1. Name  : Fatikhatus Sakinah

2. Place and date of birth  : Surakarta, March 5th 1988

3. Gender  : Female

Her father Drs.Muchamad Nasruddin, Amd bin Chayat Mashuri bin Ilyas (10-10-1945 until 04-10-2016), a retired Civil Servant who served more than 32 years.

Her mother was Siti Fathonah binti Museri (10-06-1967), a housewife who was good at cooking, sewing, and trading.

The first child of five siblings, has younger brothers and sisters:

1. Ahmad Ghufron Ismail,ST;

2. Qurrotul Aini,S.Si;

3. Muchammad Yusron Muttaqin (Electrical Students of the Bandung Institute of Technology);

4. dan Farida Hidayatur Rohmah (Mathematics and Natural Sciences students of Sebelas Maret University)

She was given the name Fatikhatus Sakinah, which meant the Opening of Tranquility by Her Father because his father and mother were calm after waiting long after

marriage and the age of his father who was no longer young when he married. So after she was born he became an opening to calm for Nasruddin's family.

4. Address  : Gambuhan Baluwarti RT. 01 RW. 03 Baluwarti Pasar Kliwon Surakarta 57114

                                                        Perum Waru Surya Indah RT.04 RW. 08 Blok B No. 35 Waru Baki Sukoharjo 57556

5. Telephon  : Mobile 0878 3606 4775

6. Email  : [[email protected]|[email protected]]


7. Religion  : Moslem

8. Nationality  : Indonesia

9. Marital status  : Married

10. Hobby  : Reading books story

11. Motto  : Life is act of devotion to God and not to yield an inch because nothing impossible

Formal Education


University  : 2006/2007-2009/2010

 Syariah (Islamic Law) Department, in Islamic Faculty 
 Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
 Focus/Program Study Muamalah (Ekonomic Islamic Law)

GPA/IPK (3,67) Cumlude

Graduate in 2010

Senior High School  : 2003/2004-2005/2006

 SMA/ Madrasah Aliyah Al-Islam 1 Surakarta
                                           Graduate in 2006

Junior High School  : 2000/2001-2002/2003

 SLTP/ Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Islam 1 Surakarta

Graduate in 2003

Elementary School  : 1994/1995-1999/2000

 SD/ Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Amin Cemani Sukoharjo
                                           Graduate in 2000

Courses and Training


· 2014 : Author matter "Tryout Exam Profession Advocate" in Solo Lawyers School

· 2013-2014: Business Event “Talk show of Solo Lawyers Discussions” in Solo TV

· 2013: Readers Vow “refuse drug” in City Hall Surakarta (Commemoration day the international drug refuse-June 26, 2013)

· 2012: Advokat Education “Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat” (PKPA) by Indonesia Advocates Association (Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia) PERADI and Law faculty of UNS (Universitas Sebelas Maret).

· 2012: National Seminar “Sosialisasi Kompilasi Hukum Acara Pidana Online” by UNS (Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta), BPHN (Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional), The Word Bank, and Kingdom of Netherland.

· 2011: Training for cooperative management of Dinas koperasi dan UMKM Surakarta and KJKS (Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah) Raharjo in Surakarta.

· 2008: Training of Advocation “Menciptakan Mahasiswa Pembaharu dan Kritis Terhadap Masalah Sosial” by HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan) Syariah Islamic Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

· 2008: Banking Law Seminar “Resiko Perikatan Perbankan Umum, BPR, dan Syariah Masalah Hukum serta Pemecahanya” by Center for Law and Economic Polities Studies and Indonesia Institute of Judges (Ikatan Hakim Indonesia) branch of Sukoharjo.

· 2008: Management Education to University Student Cooperation (Pendidikan Pengurus Koperasi Mahasiswa) Level National in BIP Hotel Tawangmangu Karangayar.

· 2006: TOT (Training of Trainer) Level Nasional by Kopindo (Koperasi Pemuda Indonesia) and FKKMI (Forum Komunikasi Koperasi Mahasiswa Indonesia).

· 2006: Education of Cooperation Member KOPMA (Koperasi Mahasiswa) UMS.

· 2004: Dien Natalis UNS XXVIII Seminar with topic “Rekontruksi Pacaran Islami” by LKM Pers Unversity Student ‘Motivasi’ FKIP UNS.

· 2004: Computer Education LPK (Lembaga Pendidikan Ketrampilan) Al-Islam.

Experience Organization & Skill


· 2015-Now: Advocate of Law Firm Muhammad Taufiq & Partners in Surakarta

· 2013-2015: Junior Advocate of Law Firm Muhammad Taufiq & Partners in Surakarta

· 2011-Now: Member of BMT Nur Insan Mandiri.

· 2011-2012: Administration and Finance of KJKS (Koperasi Jasa keuangan Syariah) Raharjo Sukoharjo.

· 2011-2012: Accountant of KJKS (Koperasi Jasa keuangan Syariah) Raharjo in Surakarta.

· 31 Decembers 2010: Speaker in student university cooperation board education related to cooperation finance management. At Ngargoyoso Karanganyar with (Koperasi Mahasiswa) UMS.

· 2009-2011: Marketing Trade at Market Klewer

· 2008-2009: Field Leader Administration and Finance of Management KOPMA (Koperasi Mahasiswa) UMS.

· 2007-2008: Leader Dojo of PERKEMI (Persatuan Bela Diri Kempo Indonesia) Dojo UMS.

· 2007-2008: Leader of Management Finance of Management KOPMA (Koperasi Mahasiswa) UMS.

· 2006-2010: Member of HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan) Syariah Islamic Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

· 2006-2007: Staff of Finance Field in KOPMA (Koperasi Mahasiswa) UMS.

· 2004-2005: Secretary General of Jurnalism Team in “AKTIVIS” school magazine SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta.

· 2003-2004: Secretary Editorial of Jurnalism Team “AKTIVIS” school magazine SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta.

· 2004-2005: Secretary of Spiritualty Development Organzation in FUI (Forum Ukhuwah Islamiyah) SMA AL-Islam 1 Surakarta.

· 2003-2004: Treasurer (Bendahara) of Spiritualty Development Organzation FUI (Forum Ukhuwah Islamiyah) SMA AL-Islam 1 Surakarta.

· Have a certain good character. Able in Computer Literate (Windows, Office Application, Coreldraw X4, and more). Have High Responsibility and Dignity, have a good integrity and analytical thingking, ability to work under pressure both independently and a team, good communication skill and also have willingness to learn.



· 2010: Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 38 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pengelolaan Zakat Di Wilayah Kelurahan Baluwarti Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon.

· 2006: Tiga Golongan Manusia dalam Menghadapi Al-Qur’an.



· Article

· Saatnya Menyalip Ekonomi Kapitalisme, column Mimbar Mahasiswa Daily Newspaper SOLOPOS, October 28, 2008.

· Mencegah Pembusukan Bahasa Indonesia, column Bahasa Kita Daily Newspaper SOLOPOS, November 20, 2008.