I was born from my beloved mother in a small village in Pangandaran that now has become a Sidamulih sub district. I’m a second son and I only have 1 brother. At that time, we didn’t have electricity illumination yet, especially internet. Finally in 1996, we could enjoy the electricity and at that time I was in the first grade in the Secondary school. But until now my house in Kersaratu village has not been touched by internet even we could not accept the signal of the seluler phone sometimes disappears because it was blocked by a mountain. Until Now I’m still increasing my self capability and follow a lecture in STMIK-ABG Bandung.
My Curiculum vitae
Name: Taryan
Place Of Birth: Pangandaran kab Ciamis, and date of birth: 13 January 1983
Address: RT 03/01 Dusun Muaratiga Desa Kersaratu Kec Sidamulih Kab Ciamis Jawa Barat (West Java), but now in Bandung
Mobile: 0888-203-4270 or 022-70-3128-31
E-mail Address: aku[at]taryan.web.id
My Hobbies are: Operating System of Computer especially Debian GNU/Linux, traveling, Hiking, cooking and swimming.
My favorite music’s are: All Nasyid (the Islamic Songs), Pop Sunda (Sudanese songs from Indonesia), the group ban like Mocca, and Laluna.
My favorite films are: Untuk Rena, Gie.
My favorite foods are: Rice and the halal food.
My favorite’s drinks are: the Mineral water, milk (As especially from Pangalengan or from Lembang) and juice without ice.
Elementary School Kersaratu (1990-1996)
Secondary School in SMPN 2 Pangandaran (Now become SLTP 1 Sidamulih) (1996-1999)
I stopped for 1 year and spent my time to be a tourist guide in Cagar Alam Pangandaran (The Nature reserve in Pangandaran) from 1999 to 2004
High School of PGRI Pangandaran (2000-2003)
LP3 Jarindo Bandung (2003-2004)
As a free lands for 3 months in PT Manajemen Qolbu Div IT & Internet
Work for PT MQ Multimedia (2004 until now).
STMIK AMIK University Bandung (2006 until now).
My daily activities are work for PT. Multimedia and in the Afternoon I must follow the lecture. People said that the happiness that we have, is sometimes must be compensated by variable sacrifice, it can be money, time, energy, mind, feeling, and minimal our tears. I hope this can become one of the ways of God’s will (Rido from Allah).