Daftar hidangan nasi

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Revisi sejak 15 Desember 2023 11.40 oleh Badak Jawa (bicara | kontrib) (Menghapus nowiki)

Berikut adalah daftar hidangan dari nasi yang berasal dari seluruh dunia dan disusun secara alfabetis. Beras adalah benih dari tanaman monokotil Oryza sativa (beras Asia) atau Oryza glaberrima (beras Afrika). Sebagai biji-bijian sereal, berasa merupakan makanan pokok yang paling banyak dikonsumsi oleh sebagian besar populasi manusia di dunia, terutama di Asia dan Hindia Barat. Pada 2010, beras adalah biji-bijian dengan produksi tertinggi kedua di dunia, setelah jagung.[1]

Hidangan nasi

Name Image Origin Description
Akhni   Bangladesh Varian pilaf, berupa nasi campur dengan daging
Akki rotti   India "Roti beras", menu sarapan berbahan dasar nasi yang unik di negara bagian Karnataka, India
Albaloo polo Iran Ceri asam (morello) dalam nasi pilaf, biasanya dibuat dengan bumbu seperti safron dan advieh.
Nasi goreng Amerika (Thailand)   Thailand Ini adalah hidangan masakan Thailand dimana nasinya digoreng dengan saus tomat dan kismis
Appam   India Appam adalah sejenis panekuk yang berasal dari India Selatan, dibuat dengan adonan beras yang difermentasi dan santan. Kelezatan umum di Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka dan Kerala.
Arancini   Italy (Sicily)[2] Bola nasi isi yang dilapisi tepung roti dan digoreng[2]
Arem-arem   Indonesia Terbuat dari lontong berbentuk silinder yang dibungkus daun pisang, diisi sayuran potong dadu, tempe atau oncom, kadang juga diisi daging cincang atau abon (abon sapi), dan dimakan sebagai camilan.
Arroz caldo   Philippines Bubur nasi encer dimasak dengan ayam, jahe, bawang bombay dan dihias dengan daun bawang, bawang putih panggang, dan kalamansi
Arroz chaufa   Peru Nasi goreng Cina "Chow fun rice" dengan sentuhan Peru
Arroz borracho Puerto Rico Nasi dimasak dengan sazón, sofrito, buncis, daging giling, dan bir.
Arroz con gandules   Puerto Rico Bagian dari keahlian memasak Puerto Rico yang terdiri dari kombinasi nasi, kacang polong, zaitun, caper, dan daging babi, dimasak dalam panci yang sama dengan sofrito, rempah-rempah, dan minyak annatto ala Puerto Rico.[3]
Arroz con huevo frito   Amerika Tengah dan Amerika Selatan Nasi dengan telur goreng
Arroz con pollo   Spanyol "Nasi dengan ayam", hidangan yang berasal dari Spanyol sebagai bentuk pilaf, merupakan makanan pokok di seluruh Amerika Latin.[4][5][6][7][8] Ini adalah hidangan tradisional Amerika Latin dan Karibia, terutama di Puerto Riko, Kolombia, Venezuela, Ekuador, Panama, Peru, Kuba, Kosta Rika, Honduras, Republik Dominika, yang disebut locrio de pollo, dan Saint Martin, dimana disebut lokri atau locreo.
Arroz de lisa (mullet rice)   Kolombia, wilayah Karibia Secara tradisional disajikan dalam daun kalatea dengan singkong matang, keju costeño segitiga, dan saus suero atollabuey
Arròs negre   Spanyol "Nasi hitam", hidangan yang dimasak dengan tinta sotong
Baghali polo   Iran Hidangan nasi yang dimasak dengan lima jenis kacang dan adas.
Bannu Pulao   Pakistan Hidangan nasi campur tradisional dari Distrik Bannu di Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Hidangan ini dibuat dari daging sapi, nasi, rempah-rempah, dan kaldu. Daging sapi dimasak dengan tulang dan sumsum, sehingga memberikan rasa yang kaya dan beraroma pada hidangan ini. Nasi dimasak terpisah dengan ghee, garam, dan bumbu utuh. Hidangan ini disajikan dengan hiasan bawang bombay, cabai hijau, dan irisan lemon.
Bánh chưng   Vietnam Hidangan kue yang biasa disantap pada hari Tet, malam tahun baru Vietnam, dengan daging babi di tengahnya, kacang polong tumbuk, dan nasi yang dibungkus dengan daun.
Ba-wan   Taiwan Ba-wan adalah makanan ringan gurih yang terbuat dari pasta nasi, daging, dan biasanya jamur shitake dan rebung. Ba-wan sering ditemukan di pasar malam Taiwan. Juga disebut "rou-wan-zhi."
Bai pong moan Kamboja Hidangan nasi dan telur dengan beberapa variasi.
Bhakari   Maharashtra, India Suatu jenis roti yang dibuat dengan mencampurkan adonan beras dan air lalu dipanaskan hingga kering atau dipanggang di atas wadah datar yang disebut tawa, kebanyakan di distrik pesisir wilayah kokan yang meliputi palghar, thane, Mumbai, raigad, ratnagiri, sindhudurg of maharashtra dan goa.
Bibimbap   Korea Campuran sayuran di atas nasi dengan telur atau daging di atasnya
Bibingka   Philippines Kue beras yang biasa disantap saat Natal. Bisa diberi taburan keju cottage, telur asin atau daging kelapa muda yang baru diparut.
Biko   Philippines Hidangan manis yang terbuat dari ketan yang dimasak dengan santan dan gula serta di atasnya diberi sirup kelapa karamel kental dan latik
Biryani   anak benua India Hidangan nasi goreng pedas dengan daging, ikan, ayam, dan sayuran.
Bisi bele bath   India Hidangan berbahan dasar nasi yang berasal dari negara bagian Karnataka, India. Bisi-bele-bhaath diterjemahkan menjadi nasi miju-miju panas dalam bahasa Kannada. Persiapan tradisional hidangan ini cukup rumit dan melibatkan penggunaan campuran rempah pedas, gude (sejenis miju-miju) dan sayuran. Rempah-rempah seperti pala dan asafoetida, daun kari, dan daging asam jawa yang digunakan dalam pembuatannya berkontribusi pada keunikan rasa dan cita rasa hidangan ini.
Black beans and rice   Cuba Lauk atau hidangan utama yang sangat populer jika dimasak dengan benar.
Bhaat   anak benua India Nasi yang sudah dimasak, baik dengan cara dikukus atau direbus.
Bhelpuri   anak benua India Bhelpuri merupakan jajanan gurih yang berasal dari anak benua India dan juga merupakan sejenis chaat. Itu terbuat dari nasi kembung, sayuran, dan saus asam jawa yang tajam.
Bokkeumbap   Korea Nasi goreng, biasanya dengan bahan lain, seperti kimci bokkeumbap (nasi goreng Kimchi)
Boribap   Korea[9] Nasi direbus dengan jelai[9]
Boudin   Amerika Serikat Nasi dan saus Cajun dimasukkan ke dalam wadah sosis.
Bubur ayam   Indonesia Bubur ayam Indonesia, disajikan dengan bumbu seperti daun bawang cincang, bawang merah goreng renyah, dan tongcai (sayuran asin yang diawetkan).
Bubur pedas   Indonesia Bubur pedas terbuat dari nasi yang ditumis halus dan kelapa parut. Kaldunya terbuat dari tetelan (daging bertulang seperti iga) atau kaldu ayam.
Burasa   Indonesia Dimasak dengan santan yang dikemas dalam kantong daun pisang
Buttered rice Myanmar Nasi mentega menggunakan nasi hsan hmwe atau nasi basmati berbutir panjang, dan dalam bentuk paling dasar, dimasak dengan mentega, lentil, dan daun salam. Kacang mete dan kismis dapat ditambahkan, dan hidangan ini dapat dibumbui dengan batang kayu manis, kapulaga atau cengkeh, dan dihias dengan bawang emas goreng untuk disajikan. Biasanya dipadukan dengan kari ayam atau daging kambing tradisional yang dipengaruhi Burma atau India.
Cabidela   Portugal Nasi dengan daging ayam atau kelinci.
Carri   Mauritius, Réunion Nasi, dengan ayam atau sapi, tomat, cabai dan kari
Chalbap Korea Nasi manis yang dimasak dicampur dengan kacang merah, jujube, dan chestnut
Champorado   Filipina Bubur nasi coklat manis
Chao   Vietnam Bubur nasi Vietnam, terkadang dimasak dengan daun pandan atau kacang hijau.
Nasi merah Charleston   Pesisir Georgia dan Carolina Selatan Juga dikenal sebagai nasi merah Savannah dan nasi merah.
Chazuke   Jepang Dashi, teh hijau, atau air panas dituangkan di atas nasi. Topping umum termasuk acar Jepang (tsukemono), nori, dan telur ikan pollock.
Nasi kalkun chiayi   Taiwan Ini adalah semangkuk nasi dengan irisan kalkun di atasnya, sering kali disertai dengan acar lobak. Nasinya ditaburi sejenis kuah yang terbuat dari tetesan kalkun dan kecap.[10][11]
Chitranna   India Ini adalah olahan nasi yang dibuat dengan cara menumis kacang tanah, biji wijen, cabai merah dan kunyit dalam minyak lalu ditambahkan ke dalam nasi dan diaduk.
Ci fan tuan   Shanghai (China), and Taiwan Disiapkan dengan cara membungkus erat sepotong youtiao (adonan goreng) dengan beras ketan.
Nasi pot   Tiongkok, Malaysia, dan Singapura Casserole nasi. Nasi dimasak dalam panci tanah liat dan bahan-bahan matang seperti protein dan sayuran ditambahkan kemudian. Beberapa tempat menyajikannya dengan kecap hitam. Secara tradisional, memasak dilakukan di atas kompor arang, sehingga memberikan cita rasa yang khas pada masakan.
Cơm tấm   Vietnam Hidangan Vietnam yang terbuat dari nasi dengan butiran beras pecah. Tấm mengacu pada butiran beras yang pecah, sedangkan cơm mengacu pada nasi yang dimasak.[12][13]
Nasi ramuan Nigeria Hidangan Nigeria yang dibuat menggunakan nasi, minyak sawit, garam, dan bumbu lainnya.[14]
Congee   Asia Timur, Selatan, dan Tenggara Sejenis bubur. Kadang-kadang disebut "bubur nasi" tetapi sering kali disingkat menjadi "bubur". Ada berbagai macam bubur di Hong Kong dan sangat sering dimakan sebagai makanan pokok. Bahan dasarnya dibuat dengan cara merebus nasi lalu membiarkannya mendidih dalam waktu lama. Bahan-bahan berbeda ditambahkan tergantung wilayahnya. Lamanya perebusan juga berbeda-beda di setiap wilayah. Bubur Kanton umumnya dimasak lebih lama agar teksturnya lebih halus.
Nasi ketumbar   India Mudah dibuat dengan menggunakan nasi Basmati rebus, pasta ketumbar, minyak, chana dal, bawang merah, kacang polong, pasta jahe dan bawang putih, bumbu India, jus lemon dan garam.
Nasi dadih   India Olahan sederhananya adalah campuran nasi rebus dan yogurt. Variasi yang lebih kompleks juga ada.
Curry rice   Japan, also popular in other parts of East and Southeast Asia Although curry is often eaten with rice in many countries it is seen as a main dish. The Japanese karē raisu (lit. "curry rice") though, is a standard combination of rice with a British influenced Japanese curry, of which there exist several types.
Dal bhat   Indian subcontinent Rice and lentil soup.
Danbauk   Myanmar Burmese style Biryani.
Diri djondjon Haiti Rice in a sauce of djondjon or black mushrooms.
Dirty rice   Cajun cuisine, Creole cuisine Pictured is dirty rice topped with a pork chop.
Dolma   Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Middle East, Greece, Georgia Grape leaves, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, onion, or tomatoes stuffed with rice.
Dosa   India Rice and lentil pancakes with origins in Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. Popular breakfast dish in South India.
Étouffée   Cajun, Creole cuisine Found in both Cajun and Creole cuisine, Étouffée is typically prepared with shellfish over rice. The dish employs a technique known as smothering, a popular method of cooking in the Cajun areas of southwest Louisiana.
Flattened rice   India Flattened Rice is plain parboiled rice flattened into flat, light, dry flakes originating from the Indian subcontinent.
Fried rice   China A dish of cooked rice that has been stir-fried in a wok or a frying pan and is usually mixed with other ingredients such as eggs, vegetables, seafood, or meat.
Fried rice


  India Basmati rice or other long grain rice boiled and then fried in oil or ghee with shrimp, egg, chicken, soy sauce, spices and various types of vegetables like carrots, green beans, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, green onions, peas, celery etc.
Fried rice (Myanmar)   Myanmar Fried rice with boiled peas, sometimes with meat, sausage, and eggs.
Fried rice (Philippines)   Philippines Day-old rice fried in oil with a lot of garlic, usually eaten for breakfast with dried fish, egg and tomatoes.
Gaifan   China, Taiwan Cooked rice covered with another dish.
Gallo pinto   Central American countries such as Costa Rica and Nicaragua A Central American version of rice and beans
Gimbap   Korea[15] Rice wrapped in seaweed,[15] origin from makizushi of Japan
Glutinous rice cakes   Asia E.g. mochi (Japan), ddeok (Korea), tangyuan, niangao, zongzi (China), and many varieties of Indonesian, Thai and Laotian cakes.
Goto   Philippines Thin rice porridge cooked with strips of ox-tripe, ginger, onion, garlic, and garnished with spring onions and calamansi.
Gumbo   Cajun,[16] Creole[17] A stew that is typically served over rice[18]
Hainanese chicken rice   Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,[19] and Thailand Hainanese chicken rice is a dish of poached chicken and seasoned rice, served with chilli sauce and usually with cucumber garnishes.
Hainanese curry rice   Singapore A Singaporean rice dish consisting of steamed white rice smothered in a mess of curries and gravy.
Havij Polo   Iran[20] Carrot Rice with minced meat balls[20] usually cooked in Tehran and other cities of Iran
Hoppin' John   Southern United States Rice, black-eyed peas and pork
Horchata   Mexico Sugared rice milk.
Hsi htamin   Myanmar A traditional Burmese snack or mont, popularly served as a breakfast dish, often served with sesame powder alongside peas or dried fish
Htamanè   Myanmar Dessert made from glutinous rice, shredded coconuts and peanuts
Htamin Baung Myanmar Steamed rice cooked with chicken and vegetables, of Chinese origin
Htamin jin   Myanmar A Burmese dish of fermented rice. It is the regional specialty and signature dish of the Intha people of Inle Lake in Shan State, Myanmar
Idiyappam   South India, Sri Lanka Rice noodles also known as String Hoppers. Had with curry or coconut milk
Idli   India Steamed rice cakes, made with lentils or other pulses. Pictured is idli along with ramekins of sambar and a ramekin of chutney in the center of the dish.
Imbul Kiribath   Sri Lanka Tightly wrapped Kiribath with treacle soaked scraped coconut (Pani-pol) in it.
Indonesian rice table   Indonesia Rice accompanied by side dishes served in small portions. Usually known as Rijsttafel
Iskilip Dolmasi   Turkey Very specific rice food. It takes almost a day to prepare and cook. Cooked for several hundred years only in Iskilip. Extremely traditional and rare.
Jambalaya   Cajun, Creole Meat-seafood-vegetable stock to which rice is added.
Jíbaro Puerto Rico Yellow-rice cooked with annatto oil, sofrito, and spices with a fried egg on top.
Jiuniang   China This is a sweet dish made from fermenting sticky rice with yeast. This can be eaten alone steamed, or is added to other foods.
Jhalmuri   India,


Jhalmuri is a popular Bengali street snack, made of puffed rice and an assortment of spices, vegetables, chanachur and mustard oil.
Jollof rice   West Africa Tomato and pepper based stew to which rice is added and boiled in, and usually served with chicken, salad and fried plantain.
Ofada rice   Nigeria[21] Nigerian rice sometimes served in palm leaves. It is made from locally produced rice that is grown almost entirely in Ogun State.[21] It is typically consumed with a vegetable stew,[21] and sometimes a meat-based stew.
Juk   Korea Generic term for porridge made from rice. There are many different varieties.
Kabli palao Afghanistan Fried grated carrots in rice, accompanied with mixed spices and alubukhara.
Kabsa   KSA, Jordan Rice (usually long-grain, mostly basmati) cooked with meat, spices and vegetables.
Kande Pohe   India A simple flattened rice dish from Maharashtra usually eaten as breakfast.
Kateh Iran[22] A simple sticky-rice dish from Mazandaran and Gilan
Katsudon   Japan A bowl of rice topped with a deep-fried pork cutlet, egg, and condiments.
Kedgeree   India Flaked fish (usually smoked haddock), boiled rice, eggs and butter.
Ketupat   Indonesia (Also called Lontong) – Rice wrapped in coconut leaves weaved pouch, boiled and serve with other food such as Satay, vegetables, fried chicken, curry, etc.
Khao kan chin   Thailand A northern Thai dish of rice that is mixed with pork blood and steamed inside a banana leaf. It is served with cucumber, onions and fried, dried chillies.
Khao kha mu   Thailand Originally a Thai Chinese dish, it is rice served with sliced pork leg that has been stewed in soy sauce and spices
Khao khluk kapi   Thailand Rice is fried with shrimp paste and served with sweet pork, sour mango, fried shrimp, chillies and shallots.
Khao lam   Thailand Glutinous rice is boiled or steamed with sugar, and sometimes other ingredients, in a section of bamboo. Most often eaten as a snack or dessert. This is very similar to lemang.
Khao man kai   Thailand The Thai version of Hainanese chicken rice, it is made in a slightly different way than the original and served with a very different dipping sauce made from fermented soy beans, garlic, ginger, and bird's eye chilies.
Khao mok   Thailand The Thai version of a biryani, it is typical of Thai-Muslim cuisine.
Khao na pet   Thailand The Thai version of a Cantonese style roast duck served with rice
Khao niao mamuang   Thailand Sticky rice cooked in sweetened thick coconut milk, served with slices of ripe mango
Khao phat kaeng kiao wan   Thailand Rice fried with green curry
Khao phat kaphrao   Thailand Rice fried with holy basil and meat
Khao phat nam liap   Thailand Rice fried with the fruit of the Canarium album
Khao tom mat   Thailand A traditional Thai dessert made from sticky rice, coconut milk, and bananas. It's usually wrapped in banana leaf or coconut leaf.
Khao tom pla   Thailand A rice soup with fish
Khao yam   Thailand A rice salad containing fruit, vegetables, herbs, roasted coconut, and dried prawns
Kharcho   Georgia A beef and rice soup.
Kheer/Payas/Payasam   Indian subcontinent Sweet dish of rice cooked in milk with dry fruit and sugar or jaggery. Cooled before serving.
Khichdi   Indian subcontinent Rice cooked with lentils, vegetables and spices
Kiribath   Sri Lanka Cooked with milk. Also known as Milk-rice
Kongbap   Korea Brown or white rice cooked together with beans (and sometimes also other grains)
Kushari   Egypt Rice, lentils, chickpeas and macaroni topped with tomato sauce and fried onion
Lemang   Indonesia and Malaysia Glutinous rice with coconut milk cooked in bamboo stalks over open fire. Traditional dish of the Minangkabau people accompanying Rendang.
Lemper   Indonesia An Indonesian savory snack made of glutinous rice filled with seasoned shredded chicken, fish or abon (meat floss).
Lepet   Indonesia A type of sticky rice dumpling mixed with peanuts cooked with coconut milk packed inside janur (young coconut leaf or palm leaf).
Lontong   Indonesia Made of compressed rice cake in the form of a cylinder wrapped inside a banana leaf. Rice is rolled inside a banana leaf and boiled, then cut into small cakes as a staple food replacement of steamed rice.
Loco Moco   Hawaii, United States A bowl of rice topped with a meat patty and gravy, and with a sunny side up egg on top.
Locrio   Dominican Republic Rice, meat (Chicken, sausage, fish, etc.), tomato sauce, caramelized sugar.
Lokri Saint Martin Rice, bite-size pieces of chicken, mixed vegetables, spices (also called locreo or locrio).
Loobia polo   Central Iran Green beans rice with tomato paste, meat and other spices, cooked in.
Lor Mai Ka China Glutinous rice
Lugaw   Philippines Rice congee
Lumpia   Indonesia and Philippines Spring rolls wrapper made from rice flour.
Madumongso   Indonesia Snack made from black sticky rice as a basic ingredient. The taste is mixed with sweet because the black rice is previously processed before it becomes tapai
Maifun   Asia This is a category which includes both dry and in-broth rice vermicelli noodle dishes. The specific dish is usually named after its non-vermicelli ingredients or its preparation. E.g. "Cao mai fun" = panfried maifun and will usually have a protein such as pork or chicken, and seasonings (usually green onion).
Mandi   Yemen Rice cooked with meat (lamb or chicken), and a mixture of spices.
Mansaf   Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Syria Rice is cooked separately, lamb meat is cooked in a sauce of fermented dried yogurt and served with rice or bulgur.
Maqluba   Middle-East Consisting of rice and eggplant or cauliflower casserole that is then turned upside down when served. The dish can include fried tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, eggplant and chicken or lamb. When the casserole is inverted, the top is bright red from the tomatoes that now form the top layer and cover the golden eggplant.
Masi   Cebu, Philippines Glutinous rice balls with a peanut and muscovado filling
Moa   West Bengal,


Moa is a small sweet and crispy ball made of puffed rice and jaggery. It originated from South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal.
Moa'amar Egypt Rice with milk and chicken soup. A sort of rice made by adding milk and chicken soup to the rice and letting it into the oven. Eaten instead of white rice. Very popular in Egypt.
Mochi   Japan Mochi is Japanese rice cake made of mochigome, a short-grain japonica glutinous rice, and sometimes other ingredients such as water, sugar, and cornstarch. The rice is pounded into paste and molded into the desired shape.
Mochi ice cream   Japan, United States Mochi ice cream is a small, round confection consisting of a soft, pounded sticky rice dumpling (mochi) formed around an ice cream filling.
Moffle   Japan A waffle prepared using mochi
Mont di   Myanmar A thin rice noodle dish, a semi staple dish of Rakhine State. Rakhine Mont de is either a salad with dry roasted conger eel and chili or as a soup. Mandalay mont de is with larger rice noodles, with meat based sauce.
Mont lin maya Myanmar A fritter made with rice flour, where two halves (thus 'Couple') are fried with quail eggs, steamed garden beans, spring onions. The halves are then connected and sprinkled with salted roasted sesame.
Mosaranna   India Curd rice, considered a staple food of brahmins of the Karnataka state of South India. In this dish, curd is added to cooked rice and eaten straight away. Sometimes mustard seeds, red chillies, curry leaves and lentils are fried in oil and added to the dish. To add more flavour, ginger-garlic paste and finely chopped red onions are also added to the yogurt and rice mixture. Fresh, finely chopped cilantro is used as garnish.
Mujaddara   Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria Fried rice with lentil, served with yogurt and salad.
Muri   India,


A very common snack from Indian subcontinent.It is a traditional puffed rice made by heating parboiled rice (i.e. steamed then dried) in a karahi or wok filled with hot salt or sand, a technique known as hot salt frying.
Nasi ambeng   Indonesia A fragrant rice dish that consists of – but is not limited to – steamed white rice, chicken curry or chicken stewed in soy sauce, beef or chicken rendang, sambal goreng (lit. fried sambal; a mildly spicy stir-fried stew commonly made with firm tofu, tempeh, and long beans) urap, bergedel, and serunding.
Nasi bakar   Indonesia Indonesian for "burned rice" or "grilled rice". Nasi bakar refer to steamed rice seasoned with spices and ingredients and wrapped in banana leaf secured with lidi semat (small needle made of central rib of coconut leaf) and later grilled upon charcoal fire.
Nasi bogana   Indonesia An-Indonesian style rice dish, originally from Tegal, Central Java. It is usually wrapped in banana leaves and served with side dishes
Nasi campur   Indonesia Literally "mixed rice" in Indonesian; also called nasi rames in Indonesia. Nasi campur refers to a dish of rice topped with various meat and vegetable dishes, peanuts, eggs and fried-shrimp krupuk.
Nasi dagang   Malaysia Rice steamed in coconut milk, fish curry and extra ingredients such as fried shaved coconut, hard-boiled eggs and vegetable pickles.
Nasi goreng   Indonesia This is type of fried rice usually cooked with shrimp paste, chicken, meat, salted fish or/and vegetables.
Nasi gurih Indonesia Nasi gurih is made by cooking mixture of rice and sticky rice soaked in coconut milk instead of water, along with salt, lemongrass, Indian bay leaf, and pandan leaves to add aroma.
Nasi jinggo   Indonesia Nasi jinggo is a Balinese typical fast food that is packaged with small portions of banana leaves.
Nasi kandar   Malaysia Famously served by local Indian Muslims, and very popular in Penang.
Nasi kapau   Indonesia Nasi kapau is a Minang steamed rice topped with various choices of dishes originated from Nagari Kapau, Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Nasi kebuli   Indonesia An Indonesian variant of pilaf. It consists of rice cooked in goat meat broth, goat milk, and clarified butter (most often ghee)
Nasi kerabu   Malaysia Dish from Kelantan, consisting of rice with various wild herbs and spices, grated coconut and dried shrimp or fish
Nasi kucing   Indonesia An Indonesian rice dish that originated from Yogyakarta, Semarang, and Surakarta but has since spread. It consists of a small portion of rice with toppings, usually sambal, dried fish, and tempeh, wrapped in banana leaves.
Nasi kuning   Indonesia (Indonesian for: "yellow rice"), or sometimes called nasi kunyit (Indonesian for: "turmeric rice"), is an Indonesian rice dish cooked with coconut milk and turmeric,[23][24]
Nasi lemak   Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore Coconut steamed rice
Nasi liwet   Indonesia An Indonesian dish rice dish cooked in coconut milk, chicken broth and spices
Nasi padang   Indonesia Steamed rice served with various choices of pre-cooked dishes, it is a miniature banquet of meats, fish, vegetables, and spicy sambals eaten with plain white rice, it is Sumatra's most famous export and the Minangkabau's great contribution to Indonesian cuisine.[25]
Nasi tim   Indonesia In Indonesian language nasi means (cooked) rice and tim means steam. The ingredients are chicken, mushroom and hard boiled egg. These are seasoned in soy sauce and garlic, and then placed at the bottom of a tin bowl. This tin bowl is then filled with rice and steamed until cooked. This dish is usually served with light chicken broth and chopped leeks.
Nasi timbel   Indonesia An Indonesian hot dish, consisting of steamed rice wrapped inside a banana leaf
Nasi tutug oncom   Indonesia An Indonesian style rice dish, made of rice mixed with oncom fermented beans
Nasi tumpang Malaysia Rice with different layer of dishes wrapped in a cone shape with banana leaf packed
Nasi uduk   Indonesia[26] Steamed rice cooked in coconut milk
Nasi ulam   Indonesia An Indonesian steamed rice dish mixed with various herbs, especially the leaves of Asiatic pennywort (Centella asiatica) or often replaced with kemangi (lemon basil), vegetables, spices and accompanied with various side dishes
Nurungji   Korea A traditional Korean food made of scorched rice. After boiling and serving rice, a thin crust of scorched rice will usually be left in the bottom of the cooking pot. This yellowed scorched state is described as 'nureun' (눌은) in Korean and nurungji derives from this adjective.[27]
Ogokbab Korea A traditional Korean food cooked with five grains. One of the Daeboreum foods for the Lunar New Year, rice is cooked by mixing glutinous rice, red bean, glutinous millet, black beans, sticky sorghum etc.[28]
Okowa   Japan Sticky glutinous rice mixed with various vegetables or meat and steamed
Omurice   Japan An omelette made with fried rice and thin, fried scrambled eggs, usually topped with ketchup
Onigiri   Japan Short grained rice formed into balls with or without savory fillings, a popular snack.
Orez Shu'it   Israel Consists of white beans cooked in a tomato paste and served on white rice.
Pabellón criollo   Venezuela Rice, shredded beef and stewed black beans.
Paella   Spain (Valencia) A rice dish that takes its name from the wide, shallow traditional pan used to cook the dish on an open fire. It can contain a variety of meats, beans, and vegetables, and is usually colored yellow by the inclusion of saffron.
Pancit bihon   Philippines Noodles made from rice flour, also refers to the cooked dish made with rice noodles with slivers of meat, seafood and vegetables such as onions, carrots, beans, cabbage, seasoned with soy sauce and calamansi
Pakhala   Odisha A type of Fermented Rice, typically served with Curd, fish, badi, spinach etc. Mainly

Consumed in the Indian state of Odisha

Panta bhat   West Bengal,


A lightly fermented rice-based dish consumed in eastern Indian states of West Bengal and Assam and in neighbouring Bangladesh.
Perde pilavı   Turkey A special pilav with chicken meat, all wrapped inside yufka, thin Turkish dough, and cooked in an oven
Phở   Vietnam Rice noodle soup
Pilaf (or Pilau)   Indian subcontinent[29][30] Rice cooked in a seasoned broth.[31] In some cases, the rice may also attain its brown color by being stirred with bits of cooked onion, as well as a large mix of spices. Depending on the local cuisine, it may also contain meat, fish, vegetables, and (dried) fruits.
Pitha   West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Tripura, Bangladesh Pithas are primarily made from a dough or batter of rice flour or wheat flour, which is shaped and optionally filled with sweet or savory ingredients called "Pur" which consists grated coconut stirred in syrup or baked or fried vegetable. There is also many other types of Pithas that doesn't contains "Pur" and can simply be made by frying rice flower batter in vegetable oil like a pancake.
Pittu Sri Lanka Steamed rice cake.
Moros y Cristianos   Cuba White rice and black beans cooked together with spices.
Plov   Central Asia Medium grain rice with carrots, onions, spices, lamb, and cottonseed oil
Poha   India Poha is a popular Indian snack prepared by frying water soaked flattened rice in ghee or vegetable oil with chilies, onions, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, peanuts, boiled potatoes and curry leaves (called Kadi-patta).
Pongal   India Sakkara pongal : A sweet rice dish, cooked with rice, moong dhal, jaggery and milk, flavoured with cardamom and garnished with cashew and raisins.

Ven / Katte pongal: rice, moong dhal, milk, salt, pepper corns, ginger, cummin seeds and curry leaves.

Poule au riz France Consists of a poached or braised chicken served with rice cooked in the chicken's cooking liquid.
Puffed rice cakes   Indian subcontinent Commonly used in breakfast cereal or snack foods, and served as a popular street food.
Pulihora   India Pulihora is rice seasoned with tamarind.[butuh rujukan]
Puso   Cebu, Philippines Rice filled inside a pouch made with woven strips of coconut frond then boiled.
Puto   Philippines A pudding made from stone-ground soaked rice, sugar and often with coconut milk then steamed. Various toppings such as cheese, salted egg, or minced meat may be added.
Puttu   India Steamed rice cake.
Red beans & rice   New Orleans, United States Staple made with kidney beans, ham bones, pickled pork, andouille, onion, celery, bell pepper and seasonings.
Rice and curry   Indian subcontinent A meal of plain, spiced, or fried rice which is served together with several other dishes, of which at least one is a curry, on one plate, but sometimes with the other dishes on the side.
Rice and gravy   United States A staple of Creole and Cajun cuisine
Rice and peas   Caribbean Rice with kidney beans, black-eyed peas or pigeon peas
Rice bath India A seasoned rice with vegetables (Such as egg-plant, peas, tomato), a breakfast dish from Karnataka, India
Rice bread   Bread made from rice flour.
Rice cakes   Asia A rice cake may be any kind of food item made from rice that has been shaped, condensed, or otherwise combined into a single object.
Rice krispies   United Kingdom A breakfast cereal made of crisped rice. Rice Krispies are also used to make Rice Krispies treats by combining the cereal with melted marshmallows.
Rice noodle roll   China A thin roll made from a wide strip of shahe fen, filled with shrimp, beef, and vegetables.
Rice pudding   Worldwide Sweet dish of rice cooked in milk, coconut milk or other thickening liquid. Eaten with various spices, fruits, condiments, etc. in different regions.
Risotto   Italy Rice dish made by first frying in butter after which broth is added.
Riz Casimir   Switzerland Curry rice with sliced veal and fruits
Riz gras   Burkino Faso A dish with meat and vegetables atop rice.
Sandige   India Deep fried meal accompaniment made with rice, sago and ash gourd
Satti Sorru India, Malaysia, Singapore,Indonesia Satti soru, which means wok rice in Tamil, is a fairly common dish in South Indian households.Gravy from a curry is mixed into rice, to clean out the pan or the wok the curry was cooked in.
San Pyote Myanmar Burmese rice congree with either duck or fish
Sarma   Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia Grape or cabbage leaves stuffed (rolled with) rice, various herbs and spices.
Şehriyeli pilav, pilaf with orzo   Turkey Dish consisting of rice, with orzo.
Sel roti   Nepal Ring shaped bread made from rice flour and eaten during Hindu festivals, especially Tihar.
Serabi   Indonesia An Indonesian pancake that is made from rice flour with coconut milk or just plain shredded coconut as an emulsifier. Each province in Indonesia has various serabi recipes corresponding to local tastes.[32][33]
Shirin polo   Cuisine of the Mizrahi Jews A traditional Persian Jewish rice dish that is commonly served to mark special occasions such as weddings, Purim, Pesach, Rosh Hashanah and the high holidays.
Sholezard   Iran This is a saffron rice dessert with nuts and rosewater
Shrimp Creole   Louisiana Creole cuisine Cooked shrimp in a mixture of whole or diced tomatoes, the Holy trinity of onion, celery and bell pepper, spiced with Tabasco sauce or another hot pepper sauce or cayenne-based seasoning, and served over steamed or boiled white rice.[34]
Shwe htamin   Myanmar Burmese dessert dish, baked sweetened glutinous rice and jaggery
Shwe yin aye   Myanmar Dessert dish consisting of glutinous rice, coconut milk and jelly
Sinangag   Philippines Fried rice sauteed in garlic. A vital part of the "silog" meal ("Sinangag at Itlog"; trans: "fried rice and egg")
Siopao   China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan Steamed meat dumpling made with rice flour
Spanish rice   Mexico Side dish made from white rice, tomatoes, garlic, onions, green and red bell peppers and other ingredients.
Steamed rice   East, South and Southeast Asia Cooked rice
Sticky rice   China Rice dish commonly made from glutinous rice and can include soy sauce, oyster sauce, scallions, cilantro and other ingredients
Stir fry   China Pictured is Thai Phat naem sai khai, sausage of rice-fermented raw pork skin stir fried with egg.
Suman   Philippines Sticky rice cooked with coconut milk and sugar and wrapped in banana or coconut leaves.
Sushi   Japan Sticky rice flavored with vinegar and sugar, with various fillings or toppings
Sweet saffron rice   India Dish consisting of joha rice, sugar and saffron.
Szczecin paprikash   Poland A fish, rice, and tomato spread.
Taco rice   Japan (Okinawa) Taco-flavored ground beef served on a bed of rice, frequently served with shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, tomato, and salsa.
Tahdig   Iran A specialty of Iranian cuisine consisting of crisp, caramelized[35] rice taken from the bottom of the pot in which the rice (chelow) is cooked.[36]
Tangyuan   China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia A traditional (at least from the Ming dynasty) food that is made from glutinous rice paste that has been rolled into small balls, boiled, then put into a soup base. These are traditionally white in color. Sometimes savory or sweet stuffings (such as red bean paste) are added.
Tapai   Indonesia A traditional Indonesian fermented rice cakes which is made from sticky rice sugar and yeast. Tapai is wrapped with banana leaves. The taste is sweet and sour because of the fermentation. Tapai usually can be added to traditional beverage like Es Cendol or eaten by itself. The other version of tapai is Tapai Singkong (Tape Singkong). Tapai Singkong is fermented steamed cassava.
Teurgoule   France Rice pudding that is a speciality of Normandy
Thai fried rice   Thailand Fried jasmine rice, usually containing meat (chicken, shrimp, and crab are all common), egg, onions, garlic, and sometimes tomatoes.
Thalassery biryani   India Also known as Malabar biryani, Thalassery biryani is a rice-based dish made with spices, rice (khyma rice, and not basmati rice) and chicken (specially dressed for biriyani). Variations upon the dish may use mutton, fish, eggs or vegetables.
Thingyan rice   Myanmar Fully boiled rice in candle-smelt water served with pickled marian plums
Tinutuan   Indonesia Tinutuan is a congee made from rice, pumpkin and sweet potato or cassava cooked up into a pulp.
Tube rice pudding   Taiwan This is Taiwanese dish consisting of a stir-fried glutinous rice mixture that is seasoned with shiitake mushroom, minced pork, rousong, shallots and steamed in a bamboo tube.
Waakye   Ghana Rice and beans cooked with waakye leaves to give it a brownish colour. Eaten with shito and eggs, meat or fish.
Xôi   Vietnam Glutinous rice mixed with a variety of other ingredients, can be made savory or sweet.
Yabra'   Middle East, Turkey Grape leaves stuffed with rice and cooked with vegetables. The dish name differs from one country to another.
Yakimochi   Japan Literally grilled or broiled mochi or pounded rice cake. Traditionally, it is prepared using a small charcoal grill but in modern times a gas grill can be used. During the time of the Autumn Moon it is traditional to eat fresh yakimochi while sipping sake and enjoying the view of the full moon.
Yay Monte Myanmar Thin savory rice pancake with boiled garden peas, spring onions and salted sesame garnish
Yeung Chow fried rice   China A popular Chinese-style wok fried rice dish in many Chinese restaurants in China, the Americas, Australia, United Kingdom, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The ingredients vary, but there are staple items such as cooked rice (preferably day-old because freshly cooked rice is too sticky, barbecued pork, Cooked shrimp, scallions (spring onions or green onions), chopped, including green ends and egg yolks.
Yin yang fried rice   Hong Kong Dish served with chicken in tomato sauce on one side, and shrimp and peas in an egg white sauce on the other, shaped into a yin yang symbol, with rice as base.
Zarda   Indian subcontinent Sweet dish of rice cooked in clarified butter/ banaspati oil with a variety of dried fruits such as orange in color
Zeera rice/Jeera rice   India Steamed rice, Zeera (cumin), Zeera powder, ginger-garlic paste, salt, oil, chana dal and red chillies are cooked together to prepare this dish.
Zereshk polo Qazvin Province, Iran This is caramelized barberries sprinkled on plain buttery basmati rice and served usually with chicken.
Zongzi   China Glutinous rice, stuffed with various ingredients and wrapped in bamboo leaves
Uppudu pindi   India A rice dish made from rice flour, made like upma, eaten in Telangana.
Zosui   Japan A rice soup made from pre-cooked rice and water. Leftover soup from nabe is often re-used for zosui.

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