بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

'~.:Rise Above:.~'

Berkas:Skullsplitter's Banner.jpg

'Scratch on the Net'

Mukjizat Para Nabi


Nabi dan Rasul

Sahabat Nabi Muhammad

Musuh Nabi Muhammad

Raja, Pemimpin & Prajurit

Tokoh lainnya

Anak Nabi Muhammad

Leluhur Nabi Muhammad

Pendiri Klan


Malaikat, Jin dan Makhluk lainnya





"When I have read of cannibals, I have put to myself the question whether I could eat human flesh.
I have always felt then a severe nausea. Now I often imagine that I am eating human flesh and feel the same disgust. I should like best to be a vegetarian. I always have to think of the animal corpses.

I have the feeling many times that I could bite my child. I often bit when I was a child, if I was naughty.
I often think of the graveyards and how the dead bodies are rotting in the ground. I should much rather be cremated.
I should like to cut off a dead man's member and have it sewed fast to me.

I should like to be a man. I should like to rob a dead man's soul before it went to heaven and turn myself into a man.
I would then seduce all women. I want to taste every man and every girl, what their flavor is."

Dr. Wilhelm Stekel, "Cannibalism and Necrophilism," Sadism and Masochism: The Psychology of Hatred and Cruelty - 1929.