
Biksu Buddha Jepang
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Hōnen (法然, 13 Mei 1133 – 29 Februari 1212) adalah seorang reformator agama dan pendiri cabang independen pertama dari Buddha Tanah Murni yang disebut Jōdo-shū (浄土宗, "Aliran Tanah Murni"). Ia juga dianggap merupakan Patriark Jōdo Shinshū Ketujuh.

Hōnen (法然)
Potret Honen karya Fujiwara Takanobu, abad ke-12
GelarPendiri Jōdo-shū
Nama lainGenkū (源空)
Informasi pribadi

5 Mei 1133
Meninggal29 Februari 1212(1212-02-29) (umur 78)
AgamaAgama Buddha
MazhabAliran Jōdo-shū dari Buddha Tanah Murni
SilsilahTendai, Garis keturunan Sammon




  • Dobbins, James C. (1989). Jodo Shinshu: Shin Buddhism in Medieval Japan. Bloomington, Illinois: Indiana University Press. ISBN 9780253331861; OCLC 470742039
  • Hônen : "Le gué vers la Terre Pure", Senchaku-shû, traduit du sino-japonais, présenté et annoté par Jérôme Ducor. Collection "Trésors du bouddhisme". Paris, Librairie Arthème Fayard, 2005. ISBN 2-213-61738-4
  • Takahashi Koji. Senchakushu no seikaku ni tsuite: tokuni hi ronriteki ichimen o chushin to shite. in Jodokyo no shiso to bunka, Etani Festschrift (Kyoto: Dohosha, 1972)
  • Fitzgerald, Joseph A. (2006). Honen the Buddhist Saint: Essential Writings and Official Biography. World Wisdom. ISBN 1-933316-13-6. 
  • Augustine, Morris J., Kondō, Tesshō, trans. (1997). "Senchaku hongan nembutsu shū": a collection of passages on the nembutsu chosen in the original vow compiled by Genkū (Hōnen), Berkeley, Calif.: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research. ISBN 1-886439-05-2
  • Jokai Asai (2001). Exclusion and Salvation in Honen's Thought: Salvation of Those Who Commit the Five Grave Offenses or Slander the Right Dharma, Pacific World Journal, Third Series, Number 3, 125-156. Archived from the original
  • Sho-on Hattori, A Raft from the Other Shore: Honen and the Way of Pure Land Buddhism, Jodo Shu Press, Tōkyō, 2001, ISBN 4883633292
  • Sōhō Machida, Renegade monk : Hōnen and Japanese Pure Land Buddhism, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1999, ISBN 0520211790
  • Jonathan Watts, Yoshiharu Tomatsu, Traversing the Pure Land Path: A Lifetime of Encounters with Honen Shonin, Jodo Shu Press, Tōkyō, 2005, ISBN 4-88363-342-X

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