Kereta api Malabar

layanan kereta api di Indonesia
Revisi sejak 25 Agustus 2012 14.46 oleh Medelam (bicara | kontrib) (gambar dihapus)

Kereta Api (KA) Malabar adalah kereta api dengan kelas campuran (ekonomi plus, bisnis dan eksekutif) yang melayani jurusan Bandung menuju Malang.

Kereta api Malabar

Kereta api Malabar
<mapframe>: Isi JSON bukan GeoJSON+simplestyle yang sah. Daftar ini menunjukkan semua upaya untuk menafsirkannya menurut Skema JSON. Tidak semuanya merupakan galat.
  • /0/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /0/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /0/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /0: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /0/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /0/features: The property features is required
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /1/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /1/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /1/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /1: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /1/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /1/features: The property features is required
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /2/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /2/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /2/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /2: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /2/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /2/features: The property features is required
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /3/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /3/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /3/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /3: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /3/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /3/features: The property features is required
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /4/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /4/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /4/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /4: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /4/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /4/features: The property features is required
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /5/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /5/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /5/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /5: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /5/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /5/features: The property features is required
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /6/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /6/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /6/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /6: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /6/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /6/features: The property features is required
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /7/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /7/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /7/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /7: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /7/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /7/features: The property features is required
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
JenisEksekutif, Bisnis dan Ekonomi plus
SistemKereta api ekspres
LokasiDaop VIII Surabaya
Daop II Bandung
TerminusStasiun Malang
Stasiun Bandung
Dibuka30 April 2010
PemilikPT Kereta Api Indonesia
OperatorDaerah Operasi VIII Surabaya
Daerah Operasi II Bandung
DepoMalang (ML)
RangkaianCC 203, CC 201, CC 204
Data teknis
Lebar sepur1067 mm
Kecepatan operasi50 - 100 Km/jam
Jumlah rute7061-7062
Peta rute
Templat:KA Malabar

KA Malabar merupakan satu-satunya KA yang merangkai seluruh kelas, yaitu ekonomi (plus), bisnis, eksekutif, dan barang dalam satu rangkaian.

Peresmian Kereta Api Malabar

Jumat (30 April 2010) pk.15.30 meluncur perjalanan perdana KA MALABAR (Malang – Bandung Raya) secara bersamaan baik dari stasiun Bandung maupun dari stasiun Malang. Peresmian dari stasiun Bandung akan dilakukan oleh Menteri BUMN, Mustafa Abubakar, Dirjen Perkeretaapian Tundjung Inderawan dan Gubernur Jawa Barat Achmad Heryawan didampingi pejabat terkait lainnya.

Sesuai jadual perjalanannya, KA Malabar yang menempuh jarak sejauh 779 km ini dijadualkan tiba di Stasiun Malang pk.08.11 wib dengan melewati beberapa stasiun pemberhentian, yaitu Kiaracondong, Cipendeuey, Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Kroya, Gombong, Kebumen, Kutowinangun, Kutoarjo, Wates, Yogyakarta, Klaten, Solobalapan, Paron, Madiun, Nganjuk, Kertosono, Kediri, Tulungagung, Blitar, Wlingi dan Kepanjen. Adapun perjalanan KA Malabar dari Malang dijadualkan tiba di stasiun Bandung pk.08.37.

Direktur Utama PT. Kereta Api (Persero), Ignasius Jonan mengatakan bahwa KA Malabar tujuan Bandung-Malang pp ini sebagai perwujudan dari aspirasi masyarakat yang menginginkan adanya kereta api dari Bandung langsung menuju Malang Jawa Timur. Masyarakat tinggal memilih kelas KA yang diinginkan sesuai kemampuannya, karena disediakan 3 macam kelas sekaligus yaitu eksekutif, bisnis dan ekonomi plus.

Adapun Direktur Komersial PT Kereta Api (Persero), Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito menambahkan dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 16 jam KA ini melalui jalur selatan dengan jadual perjalanan malam hari. Target penumpang selain dari stasiun pemberangkatannya sendiri (Bandung dan Malang) juga dari stasiun-stasiun pemberhentian yang dilewatinya. “Kami mengupayakan kenyamanan yang lebih, seperti tingkat kebersihan kereta, tidak adanya pedagang asongan yang naik diatas KA Malabar ini meskipun ada kelas ekonominya dan tenaga keamanan yang cukup”, demikian Wimbo pada saat acara peresmian di Bandung.

Perlu diketahui bahwa rangkaian KA Malabar terdiri dari 2-3 kereta kelas Eksekutif, 2 kereta kelas Bisnis dan 2 kereta kelas Ekonomi Plus serta dirangkaikan pula 1 kereta makan dan 2 kereta begasi. Selama masa promosi (30 April sd 15 Juni 2010) diberikan diskon tarif sehingga tarifnya menjadi eksekutif Rp.200.000,- , bisnis Rp.130.000,- dan Ekonomi plus Rp.80.000,- . Adapun tarif minimum kelas Eksekutif sebesar Rp.160.000,-, kelas Bisnis Rp.110.000,- dan kelas Ekonomi Plus Rp.60.000,-.

Semoga dengan perjalanan baru ini dapat memenuhi harapan masyarakat akan kebutuhan transportasi, khususnya kereta api yang semakin meningkat. “Kami informasikan bahwa pelayanan tiket KA Malabar ini dapat dilayani secara online untuk semua kelas, termasuk kelas ekonomi plus. Pemesanan tiket dapat dilakukan 30 hari sebelum tanggal pemberangkatan, melalui stasiun, agen tiket KA, kantor pos maupun Contact Center 121, termasuk cara pembayarannya bisa melalui ATM Mandiri, BRI dan BII ”, tandas Vice President Public Relations, Adi Suryatmini di sela-sela acara peresmian di Bandung. Diharapkan peran serta masyarakat dan dukungan semua pihak bagi kelancaran perjalanan KA Malabar ini.

Pada perjalanan perdana KA Malabar relasi Bandung-Malang hari itu terangkut sebanyak 355 penumpang, sedangkan dari Malang-Bandung sebanyak 415 penumpang.[1]

Jadwal KA Malabar

KA Malabar diberangkatkan dari Stasiun Bandung pada pukul 15.30 dan sampai di Malang pada pukul 07.04. Sebaliknya KA ini diberangkatkan dari Malang pada pukul 15.45, dan sampai di Bandung pada pukul 06.49.

Stasiun-stasiun yang disinggahi KA Malabar


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