
Ibu kota Karnataka, India
Revisi sejak 11 September 2009 23.15 oleh (bicara)

I assume The Southern Criminal Court of Chalong Kreung Road Bangkok Thailand is part of the official

Ministry of Justice system of Thailand? They are having another hearing concerning allegations against

me on Monday 14th september although I thought it was originally stated as the 13th of September. I think I

am the victim of a very serious series of crimes against myself my children and my partners and my family

and friends. Many strange events keep taking place. Yesterday I recognised a lady whom i have seen a few months

ago. She shouted the name of my missing daughter as she passed on a motor cycle. She is a Romany I

recognise her from years ago in the UK when she used to work in the fair grounds and since then she may

have been living arpound the Surrey Hills area of the UK. Why is she in Thailand apprently for some time

since she seems to speak Thai quite well ? And why did she shout out my daughters name as she passed

on her friends motor cycle a few months ago? All in the area of The Southern Criminal Court. I do not know

her name or age I can only guess she is over fifty years old and has a Romanian appearance about her. I

am sure I have seen her a number of times in the UK. I do not know what her connection is to the

disappearance of my daughter and possibly my other children who came to Thailand in December 20th

2007 and I have never heard from them since then. My lawyer claimed my oldest daughter had been to his

office then three days later told me this was not true. That was during December 2007. I do not know if they

are alive but I am sure this lady was one of the local Romany's of Surrey I may have seen her near the site

of One Acre Carpets on the Normandy Road near Guildford in the past. Does she know what happened to the mother of my daughter who vanished about three to four years ago

and the and my subsequent girlfriend who is an Anglo-Asian, I have never been able to find her since

about 2 years ago. Erik Young (Henry-Holbock-Andersen-Jensen-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek -Einstein-Steinway-Gauguin-Munch-Van Gogh-Da Vinci-Nesbitt) Friends of The Vatican UN Human Rights Ambassador Bangkok Thailand To: "Bangkok Legal Associates Law Office Limited" <> CC: Subject: Re: Court appointmemt on September 14, 2009, at 09.00 hours Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 09:27:52 -0500

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Thank you for the message. I still do not understand why the people Thailand will not admit that there has been a targeted hate

campaign against me and my family by the mafia of South East Asia. There are about 60 documented murders that are attached to the problem stemming right back to the

1970s. It is all about some people stealing land and property and charging ground rent that was never charged nor

forwarded to anyone in my family. It is called fraud forgery murder deception blackmail deceit robbery

interfering with individuals private lives to destroy their world etc. I am very very unhappy about the blocking of all my emails for six years, totally unlawful, interference with

my mail postal mail and telephone calls and internet access in order top destroy my life to avoid anyone

exposing the masive fraud committed against my family and the murder of some of our relatives and

friends including two USA Presidents (JF and Jack Kennedy). Regards Erik,1252796022

Original Message -----

From: "Bangkok Legal Associates Law Office Limited" To: Subject: Re: Court appointmemt on September 14, 2009, at 09.00 hours Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 08:23:23 +0000

Dear Erik,

We hope you are still remember the court appointmemt on September 14, 2009, at 09.00 hours which you

have to attend.

Please come by our office at 08.30 hours and we will accompny you to the court.

Best regards,

Bangkok Legal Associates Law Office

How The GESTAPO (aka TAI Mafia) Terrorise me in Thailand

p=erik+young+human+rights+pattaya&fr=yfp-t-152&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fp_ip=TH How they portray Erik Young to be a drugs dealer taking a photo that mimics my dress code CNN’s Sanjay Gupta, said victims include Nneka and Chimezie Ononaku, a couple in Nigeria unwittingly

poisoned their infant son recently after feeding him teething medicine that was contaminated and

antifreeze. Counterfeit drugs he pointed out can be almost impossible to spot, but can contain inactive

ingredients like talcum powder, or even toxic ingredients such as rat poison



Coordinates: Unable to parse latitude as a number:12,97

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Negara Bagian
 - Distrik
 - Kota Bengaluru
Koordinat Coordinates: Unable to parse latitude as a number:12,97
 - Ketinggian
366 km²
 - 920 m
Zona waktu IST (UTC+5:30)
Populasi (2005)
 - Kepadatan
 - 2.979/km²
Walikota R. Narayanaswamy
 - Pos
 - Telepon
 - Kendaraan
 - 560 0xx
 - +080
 - KA-01 hingga KA-05

Bengaluru (bahasa Kannada: ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು) (dibaca /'bɛŋgəɫurʊ/ dalam bahasa Kannada dan /'bæŋgəlʊɹ/ dalam bahasa Inggris) adalah ibu kota dan kota terbesar di negara bagian India Karnataka. Kota ini juga disebut "Kota Taman" karena taman-taman, bunga, dan pepohonannya yang indah. Bengaluru merupakan kota terbesar ketiga dan metropolitan terbesar kelima, dengan populasi pada 2001 sebesar 6,5 juta. Sebelum 1 November 2006, nama kota ini adalah Bangalore.

Setelah India mendapatkan kemerdekaan pada 1947, Bengaluru berevolusi menjadi sebuh hub produksi untuk industri berat seperti Hindustan Aeronautics Limited dan Indian Space Research Organization. Dalam dekade terakhir, pembentukan dan sukses perusahaan teknologi tinggi di Bangaluru telah menyebabkan pertumbuhan teknologi informasi di India. Perusahaan IT di Bengaluru mempekerjakan sekitar 30% dari satu juta profesional IT India.

Kota ini juga merupakan pusat pelatihan bagi Angkatan Udara India, Madras Engineering Group (EMG), dan polisi militer pusat, dua terakhir merupakan lengan Angkatan Bersenjata India.

Bengaluru merupakan pangkalan ilmiah India dan merupakan tempat universitas riset tertua India, Indian Institute of Science. Institut riset lainnya termasuk Indian Institute of Astrophysics, the Raman Research Institute, the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, the National Center for Biological Science dan the Indian Statistical Institute.

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