Pengguna:StefanusRA/Bak pasir

Rencana kerja
Fase A: Persiapan 1. Rekrut fasilitator.
2. Pikirkan tujuan apa yang ingin dicapai oleh siswa Anda. Gunakan pengalaman dari fasilitator Anda untuk memeriksa kelayakannya.
3. Ciptakan rencana kerja: time table dan daftar tugas atau artikel.
Fase B: Pelatihan 4. Ajarkan dasar-dasar Wikipedia: persyaratan formal, penyuntingan, manajemen mutu, tutorial untuk pelajar tingkat lanjut. Jika Anda mengundang pembicara publik, akan ada perasaan yang lebih konstruktif: "bahwa ada orang yang berkualitas dibalik ini; kerjasama menghasilkan konten yang lebih baik". Durasi pelatihan 90 menit.
5. Eksekusi dan pantau semua fase dan terapkan/laksanakan di Wikipedia (dorong siswa selama proses berlangsung, hadapi setiap kelemahan).
Model Model: Sarjana di Amerika Serikat
  • Siswa Anda dapat bekerja pada topik yang komprehensif
  • Formasi kelompok: Disamping artikel individu mereka, siswa Anda seharusnya bekerja pada artikel kolaboratif untuk melatih kerjasama dan manajemen soft skill.
  • Tujuan untuk menciptakan konten yang berorientasi pada kriteria artikel bagus atau artikel pilihan adalah bukti yang nyata.
    1. Dosen menyiapkan daftar tugas (misalnya daftar artikel untuk disunting); yang kemudian diserahkan kepada siswa/peserta proyek.
    2. Kelompok kerja ditetapkan: 3-5 siswa harus mengerjakan satu tema; yang idealnya: bertopik ilmiah (dipilih secara akurat dan memiliki sumber tepercaya).
    3. Siswa mengambil tema yang mereka pilih dan menuliskan artikel (3 minggu).
    4. Wikipedia Peer-review (2 minggu)
    5. Tinjauan ulang oleh dosen
Face C: Kesimpulan 6. Anda mengevaluasi proyek Anda (menyelesaikan proyek Anda, memberikan umpan balik kepada siswa Anda dan kepada Wikipedia)
Saya ingin melakukannya tanpa fasilitator.
Jika Anda ingin melakukannya tanpa fasilitator, perhatikanlah panduan di bawah ini:
  1. Practice first yourself before setting an assignment. Log into Wikipedia yourself, and spend some time editing. Do this long enough to get some feedback to your work, preferably long enough to also include negative (and, if you are lucky, unreasonable) feedback which will help you understand some of the more problematic aspects of Wikipedia. If you are not happy about associating this with your academic name, you can easily create a pseudonym - but please create an account for yourself.
  2. Introductions. When you want to start such a project, please briefly describe what you are doing on this page under the "Current projects" heading, and if you think it is distinctive enough, feel free to leave a note on the Wikipedia:Village pump. Leave some contact information in the event that you need to be contacted about your project. Your Wikipedia account's talk page is sufficient if you check periodically for new messages.
  3. Keep it real. Please do not encourage your students to create nonsense pages or add junk to articles. Though usually cleaned up very quickly, it still has to be done manually by people who would prefer to engage in more productive work on encyclopedia articles. Furthermore, your students might be blocked from editing Wikipedia for "vandalism." In egregious cases, this will result in your entire school being blocked. If you want your students to 'learn wiki' first, please ask them to read Wikipedia:Help and direct them to Wikipedia:Sandbox for any test or practice edits they wish to make.
  4. Testing and avoiding. It may be a good idea—though not necessarily easy—to run your own wiki and use it for experiments first. Use the MediaWiki software which can be installed on Linux, Windows or Mac OS X - see here and here. If some students do not want to submit material to Wikipedia (which forces their content to be licensed under the free content license CC-BY-SA 3.0), they can use this for their final exercise instead.
  5. Account names. Please do not create numerical accounts that match your university or school account numbers. While this may be initially convenient, if your students continue to edit Wikipedia, they may well wish to do so under a real name or a more congenial pseudonym. It also becomes confusing for other Wikipedians to review a number of edits made under very similar account names. Note that Wikipedia user names are for individuals only (see WP:NOSHARE), so even though your students may be working as a group they must each have their own user name and they are each responsible for their own editing.
  6. Read The "Fine" Manual. Encourage your students to take a look at the pages linked from Wikipedia:Help — they should answer many immediate questions.
  7. Copyrights. Please do keep Wikipedia:Copyrights in mind. Not everything on the Web is free for the taking, and even that which is may not be compatible with our licensing. This is true for both text and images. Please remember your students will probably work from your own course notes. Be sure that this is acceptable. Furthermore, check who owns your students' course work. If the owner is your institution, check that you have permission to submit it. If it is your students, ensure that you have their legitimate, probably written, consent to require them to add material to Wikipedia.
  8. Summarize and analyze. Once you have finished a project, we would very much appreciate reading a description of the results. This could be on a separate page if it is long, or on this page in the "Past projects" heading.
  9. No original research. Wikipedia is not the place to publish new ideas, discoveries or articles. We are an encyclopedia, not an academic journal. You should familiarize yourself with our relevant policies, "No original research" and "What Wikipedia is not".
    • Original Research To publish or operate original research projects please consider Wikipedia's sister site Projects and publication of original data and research activities are expected to remain within the constraints of evolving policy as with any reputable institution. As a site designed to support learning communities, Wikiversity has much greater flexibility to deal with tailored learning activities and data publication than a prestigious encyclopedia.
  10. There are many other wikis, most with editorial policies different from Wikipedia's. Wikipedia is the world's most-visited wiki, and one of the largest. Wikipedia articles tend to rank high in Google Search results. Wikipedia's prominence attracts a large number of first-time wiki editors, some of whom are unaware that many other wikis exist. Because Wikipedia's editorial policies are much stricter than the ease of article editing may initially suggest, many articles by new editors are deleted. Some new editors would arguably be happier editing elsewhere, for example, on wikis catering to particular subject areas, with less-strict requirements for neutrality, verifiability and no original research. Choose Wikipedia only if you want to participate in the creation of a high-quality free encyclopedia, not simply because it's the first and only wiki you have heard of. You can share your experiences with us.
  11. No intentional disruption. Please do not give assignments that require students to deliberately add false information to articles. Such activities are considered as vandalism in wikipedia regardless of the intent behind them. This may lead to your entire entire School IP range getting blocked from editing wikipedia.


Why assigning Wikipedia articles as coursework is beneficial for the students?
In contrast to traditional writing assignments, working with Wikipedia may offer several advantages for students:
  • students are held accountable to a global audience for what they are doing, and thus may feel more devoted to the assignment as a whole;
  • students' work will likely continue to be used and to be improved upon by others after the assignment has ended;
  • students learn the difference between fact-based and analytical writing styles;
  • students strengthen their ability to think critically and evaluate sources;
  • students learn how to work in a collaborative environment
  • students gain insights in the creation process of texts on Wikipedia. This enables them to draw conclusions about the purposes for which Wikipedia is best used;
  • students gain insights in the creation process of texts on Wikis in general, an increasingly essential skill in a modern IT workplace (that can be put on one's CV); and
  • students understand that they not only consume information, they help to create it.
Why assigning Wikipedia articles as coursework is beneficial for the Wikipedia community?
The community benefits as:
  • more content is created;
  • more people gain skills in editing Wikipedia and can become potential long-term contributors; and
  • more people gain a strong understanding of Wikipedia's reliability and can use its content more reliably.
Why assigning Wikipedia articles as coursework is beneficial for the course leader?
The course leader gains various benefits from using Wikipedia as a platform for education, in particular:
  • he is assisted in the task of guiding/assessing students by other editors from the community
Action Plan
Phase A: Preparatory phase 1. Recruit facilitators.
2. Think of what goals your students should reach. Use the experience of your facilitators to check feasibility.
3. Create work plan: time table and a list of tasks or articles.
Phase B: Course phase 4. Teach Wikipedia basics: formal requirements, editing, quality management, tutorial for advanced learners. If you invite a public speaker, there will be a more constructive feeling: "there are qualified humans behind the nicks; cooperation produces better content" / course notes, 90 minutes.
5. Execute and monitor all phases and operationalize on Wikipedia (encouraging students during the process, dealing with drawbacks)
Model Model: Bachelor in the United States
  • Your students can work on comprehensive topics
  • Formation of groups: Besides their individual articles, your students should work on a collaborative article to train teamwork and soft skill management.
  • Well proofed is the goal of creating content orientated on the criteria good or featured article. You ought not use the local candidates, if there is no fixed timeline.
    1. The lecturer prepares a list of tasks (e. g. a list of articles to edit); those tasks then are assigned to the participants.
    2. Working groups are established: 3-5 students should work on a theme; ideal: scientific items (accurate selected and reputable sources).
    3. Students reach into their themes and (re-) write an article (3 weeks).
    4. Wikipedia Peer-review (2 weeks)
    5. Review by lecturer
Phase C: Conclusion phase 6. Evaluate your course (finish your course, provide feedback to your students and to Wikipedia)

(Please replace TITLE with your actual project title.)

I want to do it without facilitators.
Please do keep the following guidelines in mind:
  1. Practice first yourself before setting an assignment. Log into Wikipedia yourself, and spend some time editing. Do this long enough to get some feedback to your work, preferably long enough to also include negative (and, if you are lucky, unreasonable) feedback which will help you understand some of the more problematic aspects of Wikipedia. If you are not happy about associating this with your academic name, you can easily create a pseudonym - but please create an account for yourself.
  2. Introductions. When you want to start such a project, please briefly describe what you are doing on this page under the "Current projects" heading, and if you think it is distinctive enough, feel free to leave a note on the Wikipedia:Village pump. Leave some contact information in the event that you need to be contacted about your project. Your Wikipedia account's talk page is sufficient if you check periodically for new messages.
  3. Keep it real. Please do not encourage your students to create nonsense pages or add junk to articles. Though usually cleaned up very quickly, it still has to be done manually by people who would prefer to engage in more productive work on encyclopedia articles. Furthermore, your students might be blocked from editing Wikipedia for "vandalism." In egregious cases, this will result in your entire school being blocked. If you want your students to 'learn wiki' first, please ask them to read Wikipedia:Help and direct them to Wikipedia:Sandbox for any test or practice edits they wish to make.
  4. Testing and avoiding. It may be a good idea—though not necessarily easy—to run your own wiki and use it for experiments first. Use the MediaWiki software which can be installed on Linux, Windows or Mac OS X - see here and here. If some students do not want to submit material to Wikipedia (which forces their content to be licensed under the free content license CC-BY-SA 3.0), they can use this for their final exercise instead.
  5. Account names. Please do not create numerical accounts that match your university or school account numbers. While this may be initially convenient, if your students continue to edit Wikipedia, they may well wish to do so under a real name or a more congenial pseudonym. It also becomes confusing for other Wikipedians to review a number of edits made under very similar account names. Note that Wikipedia user names are for individuals only (see WP:NOSHARE), so even though your students may be working as a group they must each have their own user name and they are each responsible for their own editing.
  6. Read The "Fine" Manual. Encourage your students to take a look at the pages linked from Wikipedia:Help — they should answer many immediate questions.
  7. Copyrights. Please do keep Wikipedia:Copyrights in mind. Not everything on the Web is free for the taking, and even that which is may not be compatible with our licensing. This is true for both text and images. Please remember your students will probably work from your own course notes. Be sure that this is acceptable. Furthermore, check who owns your students' course work. If the owner is your institution, check that you have permission to submit it. If it is your students, ensure that you have their legitimate, probably written, consent to require them to add material to Wikipedia.
  8. Summarize and analyze. Once you have finished a project, we would very much appreciate reading a description of the results. This could be on a separate page if it is long, or on this page in the "Past projects" heading.
  9. No original research. Wikipedia is not the place to publish new ideas, discoveries or articles. We are an encyclopedia, not an academic journal. You should familiarize yourself with our relevant policies, "No original research" and "What Wikipedia is not".
    • Original Research To publish or operate original research projects please consider Wikipedia's sister site Projects and publication of original data and research activities are expected to remain within the constraints of evolving policy as with any reputable institution. As a site designed to support learning communities, Wikiversity has much greater flexibility to deal with tailored learning activities and data publication than a prestigious encyclopedia.
  10. There are many other wikis, most with editorial policies different from Wikipedia's. Wikipedia is the world's most-visited wiki, and one of the largest. Wikipedia articles tend to rank high in Google Search results. Wikipedia's prominence attracts a large number of first-time wiki editors, some of whom are unaware that many other wikis exist. Because Wikipedia's editorial policies are much stricter than the ease of article editing may initially suggest, many articles by new editors are deleted. Some new editors would arguably be happier editing elsewhere, for example, on wikis catering to particular subject areas, with less-strict requirements for neutrality, verifiability and no original research. Choose Wikipedia only if you want to participate in the creation of a high-quality free encyclopedia, not simply because it's the first and only wiki you have heard of. You can share your experiences with us.
  11. No intentional disruption. Please do not give assignments that require students to deliberately add false information to articles. Such activities are considered as vandalism in wikipedia regardless of the intent behind them. This may lead to your entire entire School IP range getting blocked from editing wikipedia.

Templat Mitologi Yunani


Templat Pemasaran

Konsep inti

Bauran pemasaran • Produk • Harga
Distribusi • Jasa • Ritel
Manajemen merek
Account-based marketing
Etika pemasaran
Efektivitas pemasaran
Riset pasar
Segmentasi pasar
Strategi pemasaran
Manajemen pemasaran
Dominasi pasar

Konten Promosi

Iklan • Merek • Underwriting
Pemasaran langsung • Penjualan
Penempatan produk • Publikasi
Promosi penjualan • Loyalty marketing •
Premiums • Hadiah

Media promosi

Printing • Publikasi
Penyiaran • Out-of-home
Pemasaran internet • Point of sale
Barang promosi
Pemasaran Digital • In-game
Demo produk
Pemasaran dari mulut ke mulut
Duta merek • Drip Marketing

Paroki di Indonesia


Templat ini digunakan sebagai daftar isi untuk halaman tentang Paroki yang dibagi tiap keuskupan. Lihat contoh pemakaian.

Templat 1


Suber inspirasi : {{Perjanjian Lama}}

Templat 2


Sumber inspirasi : {{Perjanjian Baru}}


Templat sumber (lama)


{{Perjanjian Baru}}

Perjanjian Lama
Perjanjian Baru
Kisah Para Rasul
1 Korintus
2 Korintus
1 Tesalonika
2 Tesalonika
1 Timotius
2 Timotius
1 Petrus
2 Petrus
1 Yohanes
2 Yohanes
3 Yohanes