Pengguna:Arulfalah/Bak pasir

Revisi sejak 26 Maret 2024 06.34 oleh Arulfalah (bicara | kontrib) (memperbaharui informasi)

Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies

Eduvest adalah jurnal akademik double blind peer-review dan akses terbuka terhadap bidang multidisiplin. Jurnal ini diterbitkan setiap bulan oleh Green Publisher Indonesia.

Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies  
Singkatan (ISO)EDV
Disunting olehHamzah Alaidaros
Detail publikasi
PenerbitGreen Publisher Indonesia (Indonesia)
Sejarah penerbitan2020–Sekarang
Frekuensisetiap bulan
Faktor dampak (2020)

Informasi Umum

  • Nama Jurnal: Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
  • ISSN Online: 2775-3727
  • ISSN Cetak: 2775-3735
  • Penerbit: CV. Green Publisher Indonesia
  • Kepala Editor : Hamzah Alaidaros, Al-Ahgaff University, Mukalla, Yemen[1]
  • Publication Guidelines :  COPE Guidelines[2]
  • Frekuensi Terbit: 12 Isu Per Tahun
  • Akses: Open Akses
  • Website:

Fokus dan Ruang Lingkup:

Jurnal Eduvest ini menerbitkan artikel penelitian yang meliputi ilmu-ilmu multidisiplin yang meliputi:

Pendindeksan dan Abstrak

Jurnal Eduvest telah di indeks dan di abstrak oleh beberapa database:

Artikel Terbit

Beberapa contoh artikel yang telah diterbitkan oleh Jurnal Eduvest:

  • Application of Block-Based K-Medoids and Ward's Method to Classify Provinces in Indonesia Based on Environmental Quality Index[3]
  • Characteristics of Public Green Open Spaces and Efforts In Enhancing The Quality and Function Using Tri-Valent Approach: Case of Manado City, Indonesia[4]
  • Providing A Personalized Healthcare Service To The Patients Using AIOPs Monitoring[5]
  • The Effect of Technological Capability, Social Capital, and Entrepreneurial Orientation On Firm Performance Through Absorptive Capacityin The Food And Beverage Packaging Industry[6]
  • Implementation of Special Autonomy Policy In The Health Sector In Wondama Bay Regency West Papua Province[7]


  1. ^ Alaidaros, Hamzah; Kherd, Ahmed; Al-Aidroos, Hussein Ali (2021-12-04). "Students' Perception of Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic at Al-Ahgaff University, Yemen: A Survey". 2021 International Conference of Modern Trends in Information and Communication Technology Industry (MTICTI). IEEE. doi:10.1109/mticti53925.2021.9664781. 
  2. ^ Council, COPE (2008-10-01). "Guidelines for the Board of Directors of Learned Society Journals". 
  3. ^ Kariyam, Kariyam (2023-02-20). "Application of Block-Based K-Medoids and Ward's Method to Classify Provinces in Indonesia Based on Environmental Quality Index". Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies. 3 (2): 374–384. doi:10.36418/eduvest.v3i2.738. ISSN 2775-3727. 
  4. ^ E.V Wuisang, Cynthia; M Rondonuwu, Dwight; L.E Sela, Rieneke; Tilaar, Sonny; Suryono, Suryono (2023-02-07). "Characteristics of Public Green Open Spaces and Efforts In Enhancing The Quality and Function Using Tri-Valent Approach: Case of Manado City, Indonesia". Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies. 3 (2): 309–326. doi:10.36418/eduvest.v3i2.741. ISSN 2775-3727. 
  5. ^ Reddy Yeruva, Ajay (2023-01-17). "Providing A Personalized Healthcare Service To The Patients Using AIOPs Monitoring". Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies. 3 (2): 327–334. doi:10.36418/eduvest.v3i2.742. ISSN 2775-3727. 
  6. ^ Darmawan, Arif; Hadi, Hamdy; Sri Wahyudi, Agustinus (2023-02-20). "The Effect of Technological Capability, Social Capital, and Entrepreneurial Orientation On Firm Performance Through Absorptive Capacityin The Food And Beverage Packaging Industry". Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies. 3 (2): 335–353. doi:10.59188/eduvest.v3i2.744. ISSN 2775-3727. 
  7. ^ Nunaki, Eduard; Jeddawi, Murtir; Hermansyah, Djo; Misrowa, Hyroni (2023-02-20). "Implementation of Special Autonomy Policy In The Health Sector In Wondama Bay Regency West Papua Province". Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies. 3 (2). doi:10.59188/eduvest.v3i2.745. ISSN 2775-3727. 

Pranala Luar
