Wikipedia:Warung Kopi (Berita)

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Bacaan bulanan Wikipediawan

Ruang berita

Arsip: belum ada arsip (buat)


Halo semua, Akhir bulan ini rencananya Wikimedia Indonesia akan mengajukan hibah untuk beberapa proyek terkait Wiki, salah satunya WikiLatih. Kami berharap dengan hibah ini, para Wikipediawan di luar Jakarta bisa mengadakan WikiLatih sendiri. Saya, @Rachmat04:, @Bonaditya:, @RaymondSutanto: serta @Wirjadisastra: pernah mengadakan WikiLatih dan berencana membakukan formatnya, sebab kita juga harus melaporkan penggunaan dana ke Yayasan Wikimedia. Jika ada usulan terkait program ini, silakan ya, kami berharap upaya ini bisa menumbuhkembangkan jumlah Wikipedawan/wati.

Laporan kegiatan --Beeyan (bicara) 16 Desember 2016 14.08 (UTC)Balas

Beeyan (bicara) 16 Desember 2016 14.08 (UTC)Balas

New filters for Recent Changes - Beta deployment schedule for your wiki


Sorry to write in English. Tolong bantu terjemahkan ke bahasa Anda! Please also inform everyone about this change.

The Collaboration team is going to launch a new Beta feature on your wiki, ⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽. This deployment would happen on April 24 (hour to be precised). This new feature will be listed with all other Beta features.

What it this new feature?

This feature improves Special:RecentChanges and Special:RecentChangesLinked by adding new useful features that will ease vandalism tracking and support of newcomers:

  • Filtering - filter recent changes with easy-to-use and powerful filters combinations.
  • Highlighting - add a colored background to the different changes you are monitoring, to quickly identify the ones that matter to you.

Some wikis have also access to Quality and Intent Filters, user predictions based on ORES that identify real vandalism or good faith intent contributions that need assistance. A separate process has to be performed to have access to those predictions that will make Quality and Intent filters working.

What will happen?

When the deployment will be done, users who want to try the new filters will be able to do so by activating them in their Beta preferences. Other users who don't want to try the new filters will have nothing to do. They will see no changes in the Recent Changes page.

How to prepare this change?

You can discover the purpose of this project by visiting the quick tour help page. Also, please check the documentation (and help to translate it).

For an early trial, the new filters are available on's Beta features.

You can ping me if you have questions. You can also check the FAQ.

All the best, Trizek (WMF) (bicara) 19 April 2017 11.54 (UTC)Balas

PS: if this message is not at the right place, please move it and ping me. :)

The deployment will happen at 14:00 UTC. Trizek (WMF) (bicara) 21 April 2017 12.33 (UTC)Balas
Cool. We await how this will work. Gombang (bicara) 21 April 2017 18.52 (UTC)Balas
Have you tried the filters, Gombang? Or anyone else? Do you have comments about them? :) Trizek (WMF) (bicara) 26 April 2017 10.02 (UTC)Balas

Some updates about Recent Changes page


Sorry to write in English. Tolong bantu terjemahkan ke bahasa Anda!

As the previous topic on this page says, the Collaboration team has created a Beta feature. This feature is on your wiki since few months: "⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽". You can activate it in your Beta preferences.

What is this feature again?

This feature improves Special:RecentChanges and Special:RecentChangesLinked. It adds new features that ease vandalism tracking and support of newcomers:

  • Filtering - filter recent changes with easy-to-use and powerful filters combinations.
  • Highlighting - add a colored background to the different changes you are monitoring. It helps quick identification of changes that matter to you.
  • Quality and Intent Filters - those filters use ORES predictions. They identify real vandalism or good faith intent contributions that need help.

This last set of filters is not available on your wiki. To get them, you have to finish the labeling campaign (2093 left to do).

You can know more about this project by visiting the quick tour help page.

What's new?

Since the release, we have fixed small bugs and improved the interface. We have also released a way to bookmark your favorite configurations of filters.

We plan to add more new features! The full list is on this Phabricator page (in English) but here are the most important ones:

  • Filters for Namespaces and tagged edits and, later, filters for Categories and Usernames
  • Redesign navigation by using an improved time selector and better integrated navigation options
  • Add live updates
  • Have a more clear interface by putting community-defined 'related links' into a collapsible panel

This last change is about links displayed on top of the RecentChanges (see how they look like on your wiki). We do that change because we have discovered that those links are not that much used. Also, they sometimes take a lot of space on small screens. To help people to focus on recent changes patrolling, we will hide those links, with an option to show them. We have created some examples to show you how it will look like. If you like to see those links all the time, you will have to click on the link to show them and they will remain open. We welcome your feedback about this change.

You can ping me if you have questions. If this message is not at the right place, please move it and tell me. :)

Most of this information was already introduced in the Collaboration monthly newsletter. Please subscribe to get regular updates!

All the best,Trizek (WMF) (bicara) 6 Juli 2017 09.59 (UTC)Balas

Beta feature: advanced filters and more options for Watchlists, starting September 5


Sorry to write in English. Tolong bantu terjemahkan ke bahasa Anda!

As you may already know, the Global Collaboration team has created a Beta feature. This feature is on your wiki since few months: "⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽". You can activate it in your Beta preferences.

What is this feature again?

This feature improves Special:RecentChanges and Special:RecentChangesLinked. It adds new features that ease vandalism tracking and support of newcomers:

  • Filtering - filter recent changes with easy-to-use and powerful filters combinations, including filtering by namespace or tagged edits.
  • Highlighting - add a colored background to the different changes you are monitoring. It helps quick identification of changes that matter to you.
  • Bookmarking to keep your favorite configurations of filters ready to be used.
  • Quality and Intent Filters - those filters use ORES predictions. They identify real vandalism or good faith intent contributions that need help.

You can know more about this project by visiting the quick tour help page.

What's new?

On September 5, the Beta feature will have a new option. Watchlists will have all features available now on the Beta Recent Changes improvements.

If you have already activated the Beta feature "⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽", you have no action to take. If you haven't activated the Beta feature "⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽" and you want to try the filters on Watchlists, please go to your Beta preferences on September 6. It will not be possible to try the filters only on Recent Changes or only on Watchlist.

Please also note that later in September, some changes will happen on Recent Changes. We will release some features at the moment available in Beta as default features. This will impact all users, but we will provide an option to opt-out. I'll recontact you with a more precise schedule and all the details very soon.

You can ping me if you have questions.

All the best, Trizek (WMF) (bicara) 24 Agustus 2017 16.04 (UTC)Balas

Undangan pertemuan dengan Yayasan Wikimedia

Halo semua, saya mewakili Wikimedia Indonesia inging mengundang Wikipediawan untuk hadir dalam pertemuan dengan perwakilan dari Yayasan Wikimedia (WMF). Wikipediawan diharapkan hadir dalam pertemuan ini untuk menyumbangkan ide dan berdiskusi mengenai perkembangan Wikipedia dan hal-hal lainnya yang relevan.

Pertemuan akan dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali di tempat yang berbeda:

  • Kamis, 14 September 2017, di Jakarta (untuk Wikipediawan seputaran Jabodetabek dan luar Yogyakarta/Surakarta)
  • Sabtu, 16 Spetember 2017, di Yogyakarta (Wikipediawan seputaran wilayah Yogyakarta)
  • Minggu, 17 September 2017, di Surakarta (Wikipediawan seputaran Surakarta)

Wikimedia Indonesia menyediakan beasiswa perjalanan terbatas.

Isi formulir berikut atau bisa langsung mengirimkan surel ke nurleni.noertam﹫ dan ditembuskan ke info﹫ terkait dengan konfirmasi kehadiran atau ingin bertanya-tanya terkait pertemuan ini.

Wikimedia Indonesia akan mengonfirmasi ulang para peserta yang dapat mengikuti acara ini.

Sampai bertemu! Beeyan (bicara) 25 Agustus 2017 04.49 (UTC)Balas

Pertemuannya yang di Solo jadi nggak ya? Saya sudah mengisi form tapi kok tidak (belum?) dikonfirmasi ulang? Alfarq (bicara) 17 September 2017 00.02 (UTC)Balas
Halo Mas @Alfarq:, mohon maaf atas kelalaian kami tidak sempat mengonfirmasi Mas Alfarq. Tanggal 14-17 September 2017 adalah waktu sibuk-sibuknya panitia menyiapkan akomodasi dan transportasi bagi hadirin yang datang dari luar kota sehingga tidak sempat mengecek formulir pendaftaran. Acara tanggal 17 September 2017 jadi diadakan. Dokumentasi kegiatan ada di Wikimedia Commons. Semoga di lain waktu bisa mengundang Mas lagi. Mohon maaf Wirjadisastra (bicara) 4 Oktober 2017 06.31 (UTC)Balas
Oiya. Saya maafkan, tapi jangan diulangi ok? Mungkin memang bukan rizki saya. Saya tunggu undangan selanjutnya. Terima kasih. Alfarq (bicara) 4 Oktober 2017 20.01 (UTC)Balas

Wiki Mrebawani II untuk Wikipediawan yang dapat berbahasa Jawa

Sugeng siyang, Wikipédia Jawa membuka kembali kompetisi Wiki Mrebawani II. Kompetisi ini akan diadakan hingga tanggal 20 Februari 2017. Silakan pagi Wikipediawan-Wikipediawan di sini yang dapat berbahasa Jawa mengikuti kompetisi ini. Banyak hadiahnya dan gratis!

Panjenengan bisa basa Jawa lan péngin olèh laptop lan bebungah liyané kanthi gratis?

Ayo padha mèlu pasanggiri ing Wikipédia Jawa iki, sing bakal lumaku tekan tanggal 20 Fèbruari 2018. Panjenengan kari gawé artikel ènsiklopédhi ing Wikipédia Jawa saakèh-akèhé. Bab ayahané, wacanen kaca iki.

Kanggo panjenengan sing durung mangerti carané gawé artikel Wikipédia Jawa, nanging péngin supaya trampil gawé artikel ing Wikipédia Jawa, panitya mbukak klas-klas palantihan ping pindho saben wulané ing Yogyakarta.

Matur nuwun awit kawigatèné panjenengan! Wirjadisastra (bicara) 4 Oktober 2017 06.35 (UTC)Balas

Wirjadisastra (bicara) 4 Oktober 2017 06.35 (UTC)Balas

Undangan kopi darat di Bali

Selamat pagi semua. Saya, Mas Crisco 1492, dan Mbak Notanotheramy mewakili Wikimedia Indonesia akan berada di Bali pada tanggal 16-18 Oktober 2017 untuk acara WikiLatih dengan Lontar Foundation. Di samping itu, kami juga berencana mengadakan kopi darat dengan teman-teman yang berdomisili di Bali yang akan dilaksanakan:

hari Rabu,
tanggal 18 Oktober 2017,
pukul 16.00-18.00 WITA,
tempat McDonald's Simpang Dewa Ruci (Google Maps:

Teman-teman yang berada di Bali dan memiliki waktu luang pada waktu tersebut silakan bergabung.* Mari kita berbincang-bincang. :)

*Mohon konfirmasi hadir tidaknya teman-teman di halaman ini atau halaman pembicaraan saya. Terima kasih. Suksma. :) Wirjadisastra (bicara) 15 Oktober 2017 22.14 (UTC)Balas

Tembusan: Conanda, Herryz, Joseagush, M. Adiputra, Winana, Yogwi21, Beeyan, RaymondSutanto

Wirjadisastra (bicara) 15 Oktober 2017 21.59 (UTC)Balas


  1. Joseagush Saya berharap bisa hadir, cuma waktunya masih jam kerja. setelah jam 18.00 baru bisa.
    Baik Mas Joseagush. Kami memilih waktu di atas karena pada pukul 18.30 WITA kami harus sudah di bandara. :) Wirjadisastra (bicara) 16 Oktober 2017 02.03 (UTC)Balas
  2. Boleh saja, cuma saya masih agak bingung kalau ngomongin soal wikipedia, terus yang mau dibahas apa? tapi kalau untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan, kenapa tidak. I will come Herryz -- 16 Oktober 2017 09.09 (UTC)Balas
    Halo Mas Herryz, kopi darat ini acaranya santai sembari kita berbagi pengalaman. Jadi kalau Mas ada kebingungan jangan sungkan menyampaikannya nanti waktu kopdar. Yang dibahas kurang lebih: (1) Wikipediawan di Bali, (2) WikiLatih, & (3) Wikipedia bahasa Bali. :) Wirjadisastra (bicara) 16 Oktober 2017 02.03 (UTC)Balas
    Point 1 dan 2 Ok, tp kalau point 3 tidak, coz basicly i am not Balinese, hanya stay sementara. Ok deh, saya datang saja, semoga bukan saya saja, yang lain juga bisa ikut..Herryz -- 16 Oktober 2017 11.05 (UTC)Balas
    Ok. Tidak masalah :) Wirjadisastra (bicara) 16 Oktober 2017 03.55 (UTC)Balas
    Hai Mas Herryz, yang konfirmasi sejauh ini baru Mas Herryz. Meskipun demikian, kami besok tetap akan ke lokasi kopdar sembari menunggu penerbangan kembali ke Jogja. Saya harap Mas Herryz tetap bisa datang (meskipun sendiri) dan kita tetap bisa saling berbagi ilmu terkait Wikipedia. Salam :) Wirjadisastra (bicara) 17 Oktober 2017 10.57 (UTC)Balas