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Muslim pendukung Israel adalah Muslim yang mendukung penentuan nasib sendiri bangsa Yahudi, dan tanah air bagi mereka di Israel.
Beberapa ulama seperti Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi, Direktur Institusi Kebudayaan Komunitas Islam Italia,[1][2] and Imam Dr Muhammad Al-Hussaini[3] percaya bahwa kembalinya Yahudi ke Tanah Suci, dan pembentukan Negara Israel, sesuai dengan ajaran Islam.[4][5] Beberapa Muslim pendukung Israel menganggap diri mereka 'Muslim Zionis'.[6][7][8] Muslim terkemuka yang secara terbuka mendukung Zionisme adalah mantan radikal Islamis Ed Husain, Dr. Tawfik Hamid,[9] Tashbih Sayyed, seorang sarjana, jurnalis, dan penulis Pakistan-Amerika,[10] dan jurnalis Bangladesh Salah Choudhury. Tokoh Muslim lainnya yang menyuarakan dukungan publik untuk Israel adalah Irshad Manji, Salim Mansur, Abdurrahman Wahid, Mithal al-Alusi, Kasim Hafeez, Abdullah Saad Al-Hadlaq, Zuhdi Jasser dan Khaleel Mohammed.
Di dunia Muslim, dukungan Israel jumlahnya minoritas, dan pendukung Israel akan mendapatkan perlawanan dan kekerasan.[11][12]
Abad Pertengahan
Menurut Imam basis Britania bernama Muhammad Al-Hussaini, komentator tradisional dari abad ke-8 dan abad ke-9 onwards have uniformly interpreted Al-Qur'an to say explicitly that Tanah Israel akan diberikan oleh Allah kepada bangsa Yahudi sebagai a perpetual covenant.[3][13] Hussaini bases argumennya upon Al-Qur'an 5:21 in which Musa berfirman: "Hai kaumku, masuklah ke Tanah Suci yang telah ditentukan Allah bagimu, dan janganlah kamu lari ke belakang, maka kamu menjadi orang-orang yang merugi." He cites the komentator Al-Qur'an Muhammad bin Jarir al-Tabari, yang mengatakan bahwa pernyataan ini adalah "sebuah perintah dari Allah... concerning perkataan Musa... untuk komunitasnya from among bani Israel dan his order to them menurut to the order of Allah to him, ordering them to enter the tanah suci." He argued that janji ini kepada Yahudi is ever lasting, dan further said: "It was tidak pernah the case sejak awal periode Islam... that there was any kind of sacerdotal attachment to Yerusalem sebagai sebuah klaim teritorial." Interpretasi ini of the dijanjikan kepada Yahudi as ever-lasting is not uniformly accepted by seluruh komentator Islam[14]
Menurut sebuah terjemahan dari sarjana Hukum Islam Khaleel Mohammed, Ibnu Katsir (1301–1373) menginterpretasikan Al-Qur'an 5:20-21 dipakai the following terms: "'That which Allah has written for you' i.e. That which Allah yang dijanjikan kepadamu oleh tulisan bapak Israel that it is the inheritance of those among you who believe."[15]
Awal abad ke-20
Setelah Perang Dunia I, seorang Sharif dari Mekkah, Hussein bin Ali dan putranya, Sultan Feisal dari Hijaz dan kemudian Iraq, memproklamasikan pandangan pro-Zionis.[16] Menurut Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi, the Wahhabi position, in contrast, was extremely anti-Zionis.[17]
Pada 23 Maret 1918, Al Qibla, surat kabar harian Mekkah, pencetakan diikuti tulisan dalam mendukung Deklarasi Balfour 1917:
"The resources of the country [Palestina] are still virgin soil and will be developed by imigran Yahudi (...) we have seen the Yahudi dari negara-negara asing streaming to Palestina dari Rusia, Jerman, Austria, Spanyol, dan Amerika. The cause of causes could not escape those who had a gift of deeper insight. They knew that the country was for its original sons [abna'ihi-l-asliyin], untuk seluruh perbedaan mereka, a sacred and beloved tanah air. The return of these exiles [jaliya] to their tanah air will prove materially and spiritually an experimental school for their brethren who are with them in the fields, factories, trades and all things connected to the land."[18]
Pada tanggal 3 Januari 1919, putra Hussein, raja Faisal I dari Iraq dan Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Presiden Organisasi Zionis Sedunia menandatangani Perjanjian Faisal–Weizmann untuk hubungan Arab-Yahudi, in which Faisal conditionally accepted the Deklarasi Balfour berdasarkan pada the fulfillment of British wartime promises of pengembangan sebuah tanah air Yahudi di Palestina and on which subject he stated:
Kami orang Arab... look with the deepest simpati on gerakan Zionis. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday oleh Organisasi Zionis ke Konferensi Damai, and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through; we will wish the Yahudi a most hearty welcome home... I look forward, and my people with me look forward, to a future in which we will help you and you will help us, so that the countries in which we are mutually interested may once again take their places in the community of the civilised peoples of the world.[19][20][21]
As'ad Shukeiri, seorang sarjana Muslim ('alim) dari wilayah Acre, dan bapak pendiri PLO Ahmad Shukeiri, has rejected the values of the gerakan negara Arab Palestina dan menentang gerakan anti-Zionis.[22] He met routinely with Zionis officials and had a part dalam setiap organisasi Arab pro-Zionis from the beginning of the Mandat Britania, publicly rejecting Mohammad Amin al-Husayni's use of Islam to attack Zionism.[23]
Pada tahun 1920an, Asosiasi Nasional Muslim didirikan oleh Arab Muslim who were employed by Eksekutif Zionis Palestina. The presiden Asosiasi Nasional Muslim dan walikota Haifa, Hassan Bey Shukri, membangun sebuah organisasi dengan Sheikh Musa Hadeib dari desa Dawaymeh dekat Hebron dan kepala partai petani di Bukit Hebron.[24][25][26]
Pada bulan Juli 1921, Shukri mengirimkan sebuah telegram untuk pemerintah Britania, mendeklarasikan dukungan untuk Deklarasi Balfour dan imigrasi Zionis ke Palestina Mandat Britania:
We strongly protest against the attitude of the said delegasi concerning pertanyaan Zionis. We do not consider bangsa Yahudi sebagai an enemy whose wish is to crush us. On the contrary. We consider the Yahudi sebagai bangsa bersaudara sharing our joys dan troubles and helping us in the construction of our common country.[24]
Pada tahun 1929, Hadeib dibunuh di Yerusalem, supposedly for kolaborasinya dengan Zionis.[24]
Pada akhir 1930an, Amir Abdullah, penguasa Transyordania, dan pemimpin pro-Hashemite dari Suriah, Abd al-Rahman Shahabandar, offered the Zionists to pembuatan sebuah otonomi Yahudi di Palestina dibawah the Transjordanian throne, although they did not propose sebuah negara Yahudi merdeka.[27]
Jaman modern
Sejumlah kelompok Muslim yang mempunyai sejarah dalam konflik melawan orang Arab, terutama Kurdi dan Berber, juga menyuarakan dukungan untuk Israel dan Zionisme.[28] Ramin H. Artin, of the Kurdish-Amerika Education Society, berpendapat bahwa pembentukan Israel has been "a thorn in the eye of fascists who would rather eliminate negara Yahudi". He concluded that an Israeli-Kurdish alliance is "natural", and that sincere mutual respect and recognition of each other's rights can lead to peace and prosperity.[29]
Palazzi mengatakan bahwa meskipun pada masa sekarang dukungan untuk Israel dari Muslims berorientasi minoritas, there are some exceptions, seperti mantan Presiden Indonesia and pemimpin Nahdlatul 'Ulama, Syeikh Abdurrahman Wahid, dan Mufti Agung Federasi Rusia, Syeikh Talgat Tajuddin, Mufti Eropa Rusia, Syeikh Salman Farid, yang menuliskan fatwa menentang intifadah. Menurut Palazzi, banyak contoh dari Muslim Pro-Israel clerics are the Mufti Chechnya, Uzbekistan dan Kazakhstan.[17][6]
Israeli Arab pendukung Israel
Muslim Bedouin
Di saat Perang Kemerdekaan Israel pada tahun 1948, many Bedouin switched sides to join tentara Zionis dalam melawan invasi yang dilakukan oleh pasukan Arab regular.[30]
Negev Bedouin, a Muslim minority which includes about 12% of Israeli Arabs, tend to identify more as Israelis than warga sipil Arab di Israel lainnya.[31] Many Negev Bedouins serve in the Israel Defense Forces. Each year, antara 5%–10% of the Bedouin of draft age volunteer for the IDF (unlike Druze dan Yahudi Israel; they are not required by law to do so[32]).
Saat gerakan negara Arab Palestina dibentuk, Bedouins often perceived their tribe as their principal focus of identity, and they generally did not view themselves as a component of the emerging Palestinian identity.[24]
Bedouins had long standing ties with nearby komunitas Yahudi. Bedouins of Tuba-Zangariyye helped defend these communities dalam pemberontakan Arab di Palestina 1936–1939. Formal co-operation antara Yahudi dan Bedouin began pada tahun 1946, when tribal leader Sheik Hussein Mohammed Ali Abu Yussef of the al-Heib tribe sent more than 60 of his men to fight alongside pasukan Zionis, forming the Pal-Heib unit of the Haganah. Pada saat Perang Arab-Israel 1948, the Pal-Heib unit defended Jewish communities in the Galilea Hulu melawan Suriah. Sheik Abu Yussef was quoted pada tahun 1948 as saying, "Is it tidak dituliskan dalam Al-Qur'an that the ties of neighbors are as dear as those of relations? Our friendship with the Yahudi goes back many years. We felt we could trust them and they learned from us too".[24][33]
Maj Fehd Fallah, seorang Bedouin dari desa Saad di Dataran Tinggi Golan berkata dalam sebuah wawancara: "Ya, I have fought against Muslims di Gaza," ucapnya. "And I would fight again if I had to," lanjutnya. "Muslim Israel who don't serve in the IDF should be ashamed for not serving their country."[34]
Ismail Khaldi adalah konsul deputi Bedouin pertama Negara Israel and the highest ranking Muslim in the Israeli foreign service.[35] Khaldi is a strong advocate of Israel. While acknowledging that the state of Israeli Bedouin minority is not ideal, he said
Saya bangga menjadi warga Israel – bersama dengan warga Israel non-Yahudi lainnya yakni Druze, Bahai, Bedouin, Kristen dan Muslim, yang hidup dalam of the most culturally diversified societies dan hanya demokrasi benar di Timur Tengah. Seperti Amerika, Israeli society is far from perfect, but let us deals honestly. By any yardstick you choose – educational opportunity, pengembangan economi, hak wanita dan gay, kebebasan berbicara and assembly, legislative representation – Israel's minorities fare far better than any negara lainnya di Timur Tengah.[36]
Israeli Druze dan Circassian Muslims
Latar belakang
Circassians di Israel adalah non Arab, namun didominasi oleh penganut Muslim Sunni. Circassian memiliki hubungan baik dengan masyarakat Yahudi di Israel sejak the beginning of the permukiman Yahudi di Tanah Israel. Komunitas Circassian di Israel helped the imigrasi ilegal (Ha'apala) of Yahudi into Palestina sejak Mandat Britania dan fought on the Israeli side of the Perang Kemerdekaan. Pada tahun 1948, dimana Negara Israel dibentuk, Circassians of Palestine did not migrate to neighboring countries, rather made the choice to stay within the borders of the negara baru dan embrace full Israeli citizenship.[37] Seperti halnya warga Druze, sejak 1958 kaum laki-laki Circassian tampil dalam pelayanan militer wajib Israel upon reaching the age of majority, namun kaum perempuan tidak.[38] Kebanyakan Circassian di Israel dimasukkan dalam pasukan keamanan, including in the Border Guard, Pasukan Pertahanan Israel, polisi dan Pelayanan Tahanan Israel. The percentage of the army recruits among komunitas Circassian di Israel is particularly high. Loyalti ini to Israel is often considered as an act of betrayal by the Arab Muslims, who see Circassians sebagai traitors to the Ummah.[37][39]
The Druze are a komunitas keagamaan found who consider themselves an Islamic Unist, reformatory sect. The Druze consider themselves to be Muslim, although they are considered non-Muslim oleh komunitas Islamis utama.[40] The Druze mostly do not identify with the cause of nasionalisme Arab. The bond antara Yahudi dan Druze is commonly known by the term "a covenant of blood". Warga sipil Druze are prominent in the Pasukan Pertahanan Israel dan dalam politik, and a considerable number prajurit Israel Druze dapat turun dalam perang Israel sejak Perang Arab-Israel 1948. Reda Mansour, seorang penyair, sejarawan, dan diplomat Druze, explained: "Kami hanyalah minoritas non-Yahudi that is drafted into the military, and we have an even higher percentage in the combat units and as officers than the Jewish members themselves. So we are considered a sangat nationalitis, komunitas patriotik."[41] Pada tahun 2008, menunjukan bahwa 94% kaum muda Druze mengklasifikasi diri mereka sebagai "Druze-Israel" dalam hal keagamaan dan konteks nasional. Lima pembuat hukum Druze currently have been elected to serve in the Knesset ke-18, a disproportionately large number considering their population.[42]
Rafik Halabi, seorang koresponden televisi Druze Israel dan mantan pemimpin militer Israel, mengkarakteristikan dirinya sendiri sebagai seorang pahlawan Israel.[43] Dalam bukunya yang dibuat pada tahun 1982 yang berjudul "The West Bank Story: An Israel Arab's View of Both Sides of a Tangled Conflict", ia menulis, "Aku adalah seorang pahlawan Israel, meskipun aku bukan seorang Yahudi".[44][45]
Salman Abu-Salah dari desa Majdal Shams membentuk "Klub Zionis Druze" di Golan pada tahun 1970an and advocated petitioning untuk tempat warga sipil Israel, even prior to the Israeli annexation of the Golan heights pada tahun 1980.[46] Yusuf Nasr al-Din, who believes that Konflik Arab-Israel is a historical struggle antara Zionisme dan Arabisme, membentuk Gerakan Zionis Druze, recommending that the Druze show solidaritas dengan Israel dan mengadopsi ideologi Zionis nasional bangsa Yahudi.[46]
Lingkaran Zionis Druze
Pada tahun 1973, Amal Nasser el-Din, mendirikan Lingkaran Zionis Druze,[47][48] a group whose aim was to encourage the Druze untuk mendukung negara Israel sepenuhnya and unreservedly.[49] A-Din, seorang anggota Likud of the Knesset, has lost his son in the War of Attrition antara Israel dan Mesir pada tahun 1969.[47] Pada tahun 2007, Nabiah A-Din, the chairman of the forum kepala otoritas Druze dan Circassian, dan head of the Kasra Adia municipality, criticized the "multi-kultural" Israeli constitution proposed by organisasi Arab Israel Adalah, saying that he finds it unacceptable. "Negara Israel adalah negara Yahudi sebagai well as a negara demokratis that espouses equality and elections. We invalidate and reject everything that the Adalah organization is requesting," he said. Menurut A-din, the fate of Druze dan Circassians di Israel is intertwined with that of the state. "This is a blood pact, and a pact of the living. We are unwilling to support a substantial alteration to the nature of this state, to which we tied our destinies prior to its establishment," katanya.[50] Hingga 2005[update] there were 7,000 anggota terdaftar dalam gerakan Zionis Druze.[51] Pada tahun 2009, gerakan ini menyelenggarakan konferensi pemuda Zionis Druze dengan 1,700 peserta.[52]
Arab Israel terkenal lainnya yang mendukung Israel
Ala Wahib menjabat sebagai pemimpin Muslim tingkat tertinggi di Angkatan Pertahanan Israel, dan berasal dari desa Al-Jalil, Reineh. He serves sebagai pusat operasi di an IDF ground forces training base, dan describes himself as a "Zionist Israeli Arab". Wahib dibesarkan dalam masyarakat yang umumnya penyangkal Holocaust, namun saat mengunjungi Polandia while melayani in the IDF dan was shocked, saying that "there was something very powerful in the fact that I was standing on Polish soil, memegang bendera Israel dan mengenakan seragam tentara Israel, namun this time dari posisi kekuatan." Menurut Wahib, there are quite a lot of Aran Israel who want to enlist, but do not do so since they don't know how this will be accepted by their environment. In regards to being a Muslim, Wahib explained bahwa ia percaya dalam kepercayaan Muslim, dan will never abandon it, but believes that "Zionisme... is something that fully represents my sense of belonging to Negara Israel dan masyarakat Israel, serta the immense commitment I have to protecting and guarding the country of which I am part."[53]
Penerimaan Israel pada Arab Israel
Dalam sebuah survey 2004 yang dilakukan oleh Professor Sammy Smooha dari Pusat Yahudi-Arab Universitas Haifa, "Index Hubungan Yahudi-Arab di Israel – 2004", 84.9% Arab Israel menyatakan bahwa Israel memiliki hak untuk berdiri sebagai sebuah negara sendiri, dan 70% menyatakan bahwa negara tersebut memiliki hak untuk eksis sebagai sebuah demokrasi, negara Yahudi.[54][55] Sebuah survey Institut Truman dari 2005 menemukan bahwa 63% warga sipil Arab menerima keputusan bahwa Israel adalah negara orang Yahudi.[55][56]
Muslim non-Israel terkenal pendukung Israel
Muslim pendukung Israel yang dikenal meiputi Dr. Tawfik Hamid, seorang yang menyatakan dirinya adalah bekas anggota sebuah organisasi teror serta pemikir dan reformator Islam saat ini,[9] Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi, Direktur Institut Kebudayaan Komunitas Islam Italia and self described Muslim Zionist,[1][8] and Tashbih Sayyed – seorang sarjana, jurnalis, penulis Muslim Pakistan-Amerika self-described Muslim Zionist,[10] Prof. Khaleel Mohammed, sarjana Hukum Islam dari Universitas Negara Bagian San Diego dan Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, seorang jurnalis dan penerbit Bangladesh, dan seorang yang mengklaim dirinya sebagai Muslim Zionist.
Di Bangladesh
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, seorang jurnalis dan penerbit Bangladesh, and a self-proclaimed Muslim Zionis.[7] Surat kabarnya, The Weekly Blitz, criticizes the budaya jihad dan advocates antar-kepercayaan understanding antara Muslim, Kristen dan Yahudi. Choudhury ditangkap oleh polisi Bangladesh pada tanggal 29 November 2003 di bandara Dhaka sejak he was scheduled to terbang ke Israel, seorang warga sipil negara Bangladesh are barred from travelling to. Setelah release dari 17 bulan imprisonment, Choudhury wrote dalam sebuah surat kabar Israel "Saya juga stand sebelum you perhaps sebagai kontradiksi kehidupan: seorang Zionis, seorang pendukung Israel, dan di sisi lain, praktisi Muslim, tinggal di negara Muslim." Ia berkata "Aku percaya in the justice of the mimpi Zionis. Saya juga acknowledge realitas sejarahnya: that the world has endeavored to crush that dream dan, ya, even to destroy the viability of the orang Yahudi. Pada wakta yang sama, Aku hidup dalam an environment where people believe just as passionately in an opposing view—one that sees Israel as illegitimate; dan bangsa Yahudi sebagai evil incarnate."[57][58]
Di Kanada
Irshad Manji, seorang penulis Muslim Kanada and an advocate of progressive interpretation of Islam, says that the Arabs' failure to accept the Yahudi historical bond with Palestine is a mistake. Manji accepts that the Jews' historical roots stretch back to the land of Israel, and recognizes their right to a Jewish state. She further argues that the allegation of apartheid in Israel is deeply misleading, noting that there are in Israel several Arab political parties; that Arab-Muslim legislators have veto powers; and that Arab parties have overturned disqualifications. She also observes that Israel has a free Arab press; that road signs bear Arabic translations; and that Arabs live dan study alongside Jews. She accuses Arab countries for the Palestinian refugees' plight, saying that they "interfered with every attempt to solve the problem" and that they would rather give "generous support to suicide bombers and their families" rather than help the needy refugees.[59] Menurut Geneive Abdo, "Muslim Zionis" adalah a label which Manji "would no doubt accept".[60]
Pada tahun 2008, Salim Mansur, seorang penulis, kolumnis, dan Politis Saintis Muslim Kanada,[61] congratulated Israel untuk ulang tahunnya ke-60, dan declared that the Jewish state "deserves admiration". He wrote, "Israel is a tiny sliver of land in a vast tempest-ridden sea of negara Arab-Muslim, and yet it is here the ancient world's most enduring story is made fresh again oleh Yahudi to live Allah covenant with Ibrahim as told in their sacred literature."[62] In 2010, he wrote: "The story of modern Israel, as many have noted, is a miracle unlike any [...] It is a robust and inclusive democracy, and is at the leading edge of science and technology [...] What hypocrites demand of Israelis and the scrutiny Israel is subjected to by them, they would not dare make of any other nation."[63]
Di Mesir
Dr. Tawfik Hamid, ketua untuk Studi Radikalisme Islam di Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, seorang sarjana Mesir and self-described mantan anggota militan al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, said that most Muslims correlate the tulisan Israel dalam bahasa Arab ditulis 'Azra'il yang kedengarannya seperti Israel namun artinya "malaikat kematian". This created a link in the minds of most children of Muslims the need to hate the word Israel. Dalam sebuah artikel berjudul "Mengapa Aku mencintai Israel berdasarkan Al-Qur'an" ia mengklaim bahwa menurut Al-Qur'an, Allah memberikan tanah Israel sebagai tanah yang dijanjikan kepada bangsa Israel (Al-Qur'an 17:104): And We said thereafter to bani Israel, "Dwell securely di tanah yang dijanjikan". He explains Al-Qur'an went even further to consider Tanah yang Dijanjikan sebagai the permanent inheritance untuk the Israelites (26:59): "Thus it was, but we made bani Israel inheritors of such things (Tanah yang Dijanjikan)"[9] He melanjutkan dengan mengakatan "Tidak ada Muslim has the right to interfere with the gathering of the Yahudi di Israel, as this is the will of Allah himself".[9]
Di Indonesia
Abdurrahman Wahid, presiden Indonesia dari tahun 1999 sampai 2001, dikritik karena pandangan pro-Israelnya tersebut.[64] Wahid tergerak untuk membangun hubungan diplomatik dan komersial dengan Israel, dan telah mengunjungi Israel sebanyak enam kali. Dalam sebuah wawancara tahun 2002 kepada ABC, Wahid mengatakan bahwa dunia Islam harus mulai mengenali dan mengakui hak Israel untuk eksis dan berkembang. Ia melanjutkan, "Aku pikir umat Muslim itu rasional dan kerasionalan menyatakan demikian."[65] Dalam sebuah wawancara tahun 2004 kepada sebuah surat kabar Israel, ia berkata mengenai persahatannya dengan Israel, hal tersebut digambarkan sebagai "sesuatu yang tidak biasa untuk seorang pemimpin Islam". Wahid melanjutkan, "Saya pikir ada sebuah persepsi buruk terhadap Islam dalam perselisihan dengan Israel. Ini disebabkan oleh propaganda Arab [...] Israel memiliki sebuah reputasi untuk sebuah negara dengan sebuah penghormatan tinggi untuk Allah dan agama — sehingga tidak ada alasan yang mereka dapat untuk melawan Israel."[66] Menurut Wahid, Israel "adalah sebuah demokrasi dalam sebuah laut kesalahpahaman".[27][67][68][69][70]
Di Italia
Di Italia, Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi, direktur Institusi Kebudayaan Komunitas Islam Italia,[1] represents a unique "Muslim Zionis",[2] pro-Israel and pro-American position which menurut to Morten T. Højsgaard, Margit Warburg, although the organization is small in proportions, is a "thorn in the side of both moderate and radical Islamic fundamentalists in Italy".[2]
Pada tahun 1996, Palazzi dan sarjana Israel Asher Eder wakil pendiri Persekutuan Islam-Israel untuk membuat hubungan antara Israel dan negara Muslim.[71]
Palazzi argues melawan panggilan untuk jihad melawan Israel dan berkata mereka is tidak relijius demand untuk Israel to memberikan kontrol over tempat suci Muslim.[72]
Di Iraq
Mithal al-Alusi, seorang pembuat hukum Muslim Iraq sekuler, yang yang secara terbuka pro-Israel,[73] paid a heavy price untuk mengunjungi Israel pada bulan September 2004, criticizing Hamas and Hizbullah sebagai organisasi teroris, and advocating peace with negara Yahudi. Upon his return to Iraq, politisi Sunni was immediately removed from Partai Kongres Nasional Iraq Ahmed Chalabi (INC). Pada tahun 2005, apparently as payback, seorang penembak menembakkan mobil Alusi just after it left his house, membunuh kedua putranya, Ayman, 21, dan Jamal, 30, while he escaped unharmed.[74] Menurut Alusi, there is no Iraqi-Israeli problem, and the interests of the two countries are parallel; thus, he advocates strategic relations antara Iraq dan Israel melawan terorisme.[75] Alusi returned to Israel untuk kunjungan kedua kalinya pada bulan September 2008. Upon his return to Iraq, he was stripped of parliamentary immunity so that he could face charges of traveling illicitly to Israel. Later that year, Iraq's Federal Supreme Court ruled in his favor, maintaining it was no longer a crime for Iraqis to travel to Israel.[76]
Di Kenya
Abdalla Mwidau, walikota Mombasa pada tahun 1970an, dan seorang Muslim pendukung Israel, was elected to Kenyan parliament as the representative of Mombasa Selatan. Pada tahun 1979, Mwidau conducted an information campaign among Muslims di AS, in which he praised Israel's assistance to developing negara-negara Afrika dan specifically its assistance to pendidikan Muslim di Kenya. Saingan-saingan politiknya, yang dipimpin oleh Sharif Kassir, denounced these activities, menyebut Mwidau seorang "agen Zionis". Mwidau remained in parliament until his death in 1986.[77]
Di Kuwait
Penulis Kuwait Abdullah Saad Al-Hadlaq urged negaranya untuk normalize relations dengan Israel. Responding to a question whether he believed that Muslims memiliki a right to rule Yerusalem, Hadlaq said, "On the contrary, ayat nomor 21 dari Surat Al-Maeda, kitab suci Al-Qur'an emphasizes the right of 'Bani Israel'". Ia mengatakan bahwa model demokrasi Israel is unique and surpassed many of what he described as the "tyrannical, totalitarian" Arab regimes.[78] Pada artikel 2008nya, "The Right of Self-defense," Al-Hadlaq mendukung "hak Israel to defend itself" dan told the international community "not to criticize Israel if it continues its fight against Teror Persia committed oleh teroris Hamas (...) and not to criticize Israel untuk memakai pasukan untuk mempertahankan warga sipilnya dan teritorialnya".[79] Pada tahun 2011, Hadlaq warned against a unilateral recognition of a negara Palestina, which he says will shatter the pemikiran damai nyata in the region. Menurut Al-Hadlaq, Israel has in the past mempunyai strategi concessions untuk damai, di Sinai, Jalur Gaza dan Lebanon Selatan, proving her desire for peaceful negotiations, but the response she earned was a hail of roket dari "teroris Hizbullah dan Hamas".[80]
Di Pakistan
Dr. Tashbih Sayyed, seorang sarjana, jurnalis, dan penulis Syiah Pakistan-Amerika, was a prominent pendukung Israel dan pengkritik gerakan Islam. Ia berkata bahwa Israel adalah vital untuk the stability of the region.[10] Sayyed praised the treatment of Arab di Israel, and applauded the "kekuatan of the Jewish spirit that refuses to give in to evil forces despite ribuan tahun of anti-Semitisme". He concluded by saying "I am convinced that it is true bahwa Allah menciptakan dunia ini but it is juga sebuah fakta bahwa hanya an Israel can keep this earth from dying".[10] Tashbih condemned the press bahwa menggambarkan Israel sebagai penjahat, dan "memilih untuk mengabaikan semua peraturan etika jurnalisme when it berkunjung ke Israel"[10]
Di Britania Raya
Pada tahun 2011, sebuah kelompok advoksi pro-Israel, British Muslims for Israel, was founded dibawah payung Institusi Demokrasi Timur Tengah. The group spokesperson, Hasan Afzal, seorang pelajar ekonomi politik di Universitas Birmingham, explained dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Israeli Channel 10 bahwa Muslims di Israel are freer than they are under oppressive regimes in negara-negara Arab. Afzal said that calls for Israel's destruction are "nonsense" and condemned Hamas who he says is "determined to kill indiscriminately."[81]
Kasim Hafeez, seorang Muslim kelahiran Inggris yang berasal dari Pakistan, and memproklamatirkan diri sebagai Muslim Zionis, ia mengatakan bahwa "jauh lebih mudah menjadi seorang Muslim Zionis di Inggris". Hafeez mengatakan bahwa ia telah dipinggirkan oleh golongan dan keluarganya.[82][83][84] Hafeez, yang telah mendapatkan penghargaan dari Sufi Islam, menyatakan dalam sebuah ceramah bahwa ia lebih merasa seperti di rumah ketika di Israel ketimbang di tempat lain, dan mengatakan "Saya bangga menyebut diriku Zionis".[85] Hafeez mengunjungi kampus universitas di Inggris untuk memberikan ceramahnya, "Suatu Hari Aku Benhenti Membenci Israel - Pengakuan dari mantan Radikal."[86] Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Jewish Telegraph, Hafeez mengatakan: "Ini bukan tentang menjadi pro-Israel atau pro-kebenaran, Aku hanya ingin fakta ini didengar. Israel adalah sebuah negara demokratis. Muslim di Israel mempunyai kebebasan seperti halnya Muslim di negara Arab dan semua itu adalah realitas konflik yang sebenarnya. Di Inggris, kebanyakan dari kita tidak bisa mempengaruhi apa yang akan terjadi di Israel, kita tidak bisa menghentikan roket jatuh dari Gaza atau menempa proses perdamaian, tapi kita bisa mengatasi delegitimisasi dan demonisasi Israel."[87]
Mohammed Mostafa Kamal adalah seorang jurnalis freelance dari Bangladesh yang tinggal di Britania Raya. Ia mengatakan, "Tidak ada negara Muslim memboikot Timor Leste atau melarang warga sipilnya untuk berkunjung kesana setelah wilayah tersebut menjadi negara sendiri dari negara Muslim Indonesia. Sudan Selatan yang mayoritas Kristen menjadi negara sendiri dari negara Muslim Sudan pada tahun 2011. Seperti halnya Timor Leste, mereka sama sekali tidak diboikot Muslim. Namun, ketika Israel menjadi negara sendiri pada tahun 1948, negara-negara Muslim bertindak dengan tak henti-hentinya memusuhinya. Mengapa?" Kamal menyamakan aksi Israel sejak 1948 dengan keadaan Timor Leste dan Sudan Selatan, "the only conclusion to be drawn is that the Muslim world's attitude toward Israel is totally illogical, unfair and unjust. Israel was established in the exact same manner as were Australia fan Amerika. History will not rewind." Kamal further added that "anti-Israel activities have not brought the Muslim world anything but tension, konflik, dan economic ruin, keeping them relegated to third-world status." Kamal juga mengatakan bahwa it was a lie to call Israel kolonialis atau expanionist, using proof that Israel has ceded teritorial sejak its formation untuk perjanjian damai dengan Mesir dan Yordania serta had not committed agresi melawan these countries since those treaties. Kamal percaya bahwa negara-negara Muslim harus recognize negara Israel, dan negara-negara Muslim harus memboikot Hamas, Hizbullah, dan Iran if they rejected peace.[88]
Muhammad Zahran, yang memiliki keluarga yang lahir di Yerusalem Timur, pindah ke Yordania, dan terakhir pindah ke Britania Raya, seorang Palestinian blogger, lecturer, publicist, and religious Muslim yang mendukung Israel. He has accused Yordania of practicing Apartheid, and seorang pendukung permukiman Israel di Tepi Barat, saying that those who oppose it "are just encouraging the terrorist groups indirectly. They're giving legitimacy to Hamas." When explaining why he menyuarakan pandangannya, Zahran mengatakan, "I don't do it karena aku memilih to, but rather because most of the people memikirkan jalan ini dan hanya I have the privilege of speaking out karena aku seorang warga Britania. Most of my people think as I do, but they're afraid to say so." Beliau mencatat bahwa 70% warga Palestina di Yerusalem Timur butuh Israel to retain control over them, dan has said that "we suffer because of our Arab brothers, but we are also dependent on them. It's a bizarre situation karena negara-negara Arab don't really care what happens to the Palestinian people. The only assistance that we have ever received from any country was from the 'musuh Zionis'. Zahran has also said that Iran is a threat that must be stopped, and is threatening both Israel and the Palestinians.[89]
Ed Husain seorang mantan Islamis radikal dan penulis The Islamist, sebuah buku mengenai fundamentalisme Islam dan an account of lima tahunnya sebagai seorang aktifis Islamis radikal. Husain also cofounded, with Maajid Nawaz, the counter-extremism organisation the Yayasan Quilliam. He is currently senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations di New York.[90] Husain mendukung solusi dua negara untuk mengakhiri konflik Israel-Palestina. Husain has condemned bom bunuh diri of Israeli civilians as well as the "killing of Palestinian civilians oleh pemerintah Gazan yang dipimpin Hamas".[91] He is opposed to the international boycott of Israel by activists, stating in The New York Times that:
Many people condemn sentimen Israel dan berkata untuk memboikot ekonomi of their produce, but I saw that it was Arab builders, plumbers, pengemudi taksi dan pekerja lainnya who maintained Israeli lifestyles. Separatisme di Tanah Suci tidaklah bekerja dan saat ini adalah waktu untuk mengakhirinya. How much longer will we punish Palestinians to create a free Palestine?[92]
Di Amerika Serikat
Forum American-Islam untuk Demokrasi (AIFD) dibentuk pada Maret 2003.[94] Sebuah kelompok advokasi Islam liberal, compatible with democracy and American values.[95] The AIFD publicly supports Israel, stating "it is necessary to make a foundational position statement regarding negara Israel. We stand in support of the existing unqualified recognition of negara Israel behind internationally recognized borders".[95]
Pendiri sebuah kelompok, M. Zuhdi Jasser, seorang mantan Letnan Komandan Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat,[96] mengatakan that Muslims need to recognize Israel sebagai sebuah negara, to stand melawan kelompok Islam radikal atas nama, bukan dari teori, taktik, atau condemning terrorism, tapi atas nama Hamas, Al-Qaeda dan kelompok lainnya.[97] Jasser calls political Islamism "the root cause of Islamist terrorism" and a matter on which it is "time to take sides."[98] An outspoken supporter of Israel,[99] Jasser warned against what he sees as the increasing threats of Radikal Islam to the West: "Israel has always been a canary in the coal mine, dealing with the threat of radikal Islam. Now each country is going to have to deal with it".[99]
Pada saat Perang Lebanon 2006, Jasser membela aksi Israel, dan mengatakan "Aku dapat tidak beralasan untuk percaya bahwa Israel adalah not doing anything but just protecting itself from forces that are menggunakan homes north of it to mengebom bagian utara Israel". Afdhere Jama, seorang penulis Amerika-Muslim dan editor majalah Huriyah, added, "Perbedaan utamaku dengan kebanyakan Muslims mempercayai bahwa tanah air Yahudi is an important progress for all of us, khususnya one in their ancestral land of Israel". Ia melanjutkan, "Muslims di Amerika Serikat must decide whether they see groups seperti Hamas dan Hizbullah sebagai legitimate resistance or the cause of Muslim troubles in the region".[100]
Khaleel Mohammed, seorang profesor asosiasi Keagamaan di Universitas Negara Bagian San Diego (SDSU), attracted attention for a 2004 interview in which ia menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan pada Al-Qur'an, Israel belongs to the Yahudi. Mohammed mengatakan bahwa Al-Qur'an tidak pernah menyatakan Yerusalem sebagai sebuah kota suci, and added, "It's in the Muslim consciousness that the land first belonged to the Yahudi. It doesn't matter if the Yahudi were exiled 500 tahun atau 2000 tahun, Tanah Suci, as mentioned dalam Al-Qur'an belongs to Musa dan baninya, Yahudi."[5][101]
Stephen Suleyman Schwartz, seorang penulis Muslim Amerika, and adherent of the sekolah Islam Hanafi, contends that Israel is the historic, tanah suci Yahudi, diberikan kepada Yahudi oleh tuhan "as their eternal home".[93]
Dr. Qanta A. Ahmed, seorang Muslim Pakistan kelahiran Britania yang sekarang tinggal di New York, is a staunch defender of Israel, who has been accused by her critics of being a "Zionis in a Muslim guise". She is firmly opposed to the boikot melawan Israel, saying that the movement attempts to vilify Israel dalam almost setiap argumen.[102] While opposing the continued occupation of the Teritorial Palestina, Ahmed admits that she doesn't know how Israel can currently relinquish control over a region hosting "a virulent Jihadist ideology" and leaders calling for her own destruction.[102]
Dalam Al-Qur'an
Imam Abdul Hadi Palazzi, pemimpin Dewan Muslim Italia serta wakil pendiri dan wakil ketua Persekutuan Islam-Israel, mengutip Al-Qur'an untuk mendukung Yudaisme hubungan khusus dengan Haram Al-Sharif. Menurut Palazzi, "The most authoritative Islamic sources affirm the Temples,". He adds that Yerusalem is sacred to Muslims karena of its prior holiness to Jews and its standing sebagai home to the biblical prophets dan raja Dawud dan Sulaiman, all of whom he says are sacred figures also in Islam. He claims that the Al-Qur'an "expressly recognizes that Jerusalem plays the same role for Jews that Mekkah has for Muslims".[4]
When asked what Al-Qur'an mengatakan mengenai Negara Israel, Palazzi mengutip:
"Al-Qur'an tidak menyetujui dengan Negara Israel yang kita kenal sekarang, sejak that State came into existing in 1948 only, i.e. many centuries after Al-Qur'an itself was revealed. Namun, Al-Qur'an specify that the Tanah Israel adalah tanah air bangsa Yahudi, that Allah Himself gave that Land to them as heritage and ordered them to live therein. It also announces that - sebelum akhir jaman - bangsa Yahudi will come from many different countries to retake possession of that heritage of theirs. Whoever denies this actually denies Al-Qur'an itself. If he is not a sarjana, dan dalam good faith believes what perkataan orang lain mengenai isu ini, he is an ignorant Muslim. If, on the contrary, he is informed about what Al-Qur'an dan membuka perlawanan it, he ceases to be a Muslim.[104]
Prof. Khaleel Mohammed, sarjana Hukum Islam di Universitas Negara Bagian San Diego, menyatakan bahwa Surah 5 ayat 21 dari Al-Qur'an, dan tafsir abad Pertengahan Al-Qur'an, say that Israel belongs to the Yahudi. He translates it thus:
"[Musa berfirman]: Hai kaumku, masuklah ke Tanah Suci yang telah ditentukan Allah bagimu, dan janganlah kamu lari ke belakang, maka kamu menjadi orang-orang yang merugi." Mohammed here understands "ditentukan" to mean this is the kata akhir dari Allah on the subject. In reaction, he was inundated with hate mail.[5]
Perlawanan terhadap Muslim pendukung Israel
Di negara-negara Muslim, dukungan Israel sering ditentang. Pada tahun 2004, Sarah Nasser, seorang mahasiswa Muslim di Kanada yang dikenal karena pandangan pro-Israelnya, received death threats setelah menunjukan dukungan kepada hak negara Yahudi untuk berdiri. "Menjadi pendukung keberadaan Israel tanpa berkonflik dengan Islam, it complements Islam," katanya. "Al-Qur'an does not have any verses that do not allow for the Yahudi untuk kembali ke Tanah Israel (...) "Aku cinta Yahudi seperti halnya aku cinta Muslim yang benar," katanya. "Therefore, aku percaya Yahudi should have a right to live legitimately in tanah air mereka."[11][105] Do Bangladesh, Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, editor surat kabar Weekly Blitz dan menyatakan dirinya "Muslim Zionis", diserang dan beaten pada tahun 2006 by a mob of nearly 40 people, leaving him with a fractured ankle. During the assault, the attackers shouted at Choudhury, menlabelkan dirinya seorang "agen Yahudi."[12]
Pada tahun 2011, Alaa Alsaegh, seorang Muslim dari Iraq memposting sebuah puisi yang menunjukan dukungan kepada orang Yahudi di Israel, was mengabarkan penyerangan di St. Louis, dengan sebuah Bintang Daud yang diukir di belakangnya.[106]
Lihat juga
- ^ a b c "A Muslim Zionist", FrontPage (magazine), Tuesday, December 9, 2003 .
- ^ a b c Højsgaard, Morten T; Warburg, Margit (2005), Religion and cyberspace, Routledge, hlm. 108–9.
- ^ a b c "Muhammad Al-Hussaini. Al-Qur'an's Covenant with the Jewish People". Middle East Quarterly. Fall 2009, pp. 9-14. 2009-03-19. Diakses tanggal 2010-04-13.
- ^ a b Margolis, David (February 23, 2001). "The Muslim Zionist". Los Angeles Jewish Journal.
- ^ a b c d The Ottawa Citizen, CanWest MediaWorks, February 6, 2007,
The academic has been inundated with hate mail for previously saying that despite what Muslims are taught, kitab suci Islam, Al-Qur'an, mendukung hak Israel untuk berdiri dan untuk Yahudi agar tinggal disana.
- ^ a b Bloom, Jack (2005), Out of Step: Life-Story of a Politician Politics and Religion in a World at War, Indiana University, hlm. 244, xiv, ISBN 0-620-35374-0.
- ^ a b "AJC Honors Muslim Zionist", The Weekly Forward, September 7, 2007 .
- ^ a b Behrisch, Sven (2010), The Zionist Imam (edisi ke-Christian), The Jerusalem Post,
Sheikh Palazzi refers to himself as a ‘Muslim Zionist.’ Zionism to him means ‘any contribution to mendukung negara Israel.’ He says Israel should exert sovereignty over the whole tanah Palestina, termasuk Tepi Barat. He explains that this position, which meets opposition dari seluruh negara-negara Arab, Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa dan even the mayoritas of Israelis, is clearly supported in the Qur'an.
- ^ a b c d Hamid, T (2004), Why I love Israel Based on the Quran .
- ^ a b c d e Tashbih, Sayyed. "A Muslim in a Jewish Land". Muslim World Today. Diakses tanggal 17 June 2010.
- ^ a b Freund, Michael (Friday, 2 Januari 2004). "Muslim pro-Israel activist threatened". The Jerusalem Post. .
- ^ a b Freund, Michael (3 November 2006), "US slams trial of Bangladeshi newsman", Holiday International.
- ^ "What the Koran says about the land of Israel". JC. 2009-03-19. Diakses tanggal 2010-04-13.
- ^ "The Qur'an: Israel Is Not for the Jews". Middle East Forum. Fall 2009. Diakses tanggal 2010-04-13.
- ^ Mohammed, Prof. Khaleel (2004), For Whom the Holy Land? A Qur'anic Answer.
- ^ Kenen, Isaiah L (1975), Near East report, 19: 36,
...Sheriff Hussein and Emir Feisal proclaimed pro-Zionist views after World War I.
Tidak memiliki atau tanpa|title=
(bantuan) - ^ a b "A Muslim Zionist". IsraPundit.
- ^ Al Qibla, 23 Maret 1918, as cited by Battlegound: Fact and Fantasy in Palestine, hlm. 125
- ^ Feisal, Emir, To Felix Frankfurter (letter), Amislam.
- ^ Faisal–Weizmann Agreement
- ^ Sicker, Martin (1999), Reshaping Palestine: from Muhammad Ali to the British Mandate, 1831–1922, Greenwood, hlm. 147.
- ^ Simon, Reeva S; Mattar, Philip; Bulliet, Richard W (1996), Encyclopedia of the modern Middle East, 4, USA: Macmillan Reference, hlm. 1661.
- ^ Cohen 2009, hlm. 84.
- ^ a b c d e f Templat:Harvn Kesalahan pengutipan: Tanda
tidak sah; nama "shadows" didefinisikan berulang dengan isi berbeda - ^ Gordon, Neve (March 24, 2008), "Shadowplays", The Nation.
- ^ Morris, Benny (7/5/2008), "The Tangled Truth", The New Republic .
- ^ a b .
- ^ Silverstein, Paul A (2004), Islam, Islam, Laïcité, and Amazigh Activism in France and North Africa (paper) , Department of Anthropology, Reed College.
- ^ Why not a Kurdish-Israeli alliance?, Iran Press Service, 2004.
- ^ Berdichevsky, Dr. Norman (September 24, 2010), Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917–1948, Canada Free Press.
- ^ Dinero, Steven (2004). "New Identity/Identities Formulation in a Post-Nomadic Community: The Case of the Bedouin of the Negev". 6 (3). National Identities: 261–75.
- ^ "Field Listing: Military service age and obligation", World Factbook, CIA.
- ^ Dison, Gene (August 12, 1948), "Israel's Bedouin Warriors", Palestine Post.
- ^ Sekkai, Rachid (2009-10-20). "Bedouin who serve in Israel's army". BBC Arabic Service. Diakses tanggal 22 June 2010.
- ^ Kalman, Matthew (November 24, 2006). "S.F.'s newest consul enjoys being Bedouin, proud to be Israeli". SF Gate. Diakses tanggal 22 June 2010.
Ishmael Khaldi, who began life as a nomad, is first Muslim envoy to rise through ranks
- ^ Chronicle, San Francisco, 2009 Tidak memiliki atau tanpa
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- ^ Ha’aretz, Circassian world, 8/2/2004 Tidak memiliki atau tanpa
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- ^ Kidd, Kenneth K, "Druze", The Allele Frequency Database, Yale University.
- ^ Christensen, John (Saturday, November 15, 2008). "Consul General is an Arab Who Represents Israel Well". Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Diakses tanggal 27 June 2010.
- ^ "Elections 2009", Ha’aretz Parameter
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- ^ Domínguez, Virginia R (1989), People as subject, people as object: selfhood and peoplehood in contemporary Israel, Univ of Wisconsin Press, hlm. 159.
- ^ Kanaaneh, Rhoda Ann (2009), Surrounded: Palestinian soldiers in the Israeli military, Stanford University Press, hlm. 155.
- ^ a b Nisan, Mordechai (October 1, 2010), "The Druze in Israel: Questions of Identity, Citizenship, and Patriotism", The Middle East Journal.
- ^ a b Firro, Kais, The Druzes in the Jewish state: a brief history, hlm. 210.
- ^ Nisan, Mordechai (2002), Minorities in the Middle East: a history of struggle and self-expression, McFarland, hlm. 109.
- ^ Landau, Jacob M, The Arab minority in Israel, 1967–1991: political aspects, hlm. 46.
- ^ Stern, Yoav. "Druze, Circassian forum: Israel should remain a Jewish state". Ha'aretz. Diakses tanggal 22 June 2010.
- ^ Ashkenazi, Eli (November 3, 2005), "הרצל והתקווה בחגיגות 30 לתנועה הדרוזית הציונית", Ha’aretz (dalam bahasa Hebrew) .
- ^ Odeh, Samar (9/12/2009), "הציונות הדרוזית היא אהבת מדינת ישראל והתרומה למדינת ישראל", Radio Haifa (dalam bahasa Hebrew), Media cast .
- ^ Yitzhaki, Michal Yaakov (7 September 2012). "An officer and a Muslim Zionist". Israel Hayom. Diakses tanggal 9 September 2012.
- ^ "Du-Et," June 6, 2005
- ^ a b Shamir, Shimon. "The Arabs in Israel – Two Years after the Or Commission Report" (PDF). The Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation.
- ^ Ha'aretz, October 2, 2005
- ^ Shoaib Choudhury, Salah Uddin (June 13, 2005). "A letter from a friend of Israel". Israel Insider.
- ^ Benkin, Richard L (2009), "Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury", Middle East Quarterly, 16 (4).
- ^ Manji, Irshad (2005), The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith, St. Martin's Griffin, hlm. 108–9, ISBN 0-312-32699-8.
- ^ Abdo, Geneive (2006), Mecca and Main Street: Muslim life in America after 9/11, Oxford University Press, hlm. 121.
- ^ Moens, A Alexander; Collacott, Martin, Immigration policy and the terrorist threat in Canada and the United States, hlm. vi.
- ^ Mansour, Salim (May 10, 2008), "Israel Deserves Admiration", Sun, Edmonton.
- ^ Israel facing revival of deep-seated hate, The Edmonton Sun, August 14, 2010.
- ^ Dwijowijoto, Riant Nugroho (2000), Perceptions and criticisms on Abdurrahman Wahid, The University of Michigan, hlm. 64.
- ^ Byrne, Jennifer (17/4/2002), Abdurrahman Wahid (transcript) (interview), Australian Broadcasting Corporation .
- ^ Odenheimer, Micha (7.7.2004), "A friend of Israel in the Islamic world", Ha’aretz .
- ^ Sheridan, Greg (May 3, 2007), "Rare support for democracy in a sea of misunderstanding", The Australian.
- ^ Sheridan, Greg (22-Dec-2004), "Jihad archipelago", The National Interest .
- ^ Purkitt, Helen E (2006), "World Politics", McGraw-Hill, Annual Editions, hlm. 185 Parameter
akan diabaikan (bantuan). - ^ Ma'oz 2010, hlm. 22, 239
- ^ Rabasa, Angel (2007), Building moderate Muslim networks, Rand, hlm. 101
- ^ Selengut, Charles (2001), Jewish-Muslim encounters: history, philosophy, and culture, Paragon, hlm. 109.
- ^ Ruby, Walter (January 28, 2005), "An Iraqi Pol's Risky Platform", The Jewish Week.
- ^ SAMEER N. YACOUB and VANESSA GERA. Iraqi's warmth to Israel exacts a heavy price. AP Online. September 21, 2008
- ^ Peace above all. Jerusalem Post. March 16, 2007
- ^ Robinson, Heather. Dissident Watch: Mithal al-Alusi. Middle East Quarterly. March 22, 2009
- ^ Arye Oded. Islam and politics in Kenya. p.129. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000
- ^ Kuwait Times, March 22, 2009 Controversial writer urges Kuwait to accept Israel [1]
- ^ Abdullah Saad Al-Hadlaq, "The Right of Self-defense," Al-Watan, 6 March 2008, as cited in "Behind the Headlines: Pragmatic Arab views of Hamas" 10 April 2008 [2]
- ^ Abdallah al-Hadlaq, "خطر الاعتراف المبكر بدولة «فلسطينية!": International agreements dealing with peace in the Middle East must be respected. Al-Watan, 22 June 2011
- ^
- Seth Mandel. British Muslims for Israel. Front Page Magazine. April 15th, 2011
- Intereview with Hasan Afzal, spokesperson of "British Muslims for Israel" on Channel 10 Israel. (English). 5:01. As cited on הכירו את ארגון מוסלמים למען ישראל. Nana10. March 29, 2011.
- ^ Myron Love. British Muslim Zionist pulls no punches. CJN. February 14, 2012
- ^ Faith Kaplan, A British Muslim Speaks Out About Jews and Israel. Winnipeg Jewish Review. February 13, 2012.
- ^ British 'Muslim Zionist' tackles anti-Israel bias, blames ignorance. Al Arabiya. 04 June 2012
- ^ Kuropatwa, Rebeca. Changing the Muslim narrative. February 14, 2012
- ^ Nationwide Campus Tour with Kasim Hafeez
- ^ From Israel Hater to Israel Supporter
- ^ Kamal, Mohammed Mostafa (July 21, 2012). "Why doesn't the Muslim world recognize Israel?". The Jerusalem Post. Diakses tanggal July 22, 2012.
- ^ Barnovsky, Yael (September 28, 2012). "Let them call me crazy". Israel Hayom. Diakses tanggal October 3, 2012.
- ^
- ^ Husain, Ed (27 June 2007). "With God on their side?". The Guardian. London. Diakses tanggal 1 May 2010.
- ^ Husain, Ed (6 March 2013). "End the Arab Boycott of Israel". The New York Times. Diakses tanggal 7 March 2013.
- ^ a b Schwartz, Stephen (June 23, 2006). "An Islamic Defense of Israel". Excerpt from the book What Israel Means to Me edited by Alan Dershowitz (John Wiley and Sons, 2007; ISBN 978-0-470-16914-8).
- ^ 8 questions with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. By Caroline May — The Daily Caller. 09/08/2010
- ^ a b Citizen-Soldier Handbook. by Michael Mandaville, 2009. p. 237
- ^ Exposing the "Flying Imams", Middle East Quarterly Winter 2008, pp. 3-11
- ^ Americanism vs. Islamism: A Personal Perspective, by M. Zuhdi Jasser, Foreign Policy Research Institute October 29, 2007
- ^ Veiled in secrecy: Religious observance or cultural apartheid?, July 30, 2010, By Peter C. Glover
- ^ a b West shows 'moral clarity' in demanding Assad's ouster. Jerusalem Post. 2011
- ^ Faces of US Muslim and Jewish dissent, The Christian Science Monitor, By Omar Sacirbey, August 4, 2006
- ^ Handler, Judd. "The dissenting Muslim". San Diego Jewish Journal, August 2004.
- ^ a b The many faces of Dr. Qanta Ahmed, Haaretz
- ^ The Legal Foundation and Borders of Internasional Law Under Israel. p. 542
- ^ "Land of Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people – Imam Palazzi", Weekly Blitz, 5 (42), October 13, 2010,
When asked whether he see himself as a "Muslim Zionist", he replied: "If one means a Muslim who supports the right of the Jewish people to have their own independent and sovereign State, who is solidly behind the State of Israel when it is attacked by terror and when its existence in menaced, who thinks that developing friendly relations between the Muslim nations and the State of Israel is in the interest of the Muslims and of human civilization in general, then I think that the label of Muslim Zionist is appropriate.
- ^ Nasser, Sarah (December 1, 2005), "A pro-Israel Muslim speaks out", The Jerusalem Post.
- ^ Diana Zoga. St Louis man says he's the victim of a hate crime. KMOV. September 27, 2011
Daftar pustaka
- Cohen, Hillel (2009), Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917–1948, University of California Press.
- Ma’oz, Moshe (2010), Muslim attitudes to Jews and Israel: the ambivalences of rejection, antagonism, tolerance and cooperation, Sussex Academic Press