Kereta api Pangandaran

layanan kereta api di Indonesia

Kereta api Pangandaran merupakan layanan kereta api penumpang kelas panoramic, eksekutif dan premium yang dioperasikan oleh Kereta Api Indonesia untuk melayani relasi GambirBanjar di lintas barat Jawa (via BandungTasikmalaya).

Kereta api Pangandaran
Kereta Api Pangandaran menuju Banjar sedang menuju di Tambun Selatan, Bekasi.

Kereta api Pangandaran
Kereta api Pangandaran
<mapframe>: Isi JSON bukan GeoJSON+simplestyle yang sah. Daftar ini menunjukkan semua upaya untuk menafsirkannya menurut Skema JSON. Tidak semuanya merupakan galat.
  • /0/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /0/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /0/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /0: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /0/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /0/features: The property features is required
  • /0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /1/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /1/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /1/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /1: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /1/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /1/features: The property features is required
  • /1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /2/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /2/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /2/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /2: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /2/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /2/features: The property features is required
  • /2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /3/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /3/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /3/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /3: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /3/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /3/features: The property features is required
  • /3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /4/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /4/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /4/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /4: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /4/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /4/features: The property features is required
  • /4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /5/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /5/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /5/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /5: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /5/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /5/features: The property features is required
  • /5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /6/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /6/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /6/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /6: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /6/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /6/features: The property features is required
  • /6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
  • /7/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
  • /7/geometries: The property geometries is required
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
  • /7/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
  • /7: Failed to match exactly one schema
  • /7/geometry: The property geometry is required
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
  • /7/features: The property features is required
  • /7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
Informasi umum
Jenis layananKereta Api antarkota
Daerah operasiDaerah Operasi I Jakarta
PendahuluPriangan Ekspres
Mulai beroperasi
  • 2 Januari 2019; 5 tahun lalu (2019-01-02) (Awal beroperasi)
  • 24 Januari 2024; 7 bulan lalu (2024-01-24) (beroperasi)
Operator saat iniPT Kereta Api Indonesia
Jumlah penumpang harian5100 penumpang per hari[butuh rujukan]
Situs web
Lintas pelayanan
Stasiun awalGambir
Jumlah pemberhentianLihatlah dibawah
Stasiun akhirBanjar
Jarak tempuh325 km
Waktu tempuh rerata7 jam 24 menit
Frekuensi perjalananSatu kali keberangkatan tiap hari
Jenis relRel berat
Pelayanan penumpang
KelasEksekutif dan Premium, membawa kereta panoramic
Pengaturan tempat duduk
  • 50 tempat duduk disusun 2-2 (kelas eksekutif)
    kursi dapat direbahkan dan diputar
  • 80 tempat duduk disusun 2-2. Sebanyak 40 kursi ke arah depan dan 40 ke arah belakang (kelas ekonomi premium)
    kursi dapat direbahkan
Fasilitas restorasiAda
Fasilitas observasiKaca panorama dupleks, dengan tirai, lapisan laminasi isolator panas.
Fasilitas hiburanAda
Teknis sarana dan prasarana
Lebar sepur1.067 mm
Kecepatan operasional65 s.d. 120 km/jam
Pemilik jalurDitjen KA, Kemenhub RI
Nomor pada jadwal7027-7028

Nama "Pangandaran" diambil dari salah satu kabupaten di Jawa Barat, Kabupaten Pangandaran, yang terkenal akan potensi pariwisata dan letaknya tidak jauh dari Stasiun Banjar—pemberhentian terakhir kereta api ini.


Pada awalnya, terdapat layanan kereta api di lintas yang sama, yaitu kereta api Priangan Ekspres, yang mulai dioperasikan pada 12 Agustus 2009.[1] Namun, pengoperasian kereta api tersebut dihentikan pada 1 Desember 2009 karena okupansi penumpang yang rendah sehingga ia tidak menutup biaya pengoperasian—sedikitnya penumpang diduga akibat waktu keberangkatan dari stasiun awal yang tidak tepat bagi masyarakat.[2]

Kereta api Pangandaran pertama kali beroperasi pada 2 Januari 2019 supaya dapat menunjang ketersediaan transportasi di Jawa Barat bagian timur, karena perjalanan dari Banjar menuju Jakarta saat itu hanya dilayani oleh kereta api Serayu—layanan kereta api kelas ekonomi.[3] Kereta api Pangandaran beroperasi menggunakan rangkaian kereta baja nirkarat buatan PT INKA dengan layanan kelas eksekutif dan ekonomi premium.

Saat pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia, KA Pangandaran menjadi salah satu kereta yang berhenti beroperasi karena penyebaran virus tersebut. Sejak saat itu pula KA Pangandaran mulai tidak ada kabar hingga Gapeka selanjutnya. Sejak berlakunya jadwal kereta api sesuai Gapeka 2021 per 10 Februari 2021, layanan kereta api ini hanya beroperasi sebagai kereta api fakultatif, yaitu kereta api yang hanya berjalan pada waktu tertentu. Kemudian sejak terbitnya Gapeka 2023 per 1 Juni 2023, status perjalanan Kereta api ini berubah menjadi kereta api tambahan yang sebelumnya layanan kereta api ini hanya beroperasi sebagai kereta api fakultatif, yaitu kereta api yang hanya berjalan pada waktu tertentu.[butuh rujukan]

Pada September 2023, Humas Daerah Operasi 2 Bandung, Mahendro, mengungkapkan bahwa pemerintah daerah Priangan Timur telah mengusulkan dioperasikannya kembali rute kereta eksekutif dari Jakarta menuju wilayah mereka. Ia mengatakan bahwa pemda yang dimaksud kemungkinan ialah Pemda Banjar dan/atau Tasikmalaya.[4]

Setelah tiga tahun berstatus menjadi kereta api fakultatif dan kereta api tambahan, pada tanggal 24 Januari 2024, kereta api Pangandaran dijalankan kembali menjadi kereta api reguler.[5] Bedanya, kereta api Pangandaran membawa satu armada kereta kelas panoramic.


  1. ^ "KA Priangan Ekspres Resmi Beroperasi". Diakses tanggal 2020-02-14. 
  2. ^ Okta, Maria (2019-08-23). "KA Priangan Ekspres – Hanya Mengular Empat Bulan dan Tanpa Pengganti". (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2020-02-14. 
  3. ^ Gita, Amanda (2 Januari 2019). "Kereta Api Pangandaran Resmi Diluncurkan". Diakses tanggal 14 Februari 2020. 
  4. ^ Purnama, Feri (2023-09-18). "Pemda di Priangan Timur Jabar usulkan KA eksekutif ke Jakarta". Antara News. Diakses tanggal 2024-01-24. 
  5. ^ Hidayat, Dindin (24-01-22). "Benarkah KA Pangandaran Relasi Gambir-Banjar Kembali dihidupkan? Simak Infonya Berikut Ini". Pikiran Rakyat. Bandung. Diakses tanggal 24–01–22. 

Pranala luar

(Indonesia) Situs resmi PT Kereta Api Indonesia