Dave Eggers adalah seorang penulis, editor dan pendiri penerbit asal Amerika.

Dave Eggers
Eggers pada Brooklyn Book Festival
Lahir12 Maret 1970 (umur 54)
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
PekerjaanPenulis, Editor, Penerbit
Karya terkenalA Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (2000), What Is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng (2006), Zeitoun (2009), A Hologram for the King (2012)
PenghargaanHeinz Award, Independent Publisher Book Award, Prix Médicis, Los Angeles Times Book Prize


Eggers terlahir di Boston, Massachusetts, Amerika dari 4 bersaudara. Ayahnya bernama John K. Eggers dan ibunya bernama Heidi Mcsweeney. Ketika Egger masih anak-anak, keluarganya pindah tempat tinggal di Chicago. Dia kemudian bersekolah di high school dan menjadi teman sekelas dari aktor Vince Vaughn. Egger masuk ke University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign dan mengambil jurusan Jurnalisme ,[2].

Egger tinggal di San Francisco Bay Area dan menikahi Vendela Vida, yang juga adalah seorang penulis.[3] The couple has two children.[4]

Dia adalah salah satu dari 3 penerima hadiah TED pada tahun 2008[5] His TED Prize wish was for community members to personally engage with local public schools.[6][7] The same year, he was named one of "50 Visionaries Who Are Changing the World" by Utne Reader.[8] . Pada tahun 2005, dia di anugerahi gelar Doctor of Letters dari Brown University. Dia mengirimkan alamat baccalaureate ke kampusnya pada tahun 2008.[9]

Karya Sastra

Eggers worked with Sudanese refugee Valentino Achak Deng to tell a fictionalized account of Achek's life story

Egger mulai menulis sebagai editor di Salon.com dan mendirikan majalah Might , sembari menulis komik strip bernama Smarter Feller (originally Swell) untuk SF Weekly.[10]

Buku pertamanya adalah sebuah memoir (dengan sentuhan fiksi), A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (2000), yang berpusat kepada pergulatan penulis untuk menghidupi adiknya di San Fransisco setelah kematian kedua orang tuanya. Bukunya kemudian menjadi bestseller dan menjadi finalis untuk penghargaan Pulitzer untuk kategori non-fiksi . Memoirnya dipuji karena orisinalitasnya dan gaya penyampaiannya. Pada tahun 2002, Egger merilis novel pertamanya You Shall Know Our Velocity, sebuah cerita mengenai usaha yang membingungkan untuk menyumbangkan uang kepada orang-orang yang patut mendapatkan sembari keliling dunia. Dia kemudian merilis buku kumpulan cerpen berjudul How We Are Hungry.[11].

Pada November 2005, Eggers menerbitkan Surviving Justice: America's Wrongfully Convicted and Exonerated, sebuah buku yang berisi wawancara dengan para mantan napi yang terkena hukuman mati, namun diloloskan. [12] Lawyer novelist Scott Turow wrote the introduction to

Egger adalah salah satu kontributor asli ESPN The Magazinedan telah membantu dalam membuat seksi "The Jump". [13]

Pada tanggal 7 November 2009, dia dianugrahi Penghargaan "Courage in Media" dari kaunsil American-Islamic Relations untuk bukunya Zeitoun.[14] Bukunya berkisah tentang seorang imigran asal Suriah, Abdulrahman Zeitoun, di New Orleans -yang membantu korban-korban badai Katrina ketika dia dipenjara dan mengalami penyiksaan. '[15]

Eggers menerbitkan novelnya A Hologram for the King pada bulan July 2012. Pada bulan October di tahun yang sama, novel tersebut dinyatakan sebagai finalis penghargaan National Book.[16]


Eggers mendirikan McSweeney's, sebuah rumah penerbitan buku mandiri yang dinamakan berdasarkan nama muda ibunya. Rumah penerbitan ini menerbitkan jurnal sastra Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, diterbitkan pertama kali pada tahun 1998; sebuah jurnal bulanan, The Believer, pertama kali rilis tahun 2003 dan Vendela Vida, istri Egger menjadi editornya. [butuh rujukan] Pada saat terselenggarakannya 2006 FIFA World Cup, Eggers menulis essay tentang team sepak bola U.S. national team dan sepakbola di Amerika Serikat. The San Francisco Chronicle, Eggers was rumored to be a possible candidate to be the new editor of The Paris Review before the Review selected Lorin Stein.




Buku Humor

  • Giraffes? Giraffes! (as Dr. and Mr. Doris Haggis-On-Whey, co-authored with Christopher Eggers) (2003)
  • Your Disgusting Head (as Dr. and Mr. Doris Haggis-On-Whey, co-authored with Christopher Eggers) (2004)
  • Animals of the Ocean, in Particular the Giant Squid (as Dr. and Mr. Doris Haggis-On-Whey, co-authored with Christopher Eggers) (2006)
  • Cold Fusion (as Dr. and Mr. Doris Haggis-On-Whey, co-authored with Christopher Eggers) (2009)



  • Jokes Told in Heaven About Babies (as Lucy Thomas) (2003)
  • Salon.com serials: "The Unforbidden Is Compulsory Or, Optimism", "The Fishmonger Returns", dan "New Hampshire Is for Lovers" (2004)

Karya Sebagai Editor atau Kontributor(terbitan non-McSweeney's )

  • Speaking with the Angel: Original Stories, edited by Nick Hornby (contributor) (2000)
  • When Penguins Attack, by Tom Tomorrow (introduction) (2000)
  • The Onion Ad Nauseam: The Complete News Archives, Volume 13 (introduction) (2002)
  • The O. Henry Prize Stories 2002 (selected by, with Joyce Carol Oates and Colson Whitehead) (2002)
  • The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2002 (editor, with Michael Cart) (2002)
  • The Tenants of Moonbloom, by Edward Lewis Wallant (reissue of Wallant's 1963 novel with introduction) (2003)
  • The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2003 (editor; introduction by Zadie Smith) (2003)
  • Happy Baby by Stephen Elliott (editor; designed by McSweeney's and published and distributed by MacAdam/Cage) (2004)
  • The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2004 (editor; introduction by Viggo Mortensen) (2004)
  • The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2005 (editor; introduction by Beck) (2005)
  • Penguin Classics edition of Forty Stories by Donald Barthelme (introduction) (2005)
  • The Thinking Fan's Guide to the World Cup, edited by Matt Weiland and Sean Wilsey (contributor) (2006)
  • The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2006 (editor; introduction by Matt Groening) (2006)
  • Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace (introduction to 10th anniversary edition) (2006)
  • John Currin (contributor; additional text by John Currin, Norman Bryson, and Alison Gingeras) (2006)
  • The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2007 (editor; introduction by Sufjan Stevens) (2007)
  • The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2008 (editor; introduction by Judy Blume) (2008)
  • FOUND: Requiem for a Paper Bag (essay contributor) (2009)
  • The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2009 (editor; introduction by Marjane Satrapi) (2009)
  • The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2010 (editor; introduction by David Sedaris) (2010)
  • The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2011 (editor; introduction by Guillermo Del Toro) (2011)


  1. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/15/books/review/dave-eggers-by-the-book.html
  2. ^ ""Four prize-winning authors taking part in U. of I. series that begins Feb. 8" by Andrea Lynn". News Bureau, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2007-01-23. Diakses tanggal 2007-02-16. 
  3. ^ ""Vendela Vida floats amid S.F. literati but keeps feet, attitude firmly planted" by Joshunda Sanders". San Francisco Chronicle. 2003-08-27. Diakses tanggal 2007-02-22. 
  4. ^ ""Different worlds: The many lives — novelist, social activist, literary innovator, teacher — of Dave Eggers" by Susan Larson". The Times-Picayune. 2007-02-06. Diakses tanggal 2007-02-22. 
  5. ^ "TED Blog: Announcing 2008 TED Prize Winners". 2007. Diakses tanggal 2007-11-21. 
  6. ^ "Talks Dave Eggers: 2008 TED Prize wish: Once Upon a School" (video). TED Conference Website. Diakses tanggal 2008-03-19. 
  7. ^ "TEDPrize 2008 Winner: Dave Eggers". TED Prize Website. Diakses tanggal 2008-03-19. 
  8. ^ Visionaries Who Are Changing the World
  9. ^ "Dave Eggers to deliver Brown University commencement address". May 19, 2008. Diakses tanggal December 4, 2009. 
  10. ^ ""Growing Up in Public: David Eggers and Ann Powers" by Mark Athitakis". SF Weekly. 2000-03-08. Diakses tanggal 2007-02-21. 
  11. ^ "Introducing (again) Dave Eggers". Salon.com. 2004. Diakses tanggal 2007-02-21. 
  12. ^ "Surviving Justice: About the Editors". Voice of Witness. undated. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2007-07-16. Diakses tanggal 2007-02-20. 
  13. ^ "Making It Up as We Go Along". ESPN the Magazine. March 11, 2008. Diakses tanggal 2008-09-29. 
  14. ^ "Announcing 'Courage in Media' Award Recipient: Author & Activist Dave Eggers". CAIR California. October 30, 2009. Diakses tanggal November 7, 2009. 
  15. ^ "Rohter, Larry, "Hollywood Ignores East-West Exchange"". The New York Times. March 18, 2011. Diakses tanggal March 20, 2011. 
  16. ^ http://www.nationalbook.org/nba2012.html#.UHWre_mlpRg
  17. ^ "National Book Award Finalists Announced Today". Library Journal. October 10, 2012. Diakses tanggal November 15, 2012. 
  18. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/09/books/review/10-best-books-of-2012.html?_r=0
  19. ^ http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/best-books/2012/fiction#book/book-16
  20. ^ Wegen Grass: US-Autor bleibt Preisverleihung fern, Weser-Kurier, 13. April 2012
  21. ^ http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/literatur/0,1518,827306,00.htm Günter Grass. Albatros-Literaturpreis abgesagt. Spiegel online am 13. April 2012
  22. ^ http://www.commonwealthclub.org/events/special-events/california-book-awards
  23. ^ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2091473/fullcredits#writers
  24. ^ Gerhardt, Tina (31 December 2012). "Matt Damon Exposes Fracking in Promised Land". The Progressive. 

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