Daftar negara menurut PDB (nominal) per kapita

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Berikut adalah daftar negara di dunia diurutkan berdasarkan produk domestik bruto (PDB) pada nilai nominal per kapita, nilai seluruh barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan di suatu negara dalam satu tahun, dikonversikan ke Dolar AS pada nilai tukar pasar, dibagi dengan rata-rata jumlah penduduk dalam tahun tersebut.

Peta dunia tahun 2007, diwarnai berdasarkan PDB (nominal) per kapita. Sumber: IMF, April 2008.

Beberapa entitas ekonomi yang bukan merupakan negara (bumi, UE, dan beberapa wilayah dependensi) ditampilkan dalam daftar ini sebagaimana adanya di dalam daftar sumber. Entitas-entitas tersebut tidak diperingkatkan dan ditampilkan hanya untuk perbandingan.

Data antar kolom (ataupun di dalam satu kolom itu sendiri) tidak komparatif karena dapat saja merujuk pada tahun yang berbeda. Seluruh data disajikan dalam Dolar AS. Entitas yang belum sepenuhnya berdaulat atau wilayah khusus tertentu lainnya ditandai dengan cetak miring.

Catatan: Untuk mengurutkan berdasarkan abjad atau angka, klik dua kali pada kotak di samping judul kolom yang ingin dijadikan dasar pengurutan.

Negara Peringkat IMF[1] Peringkat BD[2] Peringkat CIA[3]
AAAA -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9
ZZZZ 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999
 Afganistan 169 350 175 277
 Afrika Selatan 68 5.916 61 5.833 73 5.843
 Afrika Tengah, Republik 162 402 153 394 166 392
 Albania 96 3.401 87 3.323 102 2.950
 Aljazair 86 3.903 76 3.996 88 3.945
 Amerika Serikat 12 45.725 10 45.790 12 45.959
 Angola 90 3.756 84 3.440 78 5.003
 Antigua dan Barbuda 44 13.079 36 12.071 47 13.054
 Arab Saudi 39 15.724 32 15.775 44 13.630
 Argentina 66 6.609 56 6.641 68 6.492
 Armenia 104 2.659 90 3.058 105 2.683
 Australia 15 43.163 17 39.098 16 43.798
 Austria 13 44.852 11 45.343 14 45.599
 Azerbaijan 94 3.632 83 3.646 91 3.857
 Bahama 34 19.736 33 21.547
 Bahrain 31 22.771 29 27.746
 Bangladesh 156 463 151 427 161 481
 Barbados 45 12.404 46 13.309
 Belanda 10 46.774 9 46.041 11 46.389
 Belarus 80 4.656 69 4.615 80 4.604
 Belgia 16 42.618 13 42.213 17 43.648
 Belize 84 4.108 72 4.191 83 4.324
 Benin 146 709 145 601 150 656
 Bhutan 116 1.841 112 1.668 116 1.943
 Bolivia 123 1.352 117 1.378 125 1.446
 Bosnia dan Herzegovina 9 33.809 7 54.014 9 53.247
 Botswana 31 20.531 33 19.263 34 20.780
 Brasil 11 36.938 11 36.859 11 38.776
 Britania Raya 11 46.099 12 44.693 13 45.626
 Brunei 25 31.879 26 33.077
 Bulgaria 76 5.186 65 5.175 75 5.409
 Burkina Faso 155 492 150 458 162 472
 Burundi 179 125 170 115 184 119
 Ceko 36 16.956 30 16.271 39 17.138
 Chad 143 734 142 658 148 718
 Chili 53 9.884 42 9.877 53 10.047
 Tiongkok 107 2.483 99 2.485 109 2.459
 Denmark 7 57.137 5 56.427 7 57.040
 Jibuti 127 1.111 126 996 120 1.694
 Dominika 78 4.685 71 4.493 84 4.297
 Dominika, Republik 79 4.671 80 3.762 89 3.886
 Ekuador 97 3.335 88 3.312 100 3.212
 El Salvador 101 2.857 92 2.950 103 2.932
 Eritrea 172 271 165 248 179 246
 Estonia 41 15.569 31 15.856 41 16.171
 Etiopia 174 252 166 245 180 243
 Fiji 88 3.824 73 4.097 94 3.710
 Filipina 119 1.626 113 1.640 124 1.530
 Finlandia 9 46.856 8 46.515 10 46.769
 Gabon 59 8.085 50 8.011 60 7.759
 Gambia 160 405 155 377 167 387
 Georgia 110 2.340 103 2.315 110 2.215
 Ghana 148 690 143 650 151 648
 Grenada 71 5.708 66 5.130 67 6.555
 Guatemala 105 2.532 98 2.505 106 2.647
 Guinea 159 417 149 487 160 493
 Guinea Khatulistiwa 51 10.436[4] 29 19.533 38 17.490
 Guinea-Bissau 176 213 167 211 181 233
 Guyana 122 1.411 116 1.413 127 1.351
 Haiti 147 699 144 638 153 624
 Honduras 118 1.635 110 1.732 121 1.641
 Hong Kong 29.753 29.845 29.611
 Hungaria 43 13.745 35 13.741 42 13.901
 India 134 942 122 1.042 138 973
 Indonesia 115 1.925 108 1.918 119 1.845
 Irak 111 2.186
 Iran 85 3.981 79 3.815 81 4.497
 Irlandia, Republik 5 60.209 4 58.399 6 62.934
 Islandia 4 64.548 3 62.733 5 66.240
 Israel 29 23.579 25 22.563 31 23.161
 Italia 20 35.745 18 35.494 22 36.201
 Jamaika 83 4.195 75 4.012 86 4.029
 Jepang 22 34.296 20 34.254 25 34.402
 Jerman 19 40.400 16 40.079 20 40.315
 Kamboja 152 606 146 597 157 615
 Kamerun 128 1.097 121 1.114 131 1.143
 Kanada 14 43.674 15 40.222 18 43.478
 Kazakhstan 65 6.748 55 6.708 63 6.791
 Kenya 141 780 137 786 145 794
 Kirgizstan 145 713 141 669 149 709
 Kiribati 149 686 132 853 155 621
 Kolombia 82 4.264 81 3.729 90 3.867
 Komoro 144 729 139 717 154 621
 Kongo, Republik Demokratik 178 171 169 144 183 157
 Kongo, Republik 112 2.159 105 2.030 114 2.015
 Korea Selatan 33 20.015 28 19.983 35 19.836
 Korea Utara 132 1.114
 Kosta Rika 70 5.904 63 5.653 69 6.342
 Kroasia 47 11.555 38 11.554 50 11.430
 Kuba 87 4.000
 Kuwait 23 33.687 15 44.421
 Laos 150 669 140 684 156 618
 Latvia 46 11.908 37 11.931 49 12.098
 Lebanon 67 6.569 60 5.858 70 6.277
 Lesotho 151 664 136 798 146 753
 Liberia 177 196 168 193 182 228
 Libya 49 11.484 43 9.476 54 9.452
 Liechtenstein 1 106.082[5]
 Lituania 48 11.515 39 11.353 52 10.726
 Luksemburg 1 103.125 1 99.879 2 104.452
 Madagaskar 164 392 156 372 168 376
 Makedonia Utara 91 3.751 82 3.726 95 3.647
 Maladewa 98 3.067 85 3.439 104 2.874
 Malawi 173 266 164 255 178 260
 Malaysia 63 6.956 54 6.807 61 7.509
 Mali 154 531 147 556 158 562
 Malta 35 18.215 37 18.461
 Maroko 108 2.422 101 2.374 112 2.171
 Marshall, Kepulauan 100 2.433
 Mauritania 132 952 133 847 142 843
 Mauritius 73 5.496 67 5.038 74 5.506
 Meksiko 54 9.717 47 8.486 59 8.219
 Mesir 117 1.739 111 1.697 123 1.592
 Mikronesia, Federasi 102 2.315
 Moldova 124 1.298 119 1.159 136 976
 Mongolia 121 1.489 115 1.491 128 1.323
 Montenegro 58 5.928 82 4.343
 Mozambik 163 397 159 363 170 362
 Myanmar 175 234 174 286
 Namibia 93 3.671 89 3.250 96 3.577
   Nepal 167 377 158 363 172 333
 Niger 170 313 162 294 173 324
 Nigeria 126 1.161 120 1.120 130 1.164
 Nikaragua 133 946 124 1.013 134 1.008
 Norwegia 2 83.485 2 81.111 3 84.595
 Oman 40 15.714 48 12.492
 Pakistan 138 909 131 884 141 849
 Palau 49 8.200
 Palestina 1.036
 Panama 69 5.905 59 5.908 71 6.058
 Pantai Gading 129 1.057 123 1.016 135 993
 Papua Nugini 130 991 127 990 133 1.034
 Paraguay 114 1.982 107 1.961 122 1.630
 Prancis 18 42.034 14 41.523 21 40.200
 Peru 87 3.826 77 3.910 92 3.787
 Polandia 50 11.072 40 11.043 51 10.912
 Portugal 32 21.082 27 20.762 34 20.981
 Qatar 3 78.754 4 83.152
 Rumania 61 7.697 51 7.703 62 7.452
 Rusia 56 9.075 44 9.115 56 14.800
 Rwanda 168 355 161 341 171 335
 Saint Kitts dan Nevis 52 10.155 41 10.755 45 13.323
 Saint Lucia 72 5.700 62 5.702 72 6.030
 Saint Vincent dan Grenadine 75 5.199 70 4.608 79 4.731
 Samoa 106 2.518 96 2.578 118 1.853
 Sao Tome dan Principe 136 923 129 918 147 721
 Selandia Baru 26 30.390 23 30.599 27 30.999
 Senegal 137 915 130 898 140 888
 Serbia 74 5.387 64 5.630 85 4.106
 Seychelles 57 8.600 46 8.565 58 8.670
 Sierra Leone 171 290 163 286 176 270
 Singapura 21 35.163 19 35.160 24 35.427
 Siprus 28 27.047 24 27.036 30 27.015
 Slovenia 30 22.933 26 22.523 32 22.934
 Slowakia 42 13.857 34 13.887 43 13.766
 Solomon, Kepulauan 142 741 138 745 152 631
 Somalia 177 270
 Spanyol 24 32.090 22 31.846 23 35.576
 Sri Lanka 120 1.623 114 1.622 126 1.434
 Sudan 125 1.244 118 1.235 129 1.172
 Suriah 113 2.008 109 1.914 115 1.955
 Suriname 81 4.599 68 4.893 77 5.106
 Eswatini 102 2.838 97 2.569 108 2.591
 Swedia 8 49.603 7 48.584 9 50.415
  Swiss 6 58.513 6 55.035 8 56.111
 Taiwan (Republik Cina) 37 16.697 40 16.768
 Tajikistan 153 578 148 551 159 525
 Tanjung Verde 100 2.925 94 2.706 98 3.365
 Tanzania 158 428 152 400 165 411
 Thailand 92 3.732 78 3.851 93 3.776
 Timor Leste 157 440 157 371 164 423
 Togo 165 387 154 379 163 438
 Tonga 109 2.397 104 2.287 117 1.873
 Trinidad dan Tobago 38 16.042 33 14.990 36 19.591
 Tunisia 95 3.424 86 3.417 97 3.405
 Turki 55 9.569 45 8.893 55 9.323
 Turkmenistan 77 5.052 95 2.606 76 5.280
 Uganda 166 381 160 363 169 371
 Ukraina 99 3.066 91 3.029 101 3.035
 Uni Emirat Arab 17 42.501 19 43.339
 Uni Eropa 33.889
 Uruguay 62 7.268 52 6.956 66 6.632
 Uzbekistan 139 830 135 830 143 824
 Vanuatu 111 2.160 106 2.000 113 2.143
 Venezuela 58 8.282 48 8.303 57 9.084
 Vietnam 140 829 134 836 144 821
 Yaman 131 979 125 1.006 137 974
 Yordania 103 2.766 93 2.768 107 2.645
 Yunani 27 28.152 21 32.166 28 29.385
 Zambia 135 939 128 953 139 972
 Zimbabwe 161 403 185 56[6]
 Bumi 8.219 8.241[7]

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Catatan dan referensi

  1. ^ Data refer to the year 2007. World Economic Outlook Database-October 2008, International Monetary Fund. Accessed on October 8, 2008.
  2. ^ Data refer to the year 2007. Total GDP 2007 & Population 2007, World Development Indicators database, World Bank, September 10, 2008. Note: Per capita values were obtained by dividing the Total GDP data by the Population data.
  3. ^ Data refer to the year 2007. GDP (official exchange rate), The World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency. GDP data last updated on October 2, 2008; Total Midyear Population-2007, U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base, accessed on October 4, 2008; European Union population obtained from an archived version of The World Factbook, CIA, dated May 10, 2007. Note: Per capita values were obtained by dividing the GDP (official exchange rate) data by the Population data.
  4. ^ The IMF is using a 2007 population estimate based on a 2001 census whose validity has been called into question. A 2003 U.S. State Department report on Equatorial Guinea stated that "although the 2002 (sic) census estimated the population at 1,015,000, credible estimates put the number at closer to 500,000. The opposition claimed that the Government inflated the census in anticipation of the December presidential election. (...) Opposition leaders charged earlier in the year that census results showing a twofold population increase were flawed and that numbers were inflated to perpetuate election fraud." [1]
  5. ^ The value from the original source has been changed, due to the CIA World Factbook reporting a GDP for Liechtenstein of $36.33 billion, resulting in a GDP per capita of $1,060,823, which is not in line with data from either the US State Department nor the government of Liechtenstein. A Liechtenstein government website called Landesverwaltung Liechtenstein reports that the provisional GDP for 2005 was CHF4.5553 billion and the mid-year population for 2005 was 34,734, giving a GDP per capita of CHF131,148. Using the average exchange rate of the Swiss franc to the US dollar in 2005, as given by the CIA, this results in a GDP of US$3.658 billion and GDP per capita of US$105,323. The United States Department of State reports a Liechtenstein GDP for 2004 of CHF4.28 billion on its country profile article dated April 2008.
  6. ^ Hyperinflation and the plunging value of the Zimbabwean dollar makes Zimbabwe's GDP at the official exchange rate a highly inaccurate statistic. (The World Factbook, CIA)
  7. ^ Gross world product. (The World Factbook, CIA)