskripsi
Acadia   Maine
44°21′N 68°13′W / 44.35°N 68.21°W / 44.35; -68.21 (Acadia)
01919-02-26February 26, 1919 49,07140 ekar (0,2 km2) 4,069,098 Meliputi sebagian besar Pulau Gurun Gunung dan pulau-pulau pesisir lainnya, Acadia memiliki gunung tertinggi di pantai Atlantik Amerika Serikat, puncak granit, garis pantai laut, hutan, dan danau. Ada habitat air tawar, muara, hutan, dan intertidal.[15][16]
American Samoa   American Samoa
14°15′S 170°41′W / 14.25°S 170.68°W / -14.25; -170.68 (National Park of American Samoa)
01988-10-31October 31, 1988 8,25667 ekar (0,0 km2) 8,495 Taman nasional paling selatan berada di tiga pulau Samoa dan melindungi terumbu karang, hutan hujan, pegunungan vulkanik, dan pantai pasir putih. Daerah ini juga merupakan rumah bagi rubah terbang, boobies coklat, penyu, dan 900 spesies ikan.[17]
Arches   Utah
38°41′N 109°34′W / 38.68°N 109.57°W / 38.68; -109.57 (Arches)
01971-11-12November 12, 1971 76,67898 ekar (0,3 km2) 1,806,865 Situs ini memiliki lebih dari 2.000 lengkungan batu pasir alami, dengan beberapa lengkungan paling populer di taman adalah Delicate Arch, Landscape Arch dan Double Arch.[18] Jutaan tahun erosi telah menciptakan struktur ini di iklim gurun di mana tanah gersang memiliki kerak tanah biologis yang menopang kehidupan dan lubang yang berfungsi sebagai cekungan penampung air alami. Formasi geologi lainnya termasuk puncak batu, sirip, dan batu penyeimbang.[19]
Badlands   South Dakota
43°45′N 102°30′W / 43.75°N 102.50°W / 43.75; -102.50 (Badlands)
01978-11-10November 10, 1978 242,75594 ekar (1,0 km2) 1,224,226 The Badlands adalah kumpulan buttes, puncak, menara, dan padang rumput campuran. White River Badlands berisi kumpulan terbesar fosil mamalia Eosen Akhir dan Oligosen yang diketahui.[20] Satwa liar termasuk bison, domba bighorn, musang berkaki hitam, dan anjing padang rumput.[21]
Big Bend     Texas
29°15′N 103°15′W / 29.25°N 103.25°W / 29.25; -103.25 (Big Bend)
01944-06-12June 12, 1944 801,16321 ekar (3,2 km2) 581,220 Dinamakan karena tikungan yang menonjol di Rio Grande di sepanjang perbatasan AS-Meksiko, taman ini mencakup sebagian besar dan terpencil Gurun Chihuahuan. Daya tarik utamanya adalah rekreasi pedesaan di Pegunungan Chisos yang gersang dan di ngarai di sepanjang sungai. Berbagai macam peninggalan periode Kapur dan fosil tersier serta artefak budaya penduduk asli Amerika juga tersedia di dalamnya.[22] (BR)[23]
Biscayne   Florida
25°39′N 80°05′W / 25.65°N 80.08°W / 25.65; -80.08 (Biscayne)
01980-06-28June 28, 1980 172,97111 ekar (0,7 km2) 705,655 Bagian tengah Teluk Biscayne, sebagian besar taman bawah laut di ujung utara Florida Keys ini memiliki empat ekosistem laut yang saling terkait: hutan bakau, Teluk, karang kecil, dan terumbu karang. Hewan yang terancam termasuk manatee India Barat, buaya Amerika, berbagai penyu, dan elang peregrine.[24]
Black Canyon of the Gunnison   Colorado
38°34′N 107°43′W / 38.57°N 107.72°W / 38.57; -107.72 (Black Canyon of the Gunnison)
01999-10-21October 21, 1999 30,77983 ekar (0,1 km2) 308,910 Taman ini melindungi seperempat Sungai Gunnison, yang membelah dinding ngarai terjal dari batu gelap era Prakambrium. Ngarai ini memiliki beberapa tebing paling curam dan batu tertua di Amerika Utara, dan merupakan situs populer untuk arung jeram dan panjat tebing. Ngarai yang dalam dan sempit terdiri dari gneiss dan sekis, yang tampak hitam saat berada dalam bayangan.[25]
Bryce Canyon   Utah
37°34′N 112°11′W / 37.57°N 112.18°W / 37.57; -112.18 (Bryce Canyon)
01928-02-25February 25, 1928 35,83508 ekar (0,1 km2) 2,104,600 Bryce Canyon adalah amfiteater geologis di Dataran Tinggi Paunsaugunt dengan ratusan tudung batu pasir warna-warni yang tinggi yang dibentuk oleh erosi. Wilayah ini awalnya dihuni oleh penduduk asli Amerika dan kemudian oleh perintis Mormon.[26]
Canyonlands   Utah
38°12′N 109°56′W / 38.2°N 109.93°W / 38.2; -109.93 (Canyonlands)
01964-09-12September 12, 1964 337,59783 ekar (1,4 km2) 911,594 Lanskap ini terkikis menjadi labirin ngarai, buttes, dan mesas oleh upaya gabungan dari Sungai Colorado, Green River, dan anak-anak sungainya, yang membagi taman menjadi tiga distrik. Taman ini juga memiliki puncak dan lengkungan batu, serta artefak dari masyarakat Pueblo Kuno.[27]
Capitol Reef   Utah
38°12′N 111°10′W / 38.20°N 111.17°W / 38.20; -111.17 (Capitol Reef)
01971-12-18December 18, 1971 241,90450 ekar (1,0 km2) 1,405,353 Waterpocket Fold taman adalah monoklin 100-mil (160 km) yang menunjukkan lapisan geologis bumi yang beragam. Fitur alam lainnya termasuk monolit, tebing, dan kubah batu pasir berbentuk seperti Capitol Amerika Serikat.[28]
Carlsbad Caverns *   New Mexico
32°10′N 104°26′W / 32.17°N 104.44°W / 32.17; -104.44 (Carlsbad Caverns)
01930-05-14May 14, 1930 46,76645 ekar (0,2 km2) 349,244 Gua Carlsbad memiliki 117 gua, yang terpanjang memiliki panjang lebih dari 120 mil (190 km). The Big Room panjangnya hampir 4.000 kaki (1.200 m), dan gua-gua tersebut adalah rumah bagi lebih dari 400.000 kelelawar Meksiko ekor bebas dan enam belas spesies lainnya. Di atas tanah adalah Gurun Chihuahua dan Mata Air Rattlesnake.[29] (WHS)[30]
Channel Islands     California
34°01′N 119°25′W / 34.01°N 119.42°W / 34.01; -119.42 (Channel Islands)
01980-03-05March 5, 1980 249,56100 ekar (1,0 km2) 319,252 Lima dari delapan Kepulauan Channel dilindungi, dengan setengah dari area taman berada di bawah air. Pulau-pulau tersebut memiliki ekosistem Mediterania yang unik yang awalnya dihuni oleh orang-orang Chumash. Mereka adalah rumah bagi lebih dari 2.000 spesies tumbuhan dan hewan darat, 145 endemik bagi mereka, termasuk rubah pulau. Layanan feri menawarkan transportasi ke pulau-pulau dari daratan.[31] (BR)[32]
Congaree     South Carolina
33°47′N 80°47′W / 33.78°N 80.78°W / 33.78; -80.78 (Congaree)
02003-11-10November 10, 2003 26,69260 ekar (0,1 km2) 215,181 Di Sungai Congaree, taman ini adalah bagian terbesar dari hutan dataran banjir tua yang tersisa di Amerika Utara. Beberapa pohon adalah yang tertinggi di Amerika Serikat bagian timur. Jalan setapak yang ditinggikan yang disebut Boardwalk Loop memandu pengunjung melewati rawa.[33] (BR)[34]
Crater Lake   Oregon
42°56′N 122°06′W / 42.94°N 122.1°W / 42.94; -122.1 (Crater Lake)
01902-05-22May 22, 1902 183,22405 ekar (0,7 km2) 647,751 Danau Crater terletak di kaldera gunung berapi purba bernama Gunung Mazama yang runtuh 7.700 tahun yang lalu. Danau ini adalah yang terdalam di Amerika Serikat dan terkenal karena warna birunya yang cerah dan kejernihan airnya. Pulau Penyihir dan Kapal Phantom adalah formasi vulkanik yang lebih baru di dalam kaldera. Karena danau tidak memiliki saluran masuk atau saluran keluar, ia hanya diisi ulang oleh hujan.[35]
Cuyahoga Valley   Ohio
41°14′N 81°33′W / 41.24°N 81.55°W / 41.24; -81.55 (Cuyahoga Valley)
02000-10-11October 11, 2000 32,57188 ekar (0,1 km2) 2,575,275 Taman di sepanjang Sungai Cuyahoga ini memiliki air terjun, perbukitan, jalan setapak, dan pameran tentang kehidupan pedesaan awal. Jalur setapak kanal Ohio dan Erie mengikuti kanal Ohio dan Erie, tempat keledai menarik perahu kanal. Taman ini memiliki banyak rumah bersejarah, jembatan, dan struktur,[36] dan juga menawarkan perjalanan kereta yang indah.[37]
Death Valley     California, Nevada
36°14′N 116°49′W / 36.24°N 116.82°W / 36.24; -116.82 (Death Valley)
01994-10-31October 31, 1994 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 1,146,551 Death Valley adalah tempat terpanas, terendah, dan terkering di Amerika Serikat, dengan suhu siang hari telah melebihi 130 °F (54 °C). Taman ini melindungi Badwater Basin dan dataran garamnya yang luas di ketinggian terendah di Amerika Utara, 282 ft (−86 m). Taman ini juga melindungi ngarai, tanah tandus, bukit pasir, pegunungan, tambang bersejarah, mata air, dan lebih dari 1.000 spesies tanaman yang tumbuh di graben geologis ini.[38] (BR)[39]
Denali     Alaska
63°20′N 150°30′W / 63.33°N 150.50°W / 63.33; -150.50 (Denali)
01917-02-26February 26, 1917 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 229,521 Berpusat di Denali, gunung tertinggi dan paling menonjol di Amerika Utara, Denali dilayani oleh satu jalan menuju Wonder Lake. Denali dan puncak Pegunungan Alaska lainnya ditutupi dengan gletser panjang dan hutan boreal. Satwa liar termasuk beruang grizzly, domba Dall, landak, karibu, dan serigala.[40] (BR)[41]
Dry Tortugas     Florida
24°38′N 82°52′W / 24.63°N 82.87°W / 24.63; -82.87 (Dry Tortugas)
01992-10-26October 26, 1992 64,70122 ekar (0,3 km2) 83,817 Pulau-pulau di Dry Tortugas, di ujung paling barat Florida Keys, adalah situs Fort Jefferson, sebuah benteng era Perang Saudara yang merupakan struktur batu terbesar di Belahan Barat. Taman ini adalah rumah bagi terumbu karang dan bangkai kapal yang tidak terganggu, dan hanya dapat diakses dengan pesawat atau perahu.[42] (BR)[43]
Everglades     Florida
25°19′N 80°56′W / 25.32°N 80.93°W / 25.32; -80.93 (Everglades)
01934-05-30May 30, 1934 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 942,130 Everglades adalah hutan belantara tropis terbesar di Amerika Serikat. Ekosistem hutan bakau dan hutan hujan tropis serta muara laut ini adalah rumah bagi 36 spesies yang dilindungi, termasuk macan kumbang Florida, buaya Amerika, dan manatee India Barat. Beberapa daerah telah dikeringkan dan dikembangkan; proyek restorasi bertujuan untuk memulihkan ekologi.[44] (WHS)[45] (BR)[43]
Gates of the Arctic   Alaska
67°47′N 153°18′W / 67.78°N 153.30°W / 67.78; -153.30 (Gates of the Arctic)
01980-12-02December 2, 1980 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 7,362 Taman paling utara negara itu melindungi hamparan hutan belantara murni di Pegunungan Brooks Alaska dan tidak memiliki fasilitas taman. Tanah itu adalah rumah bagi Penduduk Asli Alaska yang telah mengandalkan tanah dan karibu selama 11.000 tahun.[46]
Gateway Arch   Missouri
38°38′N 90°11′W / 38.63°N 90.19°W / 38.63; -90.19 (Gateway Arch)
02018-02-22February 22, 2018[47] 19.283 ekar (78,0 km2) 1,145,081 Gateway Arch adalah lengkungan catenary setinggi 630 kaki (192 m) (tinggi dan lebar) yang dibangun untuk memperingati Ekspedisi Lewis dan Clark, yang diprakarsai oleh Thomas Jefferson, dan perluasan negara berikutnya ke arah barat. Gedung Pengadilan Lama di dekatnya, di seberang jalan hijau di sebelah barat lengkungan, adalah situs pertama dari kasus Dred Scott tentang perbudakan. Sebuah museum bawah tanah menggambarkan konstruksi lengkungan dan ekspansi ke barat negara itu.[48]
Glacier     Montana
48°48′N 114°00′W / 48.80°N 114.00°W / 48.80; -114.00 (Glacier)
01910-05-11May 11, 1910 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 3,081,656 Setengah dari Taman Perdamaian Internasional Waterton-Glacier di AS, taman ini mencakup 26 gletser dan 130 danau bernama yang dikelilingi oleh puncak Gunung Rocky. Ada hotel bersejarah dan landmark Going-to-the-Sun Road di wilayah gletser yang menyusut dengan cepat.[49] Pegunungan lokal, yang dibentuk oleh gaya dorong, mengekspos fosil Paleozoikum termasuk trilobita, moluska, pakis raksasa, dan dinosaurus. Taman ini juga merupakan rumah bagi Triple Divide Peak, yang membentuk batas antara daerah aliran sungai menuju Atlantik, Pasifik, dan Samudra Arktik.[50] (WHS)[51] (BR)[52]
Glacier Bay     Alaska
58°30′N 137°00′W / 58.50°N 137.00°W / 58.50; -137.00 (Glacier Bay)
01980-12-02December 2, 1980 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 89,768 Glacier Bay berisi gletser air pasang, pegunungan, fjord, dan hutan hujan beriklim sedang, dan merupakan rumah bagi populasi besar beruang grizzly, kambing gunung, paus, anjing laut, dan elang. Ketika ditemukan pada tahun 1794 oleh George Vancouver, seluruh teluk tertutup es, tetapi gletser telah surut lebih dari 65 mil (105 km).[53] (WHS)[54] (BR)[55]
Grand Canyon *   Arizona
36°04′N 112°08′W / 36.06°N 112.14°W / 36.06; -112.14 (Grand Canyon)
01919-02-26February 26, 1919 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 4,532,677 Grand Canyon, yang diukir oleh Sungai Colorado yang perkasa, memiliki panjang 277 mil (446 km), kedalaman hingga 1 mil (1,6 km), dan lebar hingga 15 mil (24 km). Jutaan tahun erosi telah mengekspos lapisan warna-warni Dataran Tinggi Colorado di mesas dan dinding ngarai, terlihat dari jalan setapak yang turun ke ngarai dari tepi utara dan selatan.[56] (WHS)[57]
Grand Teton     Wyoming
43°44′N 110°48′W / 43.73°N 110.80°W / 43.73; -110.80 (Grand Teton)
01929-02-26February 26, 1929 310,04436 ekar (1,3 km2) 3,885,230 Grand Teton adalah gunung tertinggi di Teton Range. Jackson Hole yang bersejarah di taman dan danau piedmont yang reflektif dipenuhi dengan satwa liar endemik, dengan latar belakang pegunungan terjal yang muncul tiba-tiba dari lembah yang diselimuti sage.[58] (BR)[6]
Great Basin   Nevada
38°59′N 114°18′W / 38.98°N 114.30°W / 38.98; -114.30 (Great Basin)
01986-10-27October 27, 1986 77,18000 ekar (0,3 km2) 144,875 Berbasis di sekitar gunung tertinggi kedua di Nevada, Wheeler Peak, Taman Nasional Great Basin berisi pinus bristlecone berusia 5.000 tahun, gletser batu, dan gua batu kapur Lehman. Karena lokasinya yang terpencil, taman ini memiliki beberapa langit malam paling gelap di negara itu. Satwa liar termasuk kelelawar bertelinga besar Townsend, pronghorn, dan trout cutthroat Bonneville.[59]
Great Sand Dunes   Colorado
37°44′N 105°31′W / 37.73°N 105.51°W / 37.73; -105.51 (Great Sand Dunes)
02004-09-24September 24, 2004 107,34573 ekar (0,4 km2) 602,613 Bukit pasir tertinggi di Amerika Utara, setinggi 750 kaki (230 m), dibentuk oleh endapan Rio Grande kuno di Lembah San Luis. Berbatasan dengan berbagai padang rumput, semak belukar, dan lahan basah, taman ini juga memiliki danau alpine, enam gunung setinggi 13.000 kaki, dan hutan tua.[60]
Great Smoky Mountains     North Carolina, Tennessee
35°41′N 83°32′W / 35.68°N 83.53°W / 35.68; -83.53 (Great Smoky Mountains)
01934-06-15June 15, 1934 522,42688 ekar (2,1 km2) 14,161,548 Pegunungan Great Smoky, bagian dari Pegunungan Appalachian, memiliki rentang ketinggian yang luas, menjadikannya rumah bagi lebih dari 400 spesies vertebrata, 100 spesies pohon, dan 5000 spesies tanaman. Hiking adalah daya tarik utama taman, dengan lebih dari 800 mil (1.300 km) jalur, termasuk 70 mil (110 km) dari Appalachian Trail. Kegiatan lainnya termasuk memancing, menunggang kuda, dan mengunjungi hampir 80 bangunan bersejarah.[61] (WHS)[62] (BR)[63]
Guadalupe Mountains   Texas
31°55′N 104°52′W / 31.92°N 104.87°W / 31.92; -104.87 (Guadalupe Mountains)
01966-10-15October 15, 1966 86,36710 ekar (0,3 km2) 243,291 This park contains Guadalupe Peak, the highest point in Texas, as well as the scenic McKittrick Canyon filled with bigtooth maples, a corner of the arid Chihuahuan Desert, and a fossilized coral reef from the Permian era.[64]
Haleakalā     Hawaii
20°43′N 156°10′W / 20.72°N 156.17°W / 20.72; -156.17 (Haleakalā)
01961-07-01July 1, 1961 33,26462 ekar (0,1 km2) 853,181 The Haleakalā volcano on Maui features a very large crater with numerous cinder cones, Hosmer's Grove of alien trees, the Kipahulu section's scenic pools of freshwater fish, and the native Hawaiian goose. The park protects the greatest number of endangered species within a U.S. national park.[65] (BR)[66]
Hawaiʻi Volcanoes     Hawaii
19°23′N 155°12′W / 19.38°N 155.20°W / 19.38; -155.20 (Hawaiʻi Volcanoes)
01916-08-01August 1, 1916 325,60528 ekar (1,3 km2) 1,262,747 This park on the Big Island protects the Kīlauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes, two of the world's most active geological features. Diverse ecosystems range from tropical forests at sea level to barren lava beds at more than 13.000 kaki (4.000 m).[67] (WHS)[68] (BR)[66]
Hot Springs   Arkansas
34°31′N 93°03′W / 34.51°N 93.05°W / 34.51; -93.05 (Hot Springs)
01921-03-04March 4, 1921 5,55415 ekar (0,0 km2) 2,162,884 Hot Springs was original established as a federal reserve by Congress on April 20, 1832—the oldest area managed by the National Park Service. Natural hot springs flow out of the Ouachita Mountains, providing opportunities for relaxation in a historic setting. Bathhouse Row preserves examples of 19th-century architecture.[69] Hot Springs is the first national park in a city and was the smallest national park until 2018.[70]
Indiana Dunes   Indiana
41°39′12″N 87°03′09″W / 41.6533°N 87.0524°W / 41.6533; -87.0524 (Indiana Dunes)
02019-02-15February 15, 2019 15,34908 ekar (0,1 km2) 3,177,210 Previously designated a national lakeshore, parts of this 20-mil (32 km) stretch of the southern shore of Lake Michigan have sandy beaches and tall dunes. The park includes grassy prairies, peat bogs, and marsh wetlands home to over 2,000 species.[71]
Isle Royale     Michigan
48°06′N 88°33′W / 48.10°N 88.55°W / 48.10; -88.55 (Isle Royale)
01940-04-03April 3, 1940 571,79030 ekar (2,3 km2) 25,844 The largest island in Lake Superior is a place of isolation and wilderness. Along with its many shipwrecks, waterways, and hiking trails, the park also includes over 400 smaller islands within 45 mil (72 km) of its shores. There are only 20 mammal species on the island, though the relationship between its wolf and moose populations is especially unique.[72] (BR)[73]
Joshua Tree     California
33°47′N 115°54′W / 33.79°N 115.90°W / 33.79; -115.90 (Joshua Tree)
01994-10-31October 31, 1994 795,15585 ekar (3,2 km2) 3,064,400 Covering large areas of the Colorado and Mojave Deserts and the Little San Bernardino Mountains, this desert landscape is populated by vast stands of Joshua trees. Large changes in elevation reveal various contrasting environments including bleached sand dunes, dry lakes, rugged mountains, and maze-like clusters of monzogranite monoliths.[74] (BR)[39]
Katmai   Alaska
58°30′N 155°00′W / 58.50°N 155.00°W / 58.50; -155.00 (Katmai)
01980-12-02December 2, 1980 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 24,764 This park on the Alaska Peninsula protects the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, an ash flow formed by the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, and the stratovolcano Mount Katmai. Over 2,000 grizzly bears come here each year to catch spawning salmon. Other wildlife includes caribou, wolves, moose, and wolverines.[75]
Kenai Fjords   Alaska
59°55′N 149°39′W / 59.92°N 149.65°W / 59.92; -149.65 (Kenai Fjords)
01980-12-02December 2, 1980 669,65005 ekar (2,7 km2) 411,782 Near Seward on the Kenai Peninsula, this park protects the Harding Icefield and at least 38 glaciers and fjords stemming from it. The only area accessible to the public by road is the rapidly shrinking Exit Glacier. Boat and kayak tours offer views of tidewater glaciers, whales, and marine birds.[76]
Kings Canyon     California
36°48′N 118°33′W / 36.80°N 118.55°W / 36.80; -118.55 (Kings Canyon)
01940-03-04March 4, 1940 461,90120 ekar (1,9 km2) 562,918 Home to several giant sequoia groves and the General Grant Tree, the world's second largest measured tree, this park also features part of the Kings River, sculptor of the dramatic granite canyon that is its namesake, and the San Joaquin River, as well as Boyden Cave.[77] Although Kings Canyon National Park was designated as such in 1940, it subsumed General Grant National Park, which had been established on October 1, 1890, as the United States' fourth national park.[78][79][80] (BR)[81]
Kobuk Valley   Alaska
67°33′N 159°17′W / 67.55°N 159.28°W / 67.55; -159.28 (Kobuk Valley)
01980-12-02December 2, 1980 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 11,540 Kobuk Valley protects 61 mil (98 km) of the Kobuk River and three regions of sand dunes. Created by glaciers, the Great Kobuk, Little Kobuk, and Hunt River Sand Dunes can reach 100 kaki (30 m) high and 100 °F (38 °C), and they are the largest dunes in the Arctic. Twice a year, half a million caribou migrate through the dunes and across river bluffs that expose well-preserved ice age fossils.[82]
Lake Clark   Alaska
60°58′N 153°25′W / 60.97°N 153.42°W / 60.97; -153.42 (Lake Clark)
01980-12-02December 2, 1980 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 18,278 The region around Lake Clark features four active volcanoes, including Mount Redoubt, as well as an abundance of rivers, glaciers, and waterfalls. Temperate rainforests, a tundra plateau, and three mountain ranges complete the landscape.[83]
Lassen Volcanic   California
40°29′N 121°31′W / 40.49°N 121.51°W / 40.49; -121.51 (Lassen Volcanic)
01916-08-09August 9, 1916 106,58902 ekar (0,4 km2) 359,635 Lassen Peak, the largest lava dome volcano in the world, is joined by all three other types of volcanoes in this park: shield, cinder cone, and composite. Though Lassen itself last erupted in 1915, most of the rest of the park is continuously active. Numerous hydrothermal features, including fumaroles, boiling pools, and bubbling mud pots, are heated by molten rock from beneath the peak.[84]
Mammoth Cave     Kentucky
37°11′N 86°06′W / 37.18°N 86.10°W / 37.18; -86.10 (Mammoth Cave)
01941-07-01July 1, 1941 54,01629 ekar (0,2 km2) 515,774 With more than 400 mil (640 km) of passageways explored, Mammoth Cave is the world's longest known cave system. Subterranean wildlife includes eight bat species, Kentucky cave shrimp, Northern cavefish, and cave salamanders. Above ground, the park provides recreation on the Green River, 70 miles of hiking trails, and plenty of sinkholes and springs.[85] (WHS)[86] (BR)[87]
Mesa Verde *   Colorado
37°11′N 108°29′W / 37.18°N 108.49°W / 37.18; -108.49 (Mesa Verde)
01906-06-29June 29, 1906 52,48517 ekar (0,2 km2) 548,477 This area constitutes over 4,000 archaeological sites of the Ancestral Puebloan people, who lived here and elsewhere in the Four Corners region for at least 700 years. Cliff dwellings built in the 12th and 13th centuries include Cliff Palace, which has 150 rooms and 23 kivas, and the Balcony House, with its many passages and tunnels.[88] (WHS)[89]
Mount Rainier   Washington
46°51′N 121°45′W / 46.85°N 121.75°W / 46.85; -121.75 (Mount Rainier)
01899-03-02March 2, 1899 236,38164 ekar (1,0 km2) 1,670,063 Mount Rainier, an active stratovolcano, is the most prominent peak in the Cascades and is covered by 26 named glaciers including Carbon Glacier and Emmons Glacier, the longest and largest in the contiguous United States respectively. The mountain is popular for climbing, and more than half of the park is covered by subalpine and alpine forests and meadows seasonally in bloom with wildflowers. Paradise on the south slope is among the snowiest places on Earth.[90] The Longmire visitor center is the start of the Wonderland Trail, which encircles the mountain.[91]
New River Gorge   West Virginia
38°04′N 81°05′W / 38.07°N 81.08°W / 38.07; -81.08 (New River Gorge)
02020-12-27December 27, 2020 72,34591 ekar (0,3 km2) 1,682,720 The New River Gorge is the deepest river gorge east of the Mississippi River. The park is primarily the lower gorge area around the New River Gorge Bridge, which features some of the country's best whitewater rafting. Smaller noncontiguous sections showcase the ghost town of Thurmond, the scenic Grandview vista, and Sandstone Falls. The other 65,165 acres[convert: unit tak dikenal] of the redesignated national river is now a national preserve, spanning 53 mi (85 km) of the New River.[92][93]
North Cascades   Washington
48°42′N 121°12′W / 48.70°N 121.20°W / 48.70; -121.20 (North Cascades)
01968-10-02October 2, 1968 504,78094 ekar (2,0 km2) 17,855 The highly glaciated mountains of the North Cascades Range exhibit spectacular and complex geologic history. Between the river valleys and high peaks there are eight diverse life zones with 75 mammal and 1,600 vascular plant species. Popular hiking and climbing areas of the Stephen Mather Wilderness include Cascade Pass, Mount Shuksan, Mount Triumph, and Eldorado Peak. Ross Lake and Lake Chelan National Recreation Areas adjoin the two segments of the park and are all administered together.[94]
Olympic     Washington
47°58′N 123°30′W / 47.97°N 123.50°W / 47.97; -123.50 (Olympic)
01938-06-29June 29, 1938 922,64941 ekar (3,7 km2) 2,718,925 This park on the Olympic Peninsula includes a wide range of ecosystems from Pacific shoreline to temperate rainforests to the glaciated alpine peaks of the Olympic Mountains, the tallest of which is Mount Olympus. The Hoh and Quinault Rainforests are the wettest areas in the contiguous United States, with the Hoh receiving an average of almost 12 ft (3,7 m) of rain every year.[95][96] (WHS)[97] (BR)[98]
Petrified Forest   Arizona
35°04′N 109°47′W / 35.07°N 109.78°W / 35.07; -109.78 (Petrified Forest)
01962-12-09December 9, 1962 221,39021 ekar (0,9 km2) 590,334 This portion of the Chinle Formation has a large concentration of 225-million-year-old petrified wood. The surrounding Painted Desert features eroded cliffs of red-hued volcanic rock called bentonite. Dinosaur fossils and over 350 Native American sites are also protected in this park.[99]
Pinnacles   California
36°29′N 121°10′W / 36.48°N 121.16°W / 36.48; -121.16 (Pinnacles)
02013-01-10January 10, 2013 26,68573 ekar (0,1 km2) 348,857 Named for the eroded leftovers of a portion of an extinct volcano, the park's massive black and gold monoliths of andesite and rhyolite are a popular destination for rock climbers. Hikers have access to trails crossing the Coast Range wilderness. The park is one of the few locations the endangered California condor can be seen in the wild. Pinnacles also supports a dense population of prairie falcons and more than 13 species of bat that populate its talus caves.[100]
Redwood *   California
41°18′N 124°00′W / 41.30°N 124.00°W / 41.30; -124.00 (Redwood)
01968-10-02October 2, 1968 138,99937 ekar (0,6 km2) 435,879 This park and the co-managed state parks protect almost half of all remaining coastal redwoods, the tallest trees on earth. There are three large river systems in this very seismically active area, and 37 mil (60 km) of protected coastline reveal tide pools and seastacks. The prairie, estuary, coast, river, and forest ecosystems contain a wide variety of animal and plant species.[101] (WHS)[102]
Rocky Mountain     Colorado
40°24′N 105°35′W / 40.40°N 105.58°W / 40.40; -105.58 (Rocky Mountain)
01915-01-26January 26, 1915 265,80724 ekar (1,1 km2) 4,434,848 Bisected north to south by the Continental Divide, this portion of the Rockies has ecosystems varying from over 150 riparian lakes to montane and subalpine forests to treeless alpine tundra. Wildlife including mule deer, bighorn sheep, black bears, and cougars inhabit its igneous mountains and glacial valleys. Longs Peak, a classic Colorado fourteener, and the scenic Bear Lake are popular destinations, as well as the historic Trail Ridge Road, which reaches an elevation of more than 12.000 kaki (3.700 m).[103] (BR)[104]
Saguaro   Arizona
32°15′N 110°30′W / 32.25°N 110.50°W / 32.25; -110.50 (Saguaro)
01994-10-14October 14, 1994 92,86742 ekar (0,4 km2) 1,079,786 Split into the separate Rincon Mountain and Tucson Mountain districts, this park is evidence that the dry Sonoran Desert is still home to a great variety of life spanning six biotic communities. Beyond the namesake giant saguaro cacti, there are barrel cacti, chollas, and prickly pears, as well as lesser long-nosed bats, spotted owls, and javelinas.[105]
Sequoia     California
36°26′N 118°41′W / 36.43°N 118.68°W / 36.43; -118.68 (Sequoia)
01890-09-25September 25, 1890 404,06263 ekar (1,6 km2) 1,059,548 This park protects the Giant Forest, which boasts some of the world's largest trees, the General Sherman being the largest measured tree in the park. Other features include over 240 caves, a long segment of the Sierra Nevada including the tallest mountain in the contiguous United States, and Moro Rock, a large granite dome.[106] (BR)[81]
Shenandoah   Virginia
38°32′N 78°21′W / 38.53°N 78.35°W / 38.53; -78.35 (Shenandoah)
01935-12-26December 26, 1935 200,19209 ekar (0,8 km2) 1,592,312 Shenandoah's Blue Ridge Mountains are covered by hardwood forests that teem with a wide variety of wildlife. The Skyline Drive and Appalachian Trail run the entire length of this narrow park, along with more than 500 mil (800 km) of hiking trails passing scenic overlooks and cataracts of the Shenandoah River.[107]
Theodore Roosevelt   North Dakota
46°58′N 103°27′W / 46.97°N 103.45°W / 46.97; -103.45 (Theodore Roosevelt)
01978-11-10November 10, 1978 70,44689 ekar (0,3 km2) 796,085 This region that enticed and influenced President Theodore Roosevelt consists of a park of three units in the northern badlands. Besides Roosevelt's historic cabin, there are numerous scenic drives and backcountry hiking opportunities. Wildlife includes American bison, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, and wild horses.[108]
Virgin Islands   U.S. Virgin Islands
18°20′N 64°44′W / 18.33°N 64.73°W / 18.33; -64.73 (Virgin Islands)
01956-08-02August 2, 1956 15,05233 ekar (0,1 km2) 323,999 This island park on Saint John preserves pristine beaches surrounded by mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and coral reefs. It also has Taíno archaeological sites and the ruins of sugar plantations from Columbus's time.[109]
Voyageurs   Minnesota
48°30′N 92°53′W / 48.50°N 92.88°W / 48.50; -92.88 (Voyageurs)
01975-04-08April 8, 1975 218,22235 ekar (0,9 km2) 243,042 This park protecting four lakes near the Canada–US border is a site for canoeing, kayaking, and fishing. The park also preserves a history populated by Ojibwe Native Americans, French fur traders called voyageurs, and gold miners. Formed by glaciers, the region features tall bluffs, rock gardens, islands, bays, and several historic buildings.[110]
White Sands   New Mexico
32°47′N 106°10′W / 32.78°N 106.17°W / 32.78; -106.17 (White Sands)
02019-12-20December 20, 2019[111] 146,34431 ekar (0,6 km2) 782,469 Located in the mountain-ringed Tularosa Basin, White Sands consists of the southern part of a 275-mil-persegi (710 km2) field of white sand dunes composed of gypsum crystals—the world's largest gypsum dunefield. The park is completely within the White Sands Missile Range and is subject to closure when tests are conducted.[112]
Wind Cave   South Dakota
43°34′N 103°29′W / 43.57°N 103.48°W / 43.57; -103.48 (Wind Cave)
01903-01-09January 9, 1903 33,97084 ekar (0,1 km2) 709,001 Wind Cave is distinctive for its calcite fin formations called boxwork, a unique formation rarely found elsewhere, and needle-like growths called frostwork. It is one of the longest caves in the world and creates a wind as air pressure changes. Above ground is a mixed-grass prairie with animals such as bison, black-footed ferrets, and prairie dogs and ponderosa pine forests home to cougars and elk.[113] The cave is culturally significant to the Lakota people as a creation site.[114]
Wrangell–St. Elias *   Alaska
61°00′N 142°00′W / 61.00°N 142.00°W / 61.00; -142.00 (Wrangell – St. Elias)
01980-12-02December 2, 1980 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 50,189 The largest national park in the system protects the convergence of the Alaska, Chugach, Wrangell, and Saint Elias Ranges, which include many of the continent's tallest mountains and volcanoes, including the 18,008-foot Mount Saint Elias. More than a quarter of the park is covered with glaciers, including the tidewater Hubbard Glacier, piedmont Malaspina Glacier, and valley Nabesna Glacier.[115] (WHS)[54]
Yellowstone     Wyoming, Montana, Idaho
44°36′N 110°30′W / 44.60°N 110.50°W / 44.60; -110.50 (Yellowstone)
01872-03-01March 1, 1872 [convert: nomor tidak sah] 4,860,242 Situated on the Yellowstone Caldera, the park has an expansive network of geothermal areas including boiling mud pots, vividly colored hot springs such as Grand Prismatic Spring, and regularly erupting geysers, the best-known being Old Faithful. The yellow-hued Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River contains several high waterfalls, and four mountain ranges traverse the park. More than 60 mammal species including timber wolves, grizzly bears, black bears, lynxes, bison, and elk make this park one of the best wildlife viewing spots in the country.[116] (WHS)[117] (BR)[118]
Yosemite *   California
37°50′N 119°30′W / 37.83°N 119.50°W / 37.83; -119.50 (Yosemite)
01890-10-01October 1, 1890 761,74750 ekar (3,1 km2) 3,287,595 Yosemite features sheer granite cliffs, exceptionally tall waterfalls, and old-growth forests at a unique intersection of geology and hydrology. Half Dome and El Capitan rise from the park's centerpiece, the glacier-carved Yosemite Valley, and from its vertical walls drop Yosemite Falls, one of North America's tallest waterfalls at 2.425 kaki (739 m) high. Three giant sequoia groves, along with a pristine wilderness in the heart of the Sierra Nevada, are home to a wide variety of rare plant and animal species.[119] (WHS)[120]
Zion   Utah
37°18′N 113°03′W / 37.30°N 113.05°W / 37.30; -113.05 (Zion)
01919-11-19November 19, 1919 147,24266 ekar (0,6 km2) 5,039,835 Located at the junction of the Colorado Plateau, Great Basin, and Mojave Desert, this park contains sandstone features such as mesas, rock towers, and canyons, including the Virgin River Narrows. The various sandstone formations and the forks of the Virgin River create a wilderness divided into four ecosystems: desert, riparian, woodland, and coniferous forest.[121]

Taman menurut negara bagian atau teritori

Tabel berikut mencakup 30 negara bagian dan dua wilayah yang memiliki taman nasional. Taman eksklusif mengacu pada taman yang seluruhnya berada dalam satu negara bagian atau teritori. Taman bersama mengacu pada taman di beberapa negara bagian

Wilayah diatur dalam huruf miring.

State Total parks Exclusive parks Shared parks
California 9 8 1
Alaska 8 8
Utah 5 5
Colorado 4 4
Arizona 3 3
Florida 3 3
Washington 3 3
Hawaii 2 2
New Mexico 2 2
South Dakota 2 2
Texas 2 2
Montana 2 1 1
Nevada 2 1 1
Wyoming 2 1 1
American Samoa 1 1
Arkansas 1 1
Indiana 1 1
Kentucky 1 1
Maine 1 1
Michigan 1 1
Minnesota 1 1
Missouri 1 1
North Dakota 1 1
Ohio 1 1
Oregon 1 1
South Carolina 1 1
U.S. Virgin Islands 1 1
Virginia 1 1
West Virginia 1 1
Idaho 1 1
North Carolina 1 1
Tennessee 1 1

Lihat juga

  • Layanan Taman Nasional
  • Sejarah Layanan Taman Nasional
  • Daftar area di Sistem Taman Nasional Amerika Serikat
  • Daftar unit resmi Sistem Taman Nasional Amerika Serikat
  • Daftar Monumen Nasional Amerika Serikat
  • Daftar Suaka Margasatwa Nasional Amerika Serikat
  • Daftar Hutan Nasional AS
  • Daftar taman negara bagian menurut negara bagian AS
  • Daftar Situs Warisan Dunia di Amerika Serikat


  1. ^ "National Park System (U.S. National Park Service)". March 15, 2018. 
  2. ^ Sachs, Andrea (August 24, 2016). "What does the National Park Service consider a national park?". The Washington Post. 
  3. ^ "Lower, Rocío (October 17, 2016). "How many national parks are there?". nationalparks.org. National Park Foundation. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 22, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. The National Park System encompasses 417 national parks in the United States.... Within the system, 59 sites include 'National Park' as part of their proper name 
  4. ^ "NPS Organic Act Overview". nature.nps.gov. National Park Service. January 17, 2007. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 6, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 26, 2017. 
  5. ^ "World Heritage List - United States of America". whc.unesco.org. UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 25, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 25, 2017. 
  6. ^ a b "UNESCO » Biosphere Reserves » United States of America". unesco.org. UNESCO. November 2015. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 22, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 22, 2017. 
  7. ^ a b The National Parks: Index 2012–2016 (PDF). Washington, D.C.: National Park Service. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal November 13, 2018. Diakses tanggal November 19, 2018. 
  8. ^ "Annual Visitation by Park Type or Region for: 2017 By Park Type". Irma.NPS.gov. Diakses tanggal March 1, 2018. 
  9. ^ "National Park Service Statistical Abstract 2018". National Park Service. 2019-12-19. Diakses tanggal 2020-01-15. 
  10. ^ "National Parks Hosted 237 Million Visitors in 2020 - Office of Communications (U.S. National Park Service)". www.nps.gov (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2021-02-26. 
  11. ^ a b "Annual Park Ranking Report for Recreation Visits in: 2021". irma.nps.gov. Diakses tanggal 2022-03-01. 
  12. ^ "National Park System Areas Listed in Chronological Order of Date Authorized under DOI" (PDF). National Park Service. June 27, 2005. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal March 11, 2012. Diakses tanggal January 18, 2010. 
  13. ^ "National Park Service Acreage Reports". nps.gov. National Park Service. December 31, 2021. Diakses tanggal February 28, 2022. Acreage report for calendar year ending December 31, 2021. The leftmost column titled "Gross Area Acres" under the "Listing of Acreage" tab was utilized as the source. 
  14. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama :0
  15. ^ "Acadia National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  16. ^ "Acadia National Park Places To Go". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal January 28, 2014. 
  17. ^ "National Park of American Samoa". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  18. ^ "Arches National Park - Arches Rock Stars". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal February 25, 2017. 
  19. ^ "Arches National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  20. ^ "Badlands National Park - Fossils". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal February 25, 2017. 
  21. ^ "Badlands National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  22. ^ "Big Bend National Park". National Park Service. December 8, 2009. 
  23. ^ "Big Bend Biosphere Reserve and National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  24. ^ "Biscayne National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  25. ^ "Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  26. ^ "Bryce Canyon National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  27. ^ "Canyonlands National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  28. ^ "Capitol Reef National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  29. ^ "Carlsbad Caverns National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  30. ^ "World Heritage List - Carlsbad Caverns National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  31. ^ "Channel Islands National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  32. ^ "Channel Islands Biosphere Reserve". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  33. ^ "Congaree National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  34. ^ "South Atlantic Coastal Plain Biosphere Reserve". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  35. ^ "Crater Lake National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  36. ^ "Cuyahoga Valley National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  37. ^ "Cuyahoga Valley National Park Scenic Railroad". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal November 4, 2012. 
  38. ^ "Death Valley National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  39. ^ a b "Mojave and Colorado Deserts Biosphere Reserve". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  40. ^ "Denali National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  41. ^ "Denali Biosphere Reserve and National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  42. ^ "Dry Tortugas National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  43. ^ a b "Everglades & Dry Tortugas Biosphere Reserve". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  44. ^ "Everglades National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  45. ^ "World Heritage List - Everglades National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  46. ^ "Gates of the Arctic National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  47. ^ "President Donald J. Trump Signs S. 1438 into Law". whitehouse.gov. February 22, 2018. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 20, 2021. Diakses tanggal November 19, 2018 – via National Archives. 
  48. ^ "Gateway Arch National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal February 23, 2018. 
  49. ^ "Glacier National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  50. ^ "Glacier National Park - Fossils". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal February 25, 2017. 
  51. ^ "World Heritage List - Waterton Glacier International Peace Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  52. ^ "Glacier Biosphere Reserve and National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  53. ^ "Glacier Bay National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  54. ^ a b "World Heritage List - Kluane / Wrangell-St. Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  55. ^ "Glacier Bay and Admiralty Island Biosphere Reserve". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  56. ^ "Grand Canyon National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  57. ^ "World Heritage List - Grand Canyon National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  58. ^ "Grand Teton National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  59. ^ "Great Basin National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  60. ^ "Great Sand Dunes National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  61. ^ "Great Smoky Mountains National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  62. ^ "World Heritage List - Great Smoky Mountains National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  63. ^ "Southern Appalachian Biosphere Reserve". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  64. ^ "Guadalupe Mountains National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  65. ^ "Haleakala National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  66. ^ a b "Hawaiian Islands Biosphere Reserve". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  67. ^ "Hawaii Volcanoes National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
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  70. ^ "President Donald J. Trump Signs S. 1438 into Law". whitehouse.gov – via National Archives. 
  71. ^ "Indiana Dunes National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal February 16, 2019. 
  72. ^ "Isle Royale National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  73. ^ "Isle Royale Biosphere Reserve and National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  74. ^ "Joshua Tree National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  75. ^ "Katmai National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  76. ^ "Kenai Fjords National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  77. ^ "Kings Canyon National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  78. ^ "Kings Canyon National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal July 13, 2018. 
  79. ^ "Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks: Final General Management Plan and Comprehensive River Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement". U.S. National Park Service. 2006. hlm. 35. Diakses tanggal July 13, 2018. 
  80. ^ Dilsaver, Lary M.; Tweed, William C. (1990). "Expansion of Sequoia and Creation of General Grant". Challenge of the Big Trees. U.S. National Park Service. Diakses tanggal July 13, 2018. 
  81. ^ a b "Sequoia and Kings Canyon Biosphere Reserve and National Parks". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  82. ^ "Kobuk Valley National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  83. ^ "Lake Clark National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  84. ^ "Lassen Volcanic National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  85. ^ "Mammoth Cave National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  86. ^ "World Heritage List - Mammoth Cave National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  87. ^ "Mammoth Cave Area Biosphere Reserve and National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  88. ^ "Mesa Verde National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  89. ^ "World Heritage List - Mesa Verde National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  90. ^ "Mount Rainier National Park – Frequently Asked Questions". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal February 28, 2017. 
  91. ^ "Mount Rainier National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  92. ^ "New River Gorge National Park and Preserve". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2020. 
  93. ^ Averill, Graham (2020-12-22). "West Virginia's New River Gorge Will Be Our 63rd National Park". Outside Online (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2020-12-28. 
  94. ^ "North Cascades National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  95. ^ "Olympic National Park-Weather and Climate" (PDF). National Park Service. Diakses tanggal February 28, 2017. 
  96. ^ "Olympic National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  97. ^ "World Heritage List - Olympic National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  98. ^ "Olympic Biosphere Reserve and National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  99. ^ "Petrified Forest National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  100. ^ "Pinnacles National Park". National Park Service. January 11, 2013. Diakses tanggal January 12, 2013. 
  101. ^ "Redwood National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  102. ^ "World Heritage List - Redwood National and State Parks". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  103. ^ "Rocky Mountain National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  104. ^ "Rocky Mountain Biosphere Reserve and National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  105. ^ "Saguaro National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  106. ^ "Sequoia National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  107. ^ "Shenandoah National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  108. ^ "Theodore Roosevelt National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  109. ^ "Virgin Islands National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  110. ^ "Voyageurs National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  111. ^ "H.R.2500 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020". www.congress.gov. Diakses tanggal December 21, 2019. Subtitle E--White Sands National Park and White Sands Missile Range, SEC. 2851...approximately 2,826 acres of land identified as "To NPS, lands inside current boundary" [plus] approximately 5,766 acres of land identified as "To NPS, new additions" [minus] approximately 3,737 acres of land identified as "To DOA". 
  112. ^ "White Sands National Park". National Park Service. December 26, 2019. Diakses tanggal December 27, 2019. 
  113. ^ "Wind Cave National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  114. ^ "Wind Cave's Early Days". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal February 28, 2017. 
  115. ^ "Wrangell – St. Elias National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  116. ^ "Yellowstone National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  117. ^ "World Heritage List - Yellowstone National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  118. ^ "Yellowstone Biosphere Reserve and National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  119. ^ "Yosemite National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 
  120. ^ "World Heritage List - Yosemite National Park". unesco.org. UNESCO. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 24, 2017. Diakses tanggal February 24, 2017. 
  121. ^ "Zion National Park". National Park Service. Diakses tanggal March 23, 2010. 

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