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-- Kℇℵ℟ℑℭK 19 Maret 2020 10.47 (UTC)Balas

correct nissa sabyan's personal profile


there is some error in nissa sabyan's personal profile after translation in English the "he" word are there instead of "she".... please correct this... and some corrections are in "sabyan gambus music group" the word "yes" instead of "ya"... like "yes habibi" instead of "ya habibi", "yes rasulullah" instead of "ya rasulullah"... thankyou! Malmohi (bicara) 19 Maret 2020 11.24 (UTC)Balas

Where is the page nissa sabyan in English? Adrizky (bicara) 19 Maret 2020 11.39 (UTC)Balas