Pengguna:Arulfalah/Bak pasir

Revisi sejak 6 Maret 2024 02.49 oleh Arulfalah (bicara | kontrib) (Memperkenalkan jurnal open akses yaitu International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR))

International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)

International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR) adalah jurnal akademik yang menerapkan proses peer-review double-blind [1]dan bersifat open access. Jurnal ini diterbitkan setiap bulan oleh Ridwan Institute.

International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)  
Singkatan (ISO)IJSSR
Disunting olehIman Nasrullah
Detail publikasi
PenerbitRidwan Institute (Indonesia)
Sejarah penerbitan2021–Sekarang
Frekuensidua bulan sekali
Faktor dampak0.956522 (2021)

Informasi Umum

  • Nama Jurnal: International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
  • ISSN Online: 2622-5335
  • ISSN Cetak: 2622-0454
  • Penerbit: Ridwan Institute
  • Frekuensi Terbit: Dua bulan sekali
  • Akses: Open Access
  • Indexing and Abstracting: Harvard Library[2], EBSCO[3], Google Scholar[4], Garuda[5], Dimensions[6], Crossref[7],dan copernicus[8]
  • Website:

Fokus dan Ruang Lingkup:

IJSSR adalah jurnal akademik peer-review buta ganda[9] yang menerbitkan artikel penelitian di bidang sosial dan ilmiah[10]. Jurnal ini fokus pada isu-isu relevan dalam layanan sosial dan penelitian sosial, termasuk:

Artikel Terbit

Beberapa artikel yang telah diterbitkan oleh IJSSR:

  • The Growth of Anglonema Dus Anjamani Plants Due to the Composition of the Growing Medium and Different Water Intervals[11]
  • Analysis of the performance of the General Secretariat with the Ballance Scorecard approach at the Ministry of Home Affairs[12]
  • Islamization of Science in the Era of Society 5.0: Study of al-Attas' Thought[13]
  • Literacy Activities at Islamic Boarding Schools in Banyumas Regency in the Perspective of Gordon Wells[14]
  • Analysis of the Influence of Social Media Marketing Activities on Purchase Intention with Brand Equity Mediation on Korean Merchandise[15]


  1. ^ "Double blind peer review". Definitions. Qeios. 2019-11-08. 
  2. ^ "The John Harvard Library". 1969-12-31. doi:10.4159/harvard.9780674287860. 
  3. ^ EBSCO (2010-07-19). "Announcement EBSCO". LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries. 20 (1). doi:10.18352/lq.7973. ISSN 2213-056X. 
  4. ^ Peterson, A. Townsend. "SCRIPTS: Recovering publication lists from Google Scholar profiles". SCRIPTS: Recovering publication lists from Google Scholar profiles. Diakses tanggal 2024-03-06. 
  5. ^ Dhona, Holy Rafika (2018-06-04). "Mencipta Ruang Global Indonesia di Majalah Maskapai Penerbangan Garuda Indonesia Colours (Globalizing Indonesia in Colours, Garuda Indonesia In-Flight Magazine)". JURNAL IPTEKKOM : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi Informasi. 20 (1): 43. doi:10.33164/iptekkom.20.1.2018.43-60. ISSN 2527-4902. 
  6. ^ Pediatric Dimensions. Open Access Text Pvt, Ltd. 
  7. ^ Casse, EA; Huntington, GB; Rulquin, H. (1992). "Hepatic and portal drained viscera response to intramesenteric infusion of propionate in lactating dairy cows". CrossRef Listing Of Deleted DOIs. 41 (1): 97–97. doi:10.1051/rnd:19920153. ISSN 0000-0000. 
  8. ^ Drašković, Branislav; Stjepanović, Stefan; Petronić, Slađana; Marić, Nataša; Ponosov, Aleksandr; Zhernakova, Natalija (2022). "Zonality of grassland and forest in Republika Srpska according to Copernicus database". Topola (210): 47–55. doi:10.5937/topola2209047d. ISSN 0563-9034. 
  9. ^ Academy, Enago (2018-02-13). "Single-Blind Vs. Double-Blind Peer Review". Enago Academy (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2024-03-06. 
  10. ^ Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya. Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung. 
  11. ^ Sine, Heny M. C.; Sudarma, I. Komang; Lende, Aloysius Ngongo (2024-02-21). "The Growth of Anglonema Dus Anjamani Plants Due to the Composition of the Growing Medium and Different Water Intervals". International Journal of Social Service and Research (dalam bahasa Inggris). 4 (02): 629–636. doi:10.46799/ijssr.v4i02.730. ISSN 2807-8691. 
  12. ^ Azizah, Siti Nur; Rahayu, Amy Yayuk (2024-02-25). "Analysis of the performance of the General Secretariat with the Ballance Scorecard approach at the Ministry of Home Affairs". International Journal of Social Service and Research (dalam bahasa Inggris). 4 (02): 657–667. doi:10.46799/ijssr.v4i02.734. ISSN 2807-8691. 
  13. ^ Hanif, Muh; Prasetianingtiyas, Hani (2023-01-09). "Islamization of Science in the Era of Society 5.0: Study of al-Attas' Thought". International Journal of Social Science and Religion (IJSSR) (dalam bahasa Inggris): 1–22. doi:10.53639/ijssr.v4i1.127. ISSN 2746-086X. 
  14. ^ Mawardi, Kholid; Sartika, Endang (2023-02-08). "Literacy Activities at Islamic Boarding Schools in Banyumas Regency in the Perspective of Gordon Wells". International Journal of Social Science and Religion (IJSSR) (dalam bahasa Inggris): 41–60. doi:10.53639/ijssr.v4i1.136. ISSN 2746-086X. 
  15. ^ Edy Yulianto Putra; Tasya (2023-03-06). "Analysis of the Influence of Social Media Marketing Activities on Purchase Intention with Brand Equity Mediation on Korean Merchandise". International Journal of Social Science and Religion (IJSSR): 95–108. doi:10.53639/ijssr.v4i1.139. ISSN 2746-086X. 

Pranala Luar
